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CZ appreciation station

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I've always preferred my AK74 + Kobra, since the draw distance limit means long-range sniping usually isn't an issue.

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never let them fight back, perch up with the CZ and snipe like an asshole all day long )

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I've once held the sweet beauty known as the M24.. that thing was designed for bandit-ry :D CZ 550 is still a damn nice rifle though.. the CZ got me the kill that got me a M24 :P

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Sure is a good sniper rifle. But I'll tease you guys with this: M107 all day ;)

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Currently own 3 DMRs and the elusive M107.

CZ has got me more kills

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I had a M24 for a while until I got sniped, only managed to snipe one zed with it before I died but god damn it was an accurate rifle.

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I like the M24 of every rifle. The accuracy even at a stand is good to 500 meters. I can head shot people who are moving at 300 or so from a crouch. Also, the drop bar means the down range drop accuracy is always reliable. Simply dialing in the range on the non-veteran servers (or with my rangefinder - but that's a bit fancy) and then lining up the bar always gets my man.

The CZ to me is the giant ejaculatory penis of the game - wielded badly by all the 14 year olds sitting above Elektro power plant.

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A few days ago my group left from Cherno to the Sobors, Airfield and other towns around there.

On the way we found 3 M24s...we met a few hostile groups and ripped them apart from a safe distance :), if only we were bandits.

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I love my DMR. I don't remember how I ever operated without one.

The CZ is like the little brother though, if you're best friends with the big brother, gotta show the little one some love.

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Never had a DMR.. apart from the very first time I played, tagged along with an awesome guy named "Red" who showed me the ropes, we went into cherno by nightfall, and Red got sniped. I grabbed his gear, then I got sniped too.. but I held that bitch for a good 30 seconds :D

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I like to carry a CZ550 in my backpack to kill players with, and a winchester in my hands to kill zombies with. There's tons of ammo for each to be found in barns.

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I play spotter for a CZ sniper.

Nothing like putting a dozen M16 rounds downrange to keep them pinned as the CZ picks them off one by one...

My sniper prefers the CZ to the DMR, as we often map our sniping grounds with distance and zero our rifles to it. DMR's lack of ranging options is a bit frustrating.

Engaging people at 600+ meters is always fun >:D

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I LOVE YOU CZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"This is my CZ. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My CZ is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my CZ is useless. Without my CZ, I am useless."

Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your CZ. You will give your CZ a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of finger-banging ol' Mary-Jane Rottencrotch through her pretty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece. This weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful. Port, hut!

420campchernoerryday oh seven

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I prefer my m24 over all. ;)

And, yes, I've fired all of the snipers featured in this mod. (Well, I haven't fired the SVDs in DayZ. I've used it in CTI.)

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The only problem with the CZ is the loudness.

I mean it's loud as hell in a flying, zed's fucker, rainbow puker ass.

I once killed a guy that was like 20 meters away from me, and I was on the ground.

The next thing that heppened was millions of zeds rushed my ass.

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1 CZ at the ready on the field and 1 weapon of your choice. Currently a M16A2 which I hope to replace soon.

Thank BIS for that ALICE pack.

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Is the CZ's magnification the same as the DMR's? I know the DMR is variable magnification through zoom, but the maximum magnification seems the same as the CZ's fixed magnification.

If they're the same, then I think I'm going to skip the risk of trying to get a DMR and just stick with the CZ due to the ammo availability.

Such a great recce rifle.

If only switching primaries in and out of the backpack were easier, I'd roll the CZ 550 and an AKM/M4A3 CCO all day.

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