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kg/m^3 inventory system

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I suggest removing the inventory grids completely and replace it with visual and mathematical solution.

(current inventory is simply silly in many aspect of balancing, such as double M4 magazine and regular M4 magazine being the same size).


A. Visual representation of the piece of clothing pockets that you can move items freely over other items.

Its far more realistic approach to have trouble finding your stuff if you keep it disorganized and it can still

be balanced with B & C points of the suggestion.


B. Cubic meters (m^3). Since you can't logically put something like cooking pot in pants pocket, each piece of clothing

should have m^3 restrictions so you can only put largest items in packbacks and additionally the combined amount

of items within the pouch cannot go over its holding capacity (space).


C. Weight is also key factor in packing things to pouches/pockets/backpacks and should you go over their enduring

capacity those articles of clothing would worn down faster then normal and also should impact the overall speed and endurance

of the players (survivors with filled mountaineer backpack shouldn't be able to move fast as lightly equipped survivors).





The combination of space, weight and visual appearance of grid free inventory would offer far better balancing of items,

then grid inventory. It would also be far more efficient choice then adding even smaller inventory grids that create overly

complicated tetris.






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I was thinking something similar that I was going to add into my suggestion threads, I'm glad you got to it first because mine are getting a little long now

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but then you should be able to put something in the cooking pot, burlap-sack, etc.

and things like burlapsack, gloves, knives, caps, should take nearly no inv. space.

Edited by irishroy

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I like the idea, but I have two points of contention:


1. Current crafting and game design uses this system. A lot of the game would have to be worked over to even implement this.


2. Micromanagement. Although we're going for realism, an extended amount of micromanagement could become horrific. The current system, although at times unrealistic, allows them to balance items by causing more powerful items to take up more space, accessing and managing your inventory is currently a breeze.


However, characters weight and gear SHOULD have a heavy impact on movement speed.

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