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States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

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I dont want to look down my body when I want to know if I bleed or not. This is crap. What if I bleed on my back? Do I need a mirror then to see if Im bleeding? If I bleed in real life I usualy feel it and dont have to look at my hand to see if there is maybe anything wrong there. Also when I got a broken leg I dont try to walk and be surprised when I just fall down. I can feel it because it kind of hurts. But as this is a game and you cant feel what your character does we need a UI where my character can tell me how he feels.

But there should be the option to disable the icons on the screen so they just show up in the inventory.

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Often getting shot doesn't involve bleeding, especially at longer ranges. I've been shot plenty of times since KoSing armed players is my daily activity.

Pain doesn't often manifest itself until you moan and someone conveniently finds out that you're there, again, this is typically in the heat of combat.


You're not coming off rude, but again you're telling me like what I'm suggesting is hand-holding while this is something already in the game..

Well, that's why I said 'very likely' you're bleeding. Unless you're kitted out with body armour I can't see any real situation where you take a serious wound from a bullet and wouldn't be bleeding so maybe that needs to be addressed. 

As for pain, I think it's a good thing that people discover you because of the noises you make and correct me if I am wrong but pain also is shown by excessive screen shaking, making aiming very difficult. I'd be happy to remove the moaning and leave the shaking for pain, but again I haven't got any issue with people discovering me due to that effect. If you're hurt badly enough to be in pain you should be trying to move away from a combat situation anyway to heal up and if you're in the 'heat of combat' the last thing you're worried about is bandaging/taking pain meds unless you can get yourself to a spot where you're going to be safe for a few moments. If someone is close enough to hear you bandaging up, you're likely dead.


I dont want to look down my body when I want to know if I bleed or not. This is crap. What if I bleed on my back?


This is a good point but easily solved by just checking yourself over in the inventory. Since you can't sit down and look over your whole body in a game this is a decent approximation. 

As for always knowing you're bleeding, that's not true. Plenty of times I cut myself, or scrape my leg or whatever and don't realise I'm bleeding until someone tells me I have blood on me, especially if I happen to be working at the time. A cut or scrape isn't always accompanied by enough pain to let you know you may have broken the skin. And many times I've told other people, "Hey man, you're bleeding there." and they may not have realised. Granted that if the injury is serious enough you're going to know about it, but again getting shot or hit with an axe is going to be your first clue that you're probably in need of medical attention.

Most of the current status indicators in the game are entirely obvious without the need for the text updates or the icons in the inventory. The only ones which aren't are hunger and thirst. Even sickness as it currently stands is obvious - if you've eaten something bad or over eaten/drunk too much you're very likely to be sick. 

I might take your advice Infiltrator and start my own thread. Once again if the devs do go with icons and an overlay, I do hope it's as polished as yours.


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