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Now what?

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I have found a big backpack, heaps of food, couple of firearms, I'm healthy, and satisfied. My question is, now what, I'm terrified to go wandering , don't want to loose this gear to a bandit, or worse to a zombie, due to a glitch. What else can I do in this game? Is it possible to build shelter or a base, or should I just put this game away till beta comes out?

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I have found a big backpack, heaps of food, couple of firearms, I'm healthy, and satisfied. My question is, now what, I'm terrified to go wandering , don't want to loose this gear to a bandit, or worse to a zombie, due to a glitch. What else can I do in this game? Is it possible to build shelter or a base, or should I just put this game away till beta comes out?

It's a sandbox, that's the beauty. If you're afraid of going to populated areas, they may not be a whole lot to do. You can go to the coast and help new spawns, you can fight bandits, you can hold people up, you can snipe people.


Full content isn't in yet, IE base building, foraging, hunting etc - player interaction is the key focus of the game currently.

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It's clear that you are not an expert.

So, also exploring the map could be a good idea for you, to improve you knowledge for when the game will have more content. There are lots of places to see and to take pictures of, and if you have good graphics you'll see beautiful landscapes.

Anyway, get used to the idea that you will die, sooner or later. No way to avoid it.

And, in this alpha phase, that bounds you to urban areas for supplies, that's even more likely to happen.

Edited by Gugolas
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I thought the same, then i realised if im worried about dieing and limiting myself to game content when roaming alone, their isnt much point in playing, so i ran out into cherno and electro, i have died countless times due to gun fights and standoffs but its all fun, its easy to gear back up, and its much more interesting helping new people out.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Just go out exploring, see what you can see, experiment with the game and try different things.  There's no point in working so hard to survive if you just cower in the forest and don't play the game.


I personally would love to go all survivorman and live in the forest with minimal supplies, but since there isn't any hunting and berries are bad news, you're stuck looting buildings.  You might as well see how many different places you can.

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Seeing as you're afraid of losing your gear (rookie mistake), I'm assuming you're new to DayZ! Welcome!


On that note, Chernarus is probably extremely foreign to you! Go up half a kilometre from the coast and explore! Your chances of finding someone else are extremely thin. Everyone else is messing around in Elektrozavodsk, killing new spawns, or commiting suicide to get to Elektrozavodsk because the spawns in this version are horrible.

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Decided to move inland check out some towns, an occasional can of tuna and a water well, then i get a coward who i could have shot at, but didnt, well he shot at me after we both backed off politely. As soon as he got behind a building he shot at me, lucky he must have been blind in one eye, as he missed. He had better weapons so i decided to bolt off.

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just part of the game. player interaction is.

I came across another player who had nothing, i dont have a mic so couldnt communicate, but i dropped some food for him, but i couldnt see it anywhere on the floor. Whats the best way i can communicate, without a microphone?

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I came across another player who had nothing, i dont have a mic so couldnt communicate, but i dropped some food for him, but i couldnt see it anywhere on the floor. Whats the best way i can communicate, without a microphone?


try expressing yourself through the medium of dance?

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Meet people, travel Chernarus! Feel immersed in the world. Learn the map. You've been to Green Mountain? Then you are cursed. Stay away!


I also suggest you stay off No PvP servers and 3PP servers. I think they attract the wrong type of people.

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I came across another player who had nothing, i dont have a mic so couldnt communicate, but i dropped some food for him, but i couldnt see it anywhere on the floor. Whats the best way i can communicate, without a microphone?

Press the "/" key to go into direct text chat.

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