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Johnny Depth

Sweet Idea for the DayZ

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So, I know you've all seen the computers in Chernarus.


You know, the ones that have been neglected in Jailbuildings on the first floors, and the ones in random houses.




What if you can dissemble them and take parts from them? Or take the entire thing with you. Then you can figure out where the street lights are getting their power from, go plug the computer in, and do some work in Word, Excel, Access, SQL, VB, etc... 


Maybe the devs will implement flash drives into the game, so you can back up your work and then bring it to someone else's computer and let them check it out.


I know i'm firing from the hip while running here, but I think it would be a fantastic idea.  Maybe I like doing these things too much in real life and want to do them in the game too, but oh well.

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I actually thought of this too, but you would need a generator to run your comp out in the wildy. Is that really worth it though?

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If we can figure out where the street lights are drawing their power, we can set up our computers there and build a building around the area, once basebuilding is implemented, then we can call it the computer lounge.

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Or let me do some coding in these computers so I can build websites and browse the net.

But they should make it windows 98 because that's how old the computers look

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The last thing I would think of in a life or death situation is finishing up my (now probably dead or zombiefied) boss's notes. I'd write a letter of resignation though. With an M4 straight across his body.


So yeah,...ummmm... Thanks but no thanks. How many Monitors will you break before you realize a PC can't open your cans o' beans? ;-)

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Demonica, have you played Fallout? You can hack in that game using terminal on computers to do things.. It's not that bad if an idea.

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Hey tailgaterz, I actually have not played Fallout, so I wasn't aware of these possibilities. I'm the kind of player who thinks "basic survival" and my tunnelvision approach being hwat it is, it somehow really doesn't make sense. Logically, basic needs don't involve hacking into servers ingame. Who would run / start the internet? And shouldn't they be concerned with staying alive?


At some point, maybe there will be whole communities of players who settle in Townships (somewhat like in the Walking Dead). Then, if they would get the electricity running, at some point it may be possible to start repairing Computers. But for what purpose? Finding other communities on the map via some sort of internet to either help them or conquer them? Yeah, that doesn't sound horribly illogical at least.


I guess what I'm trying to say, is that at this point it doesn't make sense (yet). Once the game goes Beta and every major issue has been resolved, they can start adding more immersive content like that.

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Yes and let us play DayZ mod within these computers


Play DayZ while you play DayZ.....?


yo dawg..


Edited by Mdogg2005
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i see what you did here

Please explain, the subtleties of this thread are lost on me I guess.

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Mdogg2005 - what can I say? Selective Gamer. Also from an "available-funds-and-time-per-day-POV". I lol'd though :-)

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Mdogg2005 - what can I say? Selective Gamer. Also from an "available-funds-and-time-per-day-POV". I lol'd though :-)

I don't understand.  He's talking about the lights and computers.  I don't get the joke.

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Or let me do some coding in these computers so I can build websites and browse the net.

But they should make it windows 98 because that's how old the computers look


Nah, this is DayZ... they should be running decade old BSD Unix. Which you'd have to install from scratch ... only to be able to play Rogue. You know the drill.

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actually once we have vehicles in you can run a computer on a power inverter conected to the battery.




I know what you are thinking, "But Franchi does that actually work?" Well my fellow survivors I can tell you from personal experience that it does in fact work you can power a desktop PC +monitor from the battery of a running car..

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Mdogg, I replied to the first post. I understood that he'd like to see usable computers into the game. That's to what I replied in my first post.


The reply to you about being a selective gamer was the response to when you quoted me on not playing Fallout and added that animated gif.


Did that clear it up? I start to get a little confused myself here ^^

Edited by Demonica
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Mdogg, I replied to the first post. I understood that he'd like to see usable computers into the game. That's to what I replied in my first post.


The reply to you about being a selective gamer was the response to when you quoted me on not playing Fallout and added that animated gif.


Did that clear it up? I start to get a little confused myself here ^^

Much better :D


Off topic: I highly recommend the Fallout series.

Edited by Mdogg2005

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Great idea! This way I can post on Facebook "ANYONE IN CHERNO?"

Edited by xBlurHitz
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Yeah, and then you can "poke" People with a Bayonet! Mwaaahahaha! :D

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Guys, I like the way you're all thinking. 



Seriously, think about it.  If we could get a power grid up and running in the game, somehow get the computers running, we could literally rebuild the internet in-game.  Make it how we want it to be; websites, games, other things B), and what not.  In this internet, we could have a Chernarus network where anyone in game can have an account where we can discuss the game, plus games that we'd be playing ON these in-game computers.  Everyone that has DayZ can have access to a pop3 or imap email address such as: [email protected] or whatever. 


Once we get everything running smoothly, we can make the transition from this realworld website forum, to the in-game website forum.




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I'll start backing up my realword drives. I will write a program that will allow us to port our realworld data into the game's harddrives.

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