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Johnny Depth

Why not spawn players randomly throughout the map?

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I've been saying this for a while. Hundreds of spawns all over the map plx!

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yeah i agree, it would make sense story wise aswell.. since cities are highly populated the zombie plague would spread fast... some backwoods village.. now there you might be able to survive for a while..

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Wow I just opened a topic saying the exact same thing haha. Just in many more words :D But yeah, I agree!

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Then bandits and heroes will not only be coastal creatures. Instead, they will be roaming the map in its entirety because the chances of people being way up north/northwest could potentially be as high as finding people along the sweet, sweet coast line.

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I made a similar suggestion once and got bashed to the ground. But it's probably because it was me who was asking. :)


Anyway, I support the idea a billion times.

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I cant believe it.


Has no one screamed search function yet, i think we are turning a corner here.


I made a thread about this as well but ultimately people would just end up killing themselves to get a better spawn like before. You could easily counter that by making it so that once you spawn somewhere it will always spawn you there for the next half an hour something.

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I think the Devs are probably creating some kind of heat maps at the minute, they must have their reasons why spawns are happening the way they are, i'd imagine this will change over time

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If you can spawn near the NWAF, for example, then there shouldnt be any Suicide/respawn function. Which could make it a doable task of just respawning over and over to get the nice spawn point.

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