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LaughingJack (DayZ)

Weather is coming...and it will make you sick ;)

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so thay will add firers? nice.

Edited by DMentMan

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I hope they add a poncho with this, would need a few models of it for what im thinking. But it should go ever everything you currently have on (even your backpack). No pockets or anything and takes just one inv slot. Could degrade over time (because there usually just a chap plastic). But then you don't have to mess round with extra cloths all the time....just carry your poncho. There would still be an advantage to finding/wearing a proper raincoat though, because that wouldn't degrade over time :)

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Am I the only one who read this and thought to themselves..


"finally, something to do with all the fucking matchboxes I keep finding" .. ;)

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@ carraig, put your shadow settings higher, then it doesnt rain indoors..


Oooh, is that how you solve that. Considering the shadow settings absolutely eat up FPS performance I have them disabled and just thought the rain in the house bug was just that, a generic bug.

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Play the matchbox game: If you find one box, you have to keep it until you find another one with more matches. If you do, you have a unlikely spot to find where you drop the old box (favourite place: toilets ;))


So. Damn. Now I want to make a fire, start cooking and start to sell medicine at my store in Pusta (the orange brick house). Great village, never have been robbed there. But never saw a customer either. But well, if I can go hunting, you'll never see me leaving it again probably. ;)

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Hm, maybe this addition goes along with the reworked health and medical system Rocket was talking about. I'm looking forward to it.

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no hoods from any coats will be happening sadly. It actually seems to irk rocket if ya bring it up =P

Why is that?  Is it so illogical to think that people would use the hood on a rain coat if it's pouring rain?


Just read his replies on reddit.  Technical reasons.

Edited by Mdogg2005

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From rocket on reddit:



What you proposed involves:

  1. Playing an animation on a proxy object (requires synchronizing, which means considering who needs to play the animation, asking them too, then confirming they got the message to play the animation).
  2. Removing the current object (requires synchronization).
  3. Creating a new object (again, synchronized)
  4. Applying all the old attributes to the new object (damage textures, wetness, will all require synchronizing).

Not to mention my previous point, that you're talking now having to do an entirely new model with a raised hood. That means it needs to be re-UV mapped, and also would need to be rebaked. You would also have to do all the LOD's again. And like I said before... the clipping issue is an absolute, unmitigated, nightmare.


Continue reading that thread for some amusing bits.



...not you too mdogg...i thought you were one of the few that could read more than one post in a thread *sheds a tear*

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...not you too mdogg...i thought you were one of the few that could read more than one post in a thread *sheds a tear*

I am, sorry, I replied before clicking the source link.  A big no-no.  As soon as I read the reddit thread I edited my reply to this one.  DayZ forum'ing at work is generally done in haste.  Apologies.

Edited by Mdogg2005

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