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Well there better be more survivors than bandits otherwise we'll be stepping on each others toes.

Not that I don't welcome a challenge!

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I'm becoming a bandit, I mainly go for the silenced hacked in weapons everyone finds, they're very useful (Glad its not against regulations to steal hacked in shit) I usually hole up in one of the industrial factories along the main road at the coast though, and build up supplies. Gotta love dem beans n coke.

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Mwahahahaha, just had a fun encounter.

Snuck into Northwest Airfield at night, full moon, and saw a hero with a chemlight by a barracks about 25m from me. Peeked around a wall and shot him in the back with my M14 AIM, he ran and I followed, snuck a view through the doorway of a shed and saw him on the other side bandaging himself. "Blam blam blam". Put him down, finished him off, stole his GAZ and went to a safe location some kilometres away.

Has anyone noticed how heroes always whine a lot about being killed? This guy went on and on and on about the matter. It was like I'd shot God.


Edited by Gews
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I want action! I hate bandits and love to kill them :D Please come and try to survive my server :rolleyes: Search

Descendants of Valor :D Bring it!

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Well, about a week ago, I experienced what I can easily call my most depraved moment playing this game.

--in which I acquire fantastic gear and a Ural truck filled to the breaking-point with assorted small arms.

It began in good old Stary, when I heard someone shooting an M1911 ad nauseum, maybe for five or so minutes off and on. I was perched in the treeline looking down on the rows of tents, dressed in the typical fresh-spawn skin. With me, I had an empty CZ 550 and a makarov. As I peered out from behind a tree, I spied a bandit-skinned woman rummaging through what looked like a player's corpse beside one of the tents. But what was most astonishing about her was the towering AS50 resting on her back. At first, I thought this person must've killed the M1911 shooter, but I hadn't heard the telltale booming report of the AS50. No, this person must have been the shooter from earlier. Before long, she was leaving Stary and heading up towards Kabanino. Well, I'm a gambler, and without a second thought I dashed after her. But not a moment later, a Ural entered Stary Sobor, pelting the town with "U WOT M8" over direct. My AS50 got in the truck with him, and they sped off north. I lost all hope of seeing them again, but still followed after, not much else to do anyway. In what seemed like hours of shadowing which took me all the way up to Petrovka(?), I found them again. Three players strong, now. There was no way I could win this fight with a makarov. So, I changed the game-plan a bit. I was losing blood from starvation, and with noting to lose, I figured I might as well roll the dice one last time.

"Hey, friendly! Don't shoot!" I said as I approached, makarov holstered. I took notice of the Ural, rammed into a building with one of the wheels blown out. I didn't see any bodies, so I assumed they must've crashed and called for help.(Why go out of the way for a Ural, though? Unless...) At first, no one said anything. Actually, only one person turned to aim their L85 at me. He was the first to respond, with a shot to my legs, making me fall. I got a muffled "sorry" and he began to patch me up. I was pretty sure I would be dead soon, I'd been in these situations before. They play a game of torture the bambi and make me do tricks until they get bored and kill me. By now, the others were spamming direct, talking to one another about everything from where to go next and what to do with me. The woman from before(without the AS50 that inspired this whole escapade.) said in a not-so-surprisingly male voice, "You in a group or something?" "No." I lied. I had a friend I could rely on. She was still on the server and I'd been feeding information to her the whole time. One message and I could have some potential help. "You up for a little something, then?" L85 guy asked. "Sure." --and that was all it took.

A half-hour of idle chat later and we were as best of friends as we could be. They decided it would be a good idea to give this prospective ally an Mp5, a blood transfusion and painkillers taken right out of their wrecked Ural. Now I understood, the truck probably had a lot of supplies in it. Unfortunately for them, they obviously hadn't packed anything for repairs. The man-woman player was going to search the town for supplies, while someone else needed to scour the dangerous airfield. They sent me out with their friend, Nano, a boy with a gratingly high voice and a large M16, to gather general supplies; mainly fuel and repairs, or another vehicle if we were lucky. We walked for some time before actually arriving at the airfield. Nano was guileless and gullible, speaking on end about his neato clan and their plan to take that Ural to the furthest corner of the map to make their own base. As we went into the first hangar to look for supplies, I asked Nano how strong his group was, if they killed a lot of people. I think he started on about sniping or something, but we came under AKM fire before he could finish. In the hangar, there was nowhere to hide, not that I needed to. "Sorry." I said over Nano's corpse, freshly culled by Kara, who I'd sent for earlier to make this a proper ambush. "Fuck you man, I thought you were my friend." he responded. God damn, that bit deep... Only because he didn't even seem mad, like I thought he would. Just really disappointed. With much pain, I took Nano's M16 and Czech backpack and we set off to Petrovka(?) to get rich. Nano had surely alerted his friends of the ambush, so we knew we would be expected. It was easy enough, though. They were baited by Kara while I flanked them along an enfilade position. The only problem was that they had both taken shelter beside the Ural. In the end, it was damaged almost to the point of no return. But with full gear, packs and weapons galore, there was no reason to let the ruined truck fall into their hands again. So we finished it off with a few more rounds and left southbound, looking to test out our new stuff.

Too bad I was shot dead with an AS50 a little while later.

I'm not sure how I feel about all this... but I guess there might be such a thing as karma afterall.

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Can anyone be trusted in this game? I want to join a sqaud but i feel like i cant trust them.

Can anyone be trusted, huh...

Short answer? No.

Long answer?


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I was playing on a private hive on the amazing Taviana map , armed with a glitchy , useless crowbar, i met two survivors , both extremely kitted out and both ghillied with high-tier weapons(one had a l85) and coyote backpacks .I ran with them for one and a half hours , offering them ammo , food etc and generally getting to know them well; building up trust. We explored some heli crash sites and care-packages , after a while , i was pretty geared up , a AK-107 and a pdw , i felt good about my chances and then i waited for an opportunity to strike. We stopped at a care package and one of them hat to go afk for a few minutes and the other started eating , then i took my chance , switched to burst and got 9 bullets in each of their heads before they could respond. After , i looted all their gear and hid their bodies. ALL of this was recorded and i will be uploading the vid shortly... That's how to be a bandit on dayz...

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Well, about a week ago, I experienced what I can easily call my most depraved moment playing this game.

--in which I acquire fantastic gear and a Ural truck filled to the breaking-point with assorted small arms.

It began in good old Stary, when I heard someone shooting an M1911 ad nauseum, maybe for five or so minutes off and on. I was perched in the treeline looking down on the rows of tents, dressed in the typical fresh-spawn skin. With me, I had an empty CZ 550 and a makarov. As I peered out from behind a tree, I spied a bandit-skinned woman rummaging through what looked like a player's corpse beside one of the tents. But what was most astonishing about her was the towering AS50 resting on her back. At first, I thought this person must've killed the M1911 shooter, but I hadn't heard the telltale booming report of the AS50. No, this person must have been the shooter from earlier. Before long, she was leaving Stary and heading up towards Kabanino. Well, I'm a gambler, and without a second thought I dashed after her. But not a moment later, a Ural entered Stary Sobor, pelting the town with "U WOT M8" over direct. My AS50 got in the truck with him, and they sped off north. I lost all hope of seeing them again, but still followed after, not much else to do anyway. In what seemed like hours of shadowing which took me all the way up to Petrovka(?), I found them again. Three players strong, now. There was no way I could win this fight with a makarov. So, I changed the game-plan a bit. I was losing blood from starvation, and with noting to lose, I figured I might as well roll the dice one last time.

"Hey, friendly! Don't shoot!" I said as I approached, makarov holstered. I took notice of the Ural, rammed into a building with one of the wheels blown out. I didn't see any bodies, so I assumed they must've crashed and called for help.(Why go out of the way for a Ural, though? Unless...) At first, no one said anything. Actually, only one person turned to aim their L85 at me. He was the first to respond, with a shot to my legs, making me fall. I got a muffled "sorry" and he began to patch me up. I was pretty sure I would be dead soon, I'd been in these situations before. They play a game of torture the bambi and make me do tricks until they get bored and kill me. By now, the others were spamming direct, talking to one another about everything from where to go next and what to do with me. The woman from before(without the AS50 that inspired this whole escapade.) said in a not-so-surprisingly male voice, "You in a group or something?" "No." I lied. I had a friend I could rely on. She was still on the server and I'd been feeding information to her the whole time. One message and I could have some potential help. "You up for a little something, then?" L85 guy asked. "Sure." --and that was all it took.

A half-hour of idle chat later and we were as best of friends as we could be. They decided it would be a good idea to give this prospective ally an Mp5, a blood transfusion and painkillers taken right out of their wrecked Ural. Now I understood, the truck probably had a lot of supplies in it. Unfortunately for them, they obviously hadn't packed anything for repairs. The man-woman player was going to search the town for supplies, while someone else needed to scour the dangerous airfield. They sent me out with their friend, Nano, a boy with a gratingly high voice and a large M16, to gather general supplies; mainly fuel and repairs, or another vehicle if we were lucky. We walked for some time before actually arriving at the airfield. Nano was guileless and gullible, speaking on end about his neato clan and their plan to take that Ural to the furthest corner of the map to make their own base. As we went into the first hangar to look for supplies, I asked Nano how strong his group was, if they killed a lot of people. I think he started on about sniping or something, but we came under AKM fire before he could finish. In the hangar, there was nowhere to hide, not that I needed to. "Sorry." I said over Nano's corpse, freshly culled by Kara, who I'd sent for earlier to make this a proper ambush. "Fuck you man, I thought you were my friend." he responded. God damn, that bit deep... Only because he didn't even seem mad, like I thought he would. Just really disappointed. With much pain, I took Nano's M16 and Czech backpack and we set off to Petrovka(?) to get rich. Nano had surely alerted his friends of the ambush, so we knew we would be expected. It was easy enough, though. They were baited by Kara while I flanked them along an enfilade position. The only problem was that they had both taken shelter beside the Ural. In the end, it was damaged almost to the point of no return. But with full gear, packs and weapons galore, there was no reason to let the ruined truck fall into their hands again. So we finished it off with a few more rounds and left southbound, looking to test out our new stuff.

Too bad I was shot dead with an AS50 a little while later.

I'm not sure how I feel about all this... but I guess there might be such a thing as karma afterall.

Epic story yo, sounds like a blast. haha.

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Does anyone here have any suggestions to how I could be a successful bandit, just using the crossbow?

Um.......Drive an arrow into peoples heads >:)

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my humanity is -46000 ;)

rookie, i run around with the double of your score.

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I'm permanently a bandit it seems. Since the last 3 deaths (The last 2 by some teleporting hacker who appeared to be firing a damn minigun!) I've yet to kill anyone yet my skin hasn't changed and I'm still in bandit gear (Not that I'm complaining as I've always played as a bandit - Don't trust anyone you don't know and kill before being killed)

happened to me and a friend too .. we were at our base in the factory of Polana, had a tractor and a S1203 (we took from 2 players we ambushed at the NE airfield), when suddendly within 2 seconds the building (construction site) collapsed, both cars blew-up, and we both died. all you heard was the sound of a GAU-8 Avenger (30mm Gatling Gun mounted on an A-10 Thunderbolt).

anyways, where to check your humanity? as far as i know Debug monitor doesn't work anymore .. i'm rather curious how many murders i got aswell, must be somewhere around 10 right now (not to mention the tons of people i've hurt and then my friend killed them), not adding the 3-5 players in Chernogorsk yesterday (after i've picked up another friend and we collected some gear for him).

the only way to somehow indicate the value of my negative humanity (and i'm constantly trying to "improve" it, means i'm trying to push it even lower) is how fast my friends are hearing my heartbeat and the fact that my bandit skin will not disappear even after respawning.

would be great if somebody could tell me how to find out the exact humanity value. (the funny thing is - i used to have +15000 humanity, i guess now it's at least -15000.)

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My first kill was a life changing moment for me. i never wanted to be a bandit but it happens. I was in cherno looking for ammo for my DSR and i was surranded by the dead with no ammo and a player came to help me. he killed them and ended up giving me some extra mags he had. we found two tractors and headed out. we where leaving and we came up to a opening and in that opening was a chopper B)! we got out and he started freaking out and i didnt think i just spun around pulled up the DSR and put 2 in his chest ran over and empty the rest of the clip into him. i took the chopper and left. that was the birth of a bandit :D.

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A tactic I use a lot when there aer helicopters (friendly or not) circling around the map, I ask for a pickup, I say that I just spawned or have tons of gear but a gun (m4a3 for example) with no ammo. I camp 200-450m away from the landing zone, and when they land, take out the pilot, then the gunner facing you, then any survivors I go in for a close range mop up with a shotgun, preferably loaded with pellets, or an aks-74u.

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So sweet... running south of Polana I heard a chopper overhead and hid in a tree, but about 10 seconds later the chopper crashed with a huge explosion not 100 yards away from where I was standing.

Looted the bodies immediately and got a DMR + 3 mags, a PDW + 7 mags, and an SVD Camo + 3 mags, not to mention all the basic survival gear. This was about 15-20 minutes after I spawned and I only had an Enfield.


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Myself. Unarmed (maybe) guy thinking he was 'safe' behind a dog kennel. My Lee-Enfield. Headshot. Goodnight B)

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There is no prouder moment than when you get your bandit skin after joining a new server. .... that being said I had some drama's today getting mine.... I killed 3 players from the gunners seat in a chopper.... but my mate who was the pilot was awarded the kills and negative humanity. ... dafuq is up with that?

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There is no prouder moment than when you get your bandit skin after joining a new server

Agreed, i got my skin after spawning in Elektro and killing the same guy 3 times. First when he tried to loot the Firestation and then 2 more times while he was trying to recover his corpse from the first death. (I was not camping, i was making my way out of Elektro and he had the bad luck to always run into me after spawning, he always was armed with some sort of weapon aswell. I'm calling it self defence :P)

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I just dont det this. It hapened to me lastnight. I vas on a server with one 1 other player, and south of stary sobor i saw a hely chrash.

I decided to scout it out and after aproaching it i heared a dmr going of. i proned because it was pitch dark and if the guy had termal i was dead anyway. So proning i saw a ghillie guy run past me and he didnt saw me. i waited for him to start looting and when he was chrouched i got up and put 3 rounds with my ak in his back. So he fell down but no death massage. I thougt he was knocked out and i started aproaching him when he sudenly aborted. The body literaly dissapered in front of me, just when i was going for the kill shot. So im wondering did they removed that pussy way of saving your player a couple of patches ago or am i wrong :huh:

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so guys i just got arma combined operations (running on mac because im using bootcamp LOVE BOOTCAMP) so i kind of want to be a bandit just dont know how to start.

Any tips?

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so guys i just got arma combined operations (running on mac because im using bootcamp LOVE BOOTCAMP) so i kind of want to be a bandit just dont know how to start.

Any tips?

Get a gun, kill people, its that simple.

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