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Can someone give some advice on this? I'm beyond confused..

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So what you're looking at is my character facing East, towards "No Mans Land". I've walked out there, it's not real terrain( it's also obvious by how the nature in the game is literally cut off by a straight line....whatever that's not the issue.


I thought all of the East had a coast, I mean, it's obvious in the picture that there is a coast but it's not part of the map? I can go North(I'm not sure how far) but could it be that I am so far North, that maybe I went passed where you have the ability to keep going East? I just came from the West not that far....but I'm seriously confused. I thought only the North edge of the map really had that No Mans Land quality....I'm so confused. I just want to get out of the forest ;-;, I didn't want to take the road. Can anyone give me some insight?


EDIT: That compass is of Worn quality, I dunno if a ruined compass will direct you in the wrong direction, though.

Edited by ArsenicLamb

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north and west sides of the map have the debug terrain south and east have the ocean ( which i guess after a point become debug terrain to eg endless loop) um the res on that pic is terrible i cant see east very well but the red north does go to the left so it seems east i dont think its worn thats doing it ...id say you been heading north east rather than east ???


Have you tried logging out and back in again or try using the compass in the inventory ( by examining it with right click in inventory it can be used without equiping it ) i heard at one point there was a bug with compasses not working at times correctly this seems like one of the them ... PS dont the clouds still move east in direction...


Upvote the compass bug on tracker should be fixed ( i dont use the compass anymore to many years on chernarus sadly i can generally tell where i am by the lay of the land...

Edited by SoulFirez
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Yeah I don't have the best computer and tried to get the best screenshot I could, I fucked with the settings the other day and made the game worse and can't get the resolution I want back..I haven't tried logging back in, but I suppose it could just be the result of a buggy compass. The game issss still in alpha so that could really just be it. I was just so surprised. I have clouds disabled because it adds to making my game play more...miserable. Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry for the poor rez ;[

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But still, I'm looking at the Chernarus map on google, shaking my head at where I could possibly be. LOL

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Yeah I don't have the best computer and tried to get the best screenshot I could, I fucked with the settings the other day and made the game worse and can't get the resolution I want back..I haven't tried logging back in, but I suppose it could just be the result of a buggy compass. The game issss still in alpha so that could really just be it. I was just so surprised. I have clouds disabled because it adds to making my game play more...miserable. Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry for the poor rez ;[

Is your in game res the same as desktop at least ?

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Okay I think I'm going to just enable clouds. I just shouldn't have fully trusted my compass. What I did this time was I followed the coast, with the coast being on my right side, until there was a bunch of huge rocks I had to get around, found the coast again, but instead found a dirt road, followed it until it dead-ended, then checked my compass, said I was going East and I then I come to this part of the map. :) Thank you for the reply. I think I'll just enable clouds and see what's up. I'm no where near any power lines lol. I just got super confused when I saw that in-game. 

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Post back when you find out where you were..i don't think i have ever seen that weird little part in the game before :)

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Is your in game res the same as desktop at least ?

Well my game looks a little better in-game than that picture. But I'm a little confused as to what you mean by the same as desktop.

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I'll try, I was JUST by a city that had a damn coast. I'm not kidding.I was just at Balota and only made like an hours worth of a run. Even if I accidently went West, there wouldn't be a coast. I will find out where I'm at, cause I'm still looking at the Chernarus map on google, thinking what the fuck lol.

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UPDATE: Those clouds are definitely moving East. My compass is telling me right. I think my best bet is to travel what would be South, according to the clouds. Ill find out the first town or whatever I come to, dunno how long that'll take, though,

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Welcome to dayz hey i am actually jealous wish i could not know where the hell i was ( although yeah your location does have me stumped id say somewhere up past guba bay , But i dont recall it looking like that .


PS what hestaine  ment was your ingame setting of video render resolution set to 100% eg the same as max resolution of the screen you play on?? id turn settings down in the cfg file before i turned down render resolution.. Thankfully my rig allows me freedom to not have to and still maintain decent FPS...


Unless your an ubber elite sniper type the first thing i would turn down for performance is view distance honestly the 2km view is not really needed even sniping although it looks better and does help flying a chopper none in yet so try turning that down to say 1200m 1000m object view and try that see how it runs..

Edited by SoulFirez
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Ohhh...I don't think it is actually, I'll have to fix that.


Also I figured it out, I was just North of Guba Bay(How the hell I got alllllllllllll the way up there in what seemed like such a short time).




That screen shot is where I came from. My cursor dot it right where the terrain ends. There's coast up there that's No Mans land. The water my char is looking over HAS  to be Guba Bay, it has to be. 

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hmm ok its not quite guba bay but it does look like the one north of guba... Thats good news then as you know your near svyt%%#$#% the new city ( sorry i cant rememeber the spelling of the bloody towns in this game)

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It's okay, I'd need the map to actually name the cities. Thank you for the help I really appreciate it. I was just so bewildered. I know we're not suppose to get attached to our gear/chars but I've had this char for a good two weeks and I suppose I have the materials to survive being lost in woods for awhile, but she's precious so me :) and her pristine cowboy hat. 

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:3 Ohhh I see you noticed :) Wanna get handcuffed and find out ;)?

Lol! I saw that burlap and handcuffs all ready to go. :thumbsup:

I will be staying away from you thank you very much. :D


Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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LMAO I'm generally a person with a good heart, but I have been waiting for my chance to be a bandit(not a KoSer). The only time I "robbed" someone, it ended up just being a forced trade. I took the guys handcuff keys, and replaced that spot with a can of beans. I think he was fine with that though ._.

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So what you're looking at is my character facing East, towards "No Mans Land". I've walked out there, it's not real terrain( it's also obvious by how the nature in the game is literally cut off by a straight line....whatever that's not the issue.


I thought all of the East had a coast, I mean, it's obvious in the picture that there is a coast but it's not part of the map? I can go North(I'm not sure how far) but could it be that I am so far North, that maybe I went passed where you have the ability to keep going East? I just came from the West not that far....but I'm seriously confused. I thought only the North edge of the map really had that No Mans Land quality....I'm so confused. I just want to get out of the forest ;-;, I didn't want to take the road. Can anyone give me some insight?


EDIT: That compass is of Worn quality, I dunno if a ruined compass will direct you in the wrong direction, though.

Wow you found the butthole of Chernarus !!!

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This is at the very top right (NE) of the map, at the start of the debug plains. North of the new town of Svetlo. If you keep on going up the coastline you will find several of these "pools" that have rendering issues. I did have a couple of screenshots of this but can't find them. 

This is a very retarded quick map reference..



Edited by ricp
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Thank you for the map(s). I tried to mark on a Chernarus map to show where I might be but it failed,  your map reference is lovely ricp. 

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