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zombies coming into base

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In dayz epoch I built a base in ramons villa and I walled off all the entrances but somehow zombies are coming through part if the wall, does anyone know how to fix this?

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There is no fix for this, it is an issue with how the zombies determine a path. I'm told by one of the Epoch devs that if you build a base out of crafted items with a floor, ceiling and 4 walls they can't path into that but haven't personally tested this. If you use an in game building as part of your base the zombies won't "see" the separate walls you put up. One thing that I've found does work is to use stick fences. The caveat is that if the stick fence touches any in game building geometry the zombies will sometimes ignore the fence.


You will probably find more help on the Epoch forums if you have more questions. http://epochmod.com/forum/

Edited by Kerbo

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I had this issue and eventually moved my base. If, as stated above it is build with 100% EPOCH materials, they can't walk into it, or even through an open door if you have a floor. Build a base in the woods, you will be fine.

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