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The stupidest people you've met....

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Today was a mashed up crazy encounters fest for me

But one guy just completely best them all in levels if stupidity

There were 6 of us, 3 on the ground and 3 watching outside where we are looting

Suddenly we are told there's a guy coming and he sprints into our building, straight past the 3 guys outside which he saw, looked and ran straight past them, came up to the indoor group of 3 and started hacking one of us with an axe before we could even speak to him

So he ran inside, and his escape was now blocked by 3 guys outside he then runs at the guys outside and starts hacking at them before a shitload of bullets from 6 guys hit him

Somehow he survived and is now crawling with broken legs, still trying to hit us

I tell the guy who got axed not to kill him, and let him crawl but he shoots him anyway

Things is he had most of the tools, can opener, weapon sights, tons of food, ammo but no weapon, mountain pack and tons of medical supplies

This guy had everything except a gun, had loads to lose and attacked us like an idiot

But it was funny

Any others got some stories to share?

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I run into this same scenario a lot it seems, the clan I am in always runs in large groups, and we consistently have some rambo with a crowbar or baseball bat, yolo'ing it into our group, swinging for all he/she is worth... Somehow these people expect to survive the encounter, after trying to bash one of my clan-mates brains out, lol...

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Probably not as bad as yours, but here's my one and only stupid encounter.


I spawned in Elektro's north firestation after a server crash. I only had an axe and basic supplies. However, after about a minute of looking around the station, and going to the top floor I hear footsteps. A guy with a fully kitted out M4 walked up the stairs with his gun pointed at me, and I just run at him holding down my mouse button to hit him with the axe. I hit him a couple of times, but he just backs away down the stairs. When he reaches the 1st floor of the tower he stands in the corner and I kill him, taking all his stuff. I'm surprised he didn't shoot me at all, he had a bunch of ammo and an FNX. 

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Most recently was yesterday, My two squadmates and I were holding up a pair of guys at Mogilevka, I was speaking over Direct Comms telling them to put down their weapons (One had an SKS but it was stowed and he had an axe out, the other guy had no gun). I gave them to a slow count of three to put it down and put his hands up. And instead they attempted to run, across an open field. 


I was stunned for a little bit, then I thought about letting them go, but I decided that a lesson had to be taught here, So we opened up on them, we managed to break the unarmed guy's legs, but my mosin shot killed the other guy in a single bullet.


We held up the survivor, looted him of some stuff, and then left him to his fate. Not a huge story, but it's one of the better 'stupid people' I've come across.

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All of them.


Seriously, all I did was stand in the middle of the road with my axe, in full view of all of these dead bodies and strewn about clothing, and they just kept running at me lol.

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The stupidest people I've met in DayZ all post on these forums.



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Personally I haven't had one, but I let my nephew play today as he was thinking of getting the game ( He's 18, but I didn't want him wasting money if he weren't going to enjoy it). Anyways, he was on my current character who weren't really well geared ( Cargo pants, some food, drinks and a fire axe, so I didn't mind if he got me killed) Anyways, a bambi runs upto him out of the blue and punches him once, then runs off. A few moments later he's back with a friend, the one punches again, runs off and the other stands there. Now my nephew is in a dilemma, wondering what to do with the guy left. I tell him straight, kill him, ya can't trust him (We had tried to communicate for a minute with no answer). Well he does, and carries on. A few moments later we find the other guy, now with a broken leg somehow, being attacked by a zombie, shouting at us "OMG you killed me friend, at least help me." Our response? We sat down and watched him die =)


Moral of the story? Don't be a dick then expect help.

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