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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

...pile of guns?

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I found a pile of guns in Vybor today. There were five guns in it, mostly B-95s. Waterbottles, snaploaders, water tablets, all of that. Tons of stuff in this pile. There was also an SKS and Mosin down the street from it. Did someone just dump their payload? wtf...



Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Looks like someone dumped their load onto the street again. Damn them.

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Seems like a trap....

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Seems like a trap....


I would go with this one.. If I saw this anywhere in game, I would be quickly watching my back and checking things around me for someone trying to spring a trap.  Otherwise, looks like Christmas.

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I've seen something like this once before 7 SKS's and an M4 inside a jail house.  No one shot at me.

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I've seen something like this once before 7 SKS's and an M4 inside a jail house.  No one shot at me.

Could be duping attempts, there is a new way to dupe guns using a log out method which could explain situations like that.

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Could be a group bored of slow running, that had 2 primaries, that also needed space in backpacks for the next loot run.  We do it all the time.  Hoard like bastards then dump all the useless shit like water purification tablets and water containers (tbh you can live on waterpumps well enough to never have to take a waterbottle with you). Also stripping M4's of the buttstock and ironsight and leaving the body is another favourite of mine... 

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Seems like a trap....


I scouted the area around the pile, but found nothing. I checked it out, grabbed a snaploader for my B-95, then left. Nobody shot. (I absolutely thought it was a trap too)

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We do it sometimes, on the churches. Being the last place people go... hehehe


I usually leave a makeshift back pack, overload ammo and a gun if possible, a canteen and some food and medicals.


To be honest sometimes is just too much stuff to carry, better to leave it all there, in a safe place under the sight of the Al Mighty, so the worthy find it.


So, next time, try to search the local church.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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