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An alternative to the logout timer

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Instead of the dreaded log-out timer how about this:


If a player attempts to logout while within a certain distance of a military facility they receive an onscreen message warning them against doing this again (this might extend to police and firestations?). If they logout again from the same location (on a different server) they receive an on-screen message informing them that they have been "Found guilty of looting military installations" and are teleported to some remote corner of the map as a punishment. 


They will spawn in one of the (wild-west style) "outhouses" found in the game, which will be located on top of one of a series of specially selected hills (in the middle of no-where and devoid of cover, but with forest surrounding the base of the hill). Over time these locations will become known -resulting in the looter becoming the target of waiting snipers... 


To prevent combat logging, trying to logout while bleeding will prompt a "If you log out now you will be penalized" warning. If they proceed they will face the same fate as the looters... an outhouse in the wilderness and the possibility of waiting snipers...

(also: if you try to logout while bleeding you will remain on the server for 30 seconds -an EVE style countdown that leaves you unable to defend yourself, but able to cancel if you want). 


Teleportation and a long walk may have been suggested elsewhere, but I thought I'd suggest in case they haven't?


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Do you even read, bro? There is no logout timer that the player can see. When you log out, your avatar sits on the floor for 30s (even though, to you, you're back in the menus) irrespective of location or current circumstance. Your avatar can be killed during those 30s and, if it is, you log back in as a Bambi. This is to tackle combat loggers. Additionally, there is a login cooldown timer applied if you log out of a server and log into another one in quick succession. This is to tackle loot farming and ghosters.

These have been in since the latest patch and seem to work reasonably well.

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Do you even read, bro? There is no logout timer that the player can see. When you log out, your avatar sits on the floor for 30s (even though, to you, you're back in the menus) irrespective of location or current circumstance. Your avatar can be killed during those 30s and, if it is, you log back in as a Bambi. This is to tackle combat loggers. Additionally, there is a login cooldown timer applied if you log out of a server and log into another one in quick succession. This is to tackle loot farming and ghosters.

These have been in since the latest patch and seem to work reasonably well.


Jesus- alright man! -that was just a minor after thought. What about the teleportation idea?!

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What about the teleportation idea?!

You want to teleport a combat logger away from the combat as... punishment? I don't think you've thought this through... at all.

Edited by Monkfish

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For me this combat log system is flawed because it doesn't preserve combat. The player is still disconnected from there avatar strait away and all chance of interaction dies. For me your way still has that problem....they can still just DC and get out of the situation, all be it with a penalty of spawning on a random hill. But its still just a punishment....in my eyes we need a system where the player can be kept connected to there avatar, with the chance of having a log out attempt denied. That way we are preserving combat and making them face the situation they are trying to escape :)

Edited by Karmaterror

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...in my eyes we need a system where the player can be kept connected to there avatar, with the chance of having a log out attempt denied. That way we are preserving combat and making them face the situation they are trying to escape :)


There was nothing more infuriating in the mod than that. Playing with some friends, having to go somewhere quickly IRL, then being locked into the damn game for 45 seconds because your friends are nearby.


I think the current system is the best it could ever be - if you need to go somewhere, nobody stops you from logging out - at your own risk.


And 30 seconds is enough time for someone to clock on and kill a combat logger.

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You want to teleport a combat logger away from the combat as... punishment? I don't think you've thought this through... at all.

Look Einstein, I realize you're struggling to keep up here so I'll explain real simple for you ok?:

If you log off from combat (i.e. while bleeding) -you get teleported to the middle of no where. That means a VERY long walk (10 minutes if not more?), also on busy servers you're likely to get taken out by snipers. 

Perhaps you can argue that the current system is more of a deterrent, if so -please do....

Edited by Ultra7

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There was nothing more infuriating in the mod than that. Playing with some friends, having to go somewhere quickly IRL, then being locked into the damn game for 45 seconds because your friends are nearby.


I think the current system is the best it could ever be - if you need to go somewhere, nobody stops you from logging out - at your own risk.


And 30 seconds is enough time for someone to clock on and kill a combat logger.


45 seconds was a small price to pay, for more immersion and the ability to keep a logger in game. How is this sytem the best it can be when it allows for such an unimmersive moment as slaughtering an npc....that's failing at its task...completely lol. Not to mention rockets aversion to NPC's and him saying everything in the game should be a result of player interaction. Then he adds a system that kills interaction outright.


30 seconds is nowhere near enough to get to them if you engaging at a sensible range. Need to be able to keep putting a round close to them as you move in to keep them in game ;)

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Look Einstein, I realize you're struggling to keep up here so I'll explain real simple for you ok?:

If you log off from combat (i.e. while bleeding) -you get teleported to the middle of no where. That means a VERY long walk (10 minutes if not more?), also on busy servers you're likely to get taken out by snipers. 

Perhaps you can argue that the current system is less of a deterrent, if so -please do....

Look, Archimedes, I realise you're struggling with some basic logic, so I'll try to explain things as simply as I can, but given it seems your brainbulb is about 5W and probably broken, this might be difficult, ok?


- Combat loggers were a problem. They'd log at the first sign of trouble, or even during combat, to avoid dying. This was because your avatar would instantly disappear when you logged out. Poof, no more logger to shoot at whilst they logged into another server, bandaged and carried on living (which they probably wouldn't have done had they stuck around to get shot at some more).


- This was fixed in a recent patch. Now, if you log out, your avatar sits down on the ground and does nothing for 30s before disappearing. This is regardless of whether you're engaged in combat or not. Even though the player is now seeing the menu, their avatar is still sat on the ground in the server they've just logged off from. It is quite clear from this that if someone logs off during a firefight, their avatar will sit down utterly defenseless and will likely die. The player will then log back into any server and find themselves back on the beach having died. Knowing that logging will result in your avatar sitting down defenseless for 30s is quite the deterrent.


- Your solution, which is to teleport someone involved in combat away from the scene of the combat, is barely different to the original problem. Instead of "'poof' they've gone to a different server to survive", it's "'poof' they've zapped off to some random location on the map that may or may not have someone there to shoot them". This is inherently flawed. Firstly, not only does the person shooting at the logger see their avatar just vanish into nothing, the logger is taken away from combat and immediate danger to a location that only has the possibility of there being more danger. Because, you know, who's going to camp at a random location that, by your own admission, takes ages to get to for the remote chance that a logger will suddenly appear there?


TL;DR: Your idea does not fix any problems and merely presents the previous problem in a different manner. The current system, whilst not flawless, is a damn sight better than either and I have explained why above. This is simple, Archimedes, if you think about it for more than a second without being blinded by your own awesomeness, or something.  :rolleyes:

Edited by Monkfish

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Firstly, not only does the person shooting at the logger see their avatar just vanish into nothing....


No, I suggested an on-screen logout timer of 30 seconds *sigh*.

Teleporting loggers provides an additional deterrent. Not only are they sitting ducks for 30 seconds, they also have a very long trek ahead of them (if they don't have a compass -they have serious problems). Remember this is primarily to counter looters.

Im pretty sure you're just trolling now, but in case you're not, please explain how this "isn't thought through"?  

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While I agree with a live timer, the teleport thing could be bad for the hunter aswell. Especialy on private hives when they finally come. When someone logs I like to mark that pos, then when they rejoin I know where they are, or at least there AO. That gives me a big advantage, one id loose if they got randomly teleported somewhere else :)

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