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Make whiskey bottles/alcohol useful!

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All across the map you can find empty whiskey bottles. Sure you can use them to throw at the ground far away (or near you) to get zombies to that location. Its a good feature and it should still be there but what if we gave these bottles some more use?

Alcohol should be a part of the game. For easing pain if you been hurt in any form and way, to easier maybe in the future to fixing legs and stuff. Also it could be useful if you go against several zombies and you lose alot of blood you could drink alcohol to ease the pain and so forth.

With drinking alcohol it should have a feature where you get slower reactions when you are going down for crouch, prone maybe moving around and aiming and if you drink more this will just get worse until certain minutes/hour have gone by and you get to your normal state.

With this it comes another meter. Like hunger, sickness and you know you must drink something you should also be aware how much alcohol you got in your blood and how much more you can drink before you just die of all the alcohol. I dont really know how that should balanced in but i know you get my point.

This would just be a good feature. It could be a good way to instead of looking around for morphine who can be hard to find you can get an alternative option, something like alcohol that you find more often but it gives you a slight disadvantage when you use it but it still does it job and works.

Anyway i hope you look into my suggestion!

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Use alcohol to ease the pain...?

I wholeheartedly agree, though some sections of the media probably won't.

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I don't know. It would be kinda cool to supress pain by drinking alcohol, but if you start seeing double instead of shaking I don't know what I prefer :p

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