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Anti server hop needs a nerf

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My friends and I changed servers as the one we were on was very laggy, the new one we joined was a abusive clan server who kicked everyone. I had to sit and wait before I could join a new server. I didn't mind because this doesn't happen often (in fact it has only happened to me once) and I would rather wait a while than have to deal with ghosters.


Even if this system does occasionally effect people playing fairly, it still isn't strict enough to deter server hoppers. I think this is more to deal with Ghosting than hopping anyway. Hopping will be reduced more when loot re-spawns rather than at server startup.


As others have said, all the info you need to avoid joining the wrong server is displayed in the browser.

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sometimes i join a server and it gets "receiving"in the inventory FORCING me to leave and wait in a timer.Sometimes happens with multiple servers in a row.Pretty annoying but WHATEVER.

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whatever stops the server hoppers is good 

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It's really a minor inconvenience for me. Losing a toon or gear. Losing connection. A timer. Assume all these thing will happen at any moment. Make it part of your resolve when playing DayZ. 'It comes with the territory.' - or so they say...

I see people so flustered about these small things, and I think back when I used to have to wait for a letter in the mail, or wait for a phone call on a land line! Or no matter how hard you blew on the cartridge, THE GAME STILL WOULDN'T WORK! And all I had was a 1-800 or mail in flyer for support.

Kids these days. No patience or resolve. 

Edited by Esolu
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No matter how hard you blew on the cartridge, THE GAME STILL WOULDN'T WORK!



Goddamn B-Wing...

Long live Contra!

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If adding a timer to stop server hopping and ghosting is a 'priority', than fixing the problems that come from an Alpha that make players have to join and rejoin servers should be even higher priority. Not being able to join off my friends, server crashes, etc.


I have faced the timer only once, myself. I play with friends and last night I could not join off of my friend. He quit out to find out which server he was in and had to face 250 seconds because of it. Yes, it's just an inconvenience. But it's also a punishment. You say "suck it up". I say it's a poor design and being okay with it on the development end will lead to other short-cuts because nothing else was thought of.


My solution? An individual character for each server you go on to, just like with private hives in the mod.

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I see people so flustered about these small things, and I think back when I used to have to wait for a letter in the mail, or wait for a phone call on a land line! Or no matter how hard you blew on the cartridge, THE GAME STILL WOULDN'T WORK! And all I had was a 1-800 or mail in flyer for support.

Did you try wedging a piece of cardboard behind the cartridge? usually works for me

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Did you try wedging a piece of cardboard behind the cartridge? usually works for me


I used 2 chewed-up pencils...

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