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spawn (DayZ)

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well a few months ago it was different. you would see people and say ahh he is friendly and 90% of the survivors you see were friendly and would help you. the other 10% were bandits that havent killed anyone in a while or have given someone a blood pack and regained their humanity. then you saw bandits and straight away you would know they want to kill you so you would run or hunt them. I prefer to run i dont gain anything from killing anyone only risk losing my zombie kill and gear i have spend the last 40 hours collecting.

since they took skins away its been a shoot first ask questions later or say sorry. people got sick of this very very qucik and started doing the same and now play like its COD shoot anything and anyone and gain nothing.

Then the poeple that only kill the game to survive and try help people how the game the wau is is to be played (survive) they get the shits and say fuck it i am not helping anyone no more but that have a contience and humanity kicks in and basic survical instincs for Males is to protect especially females.

Then go play something else because you obviously refuse to change your play style in order to increase your chances of survival.

Rocket himself said that we would not interfer in how peoples play the game, that the actions of the community as a whole will determinate how the game is played.

How YOU think the game is ment to be played is jsut your own damn OPINION. There are no rules, no goals, the difinition of a sandbox game is that the game is not directed, you make your own choices and set your own goals.

If someone's goal is to see how many time in a row he can kill you then that's gonna be how the game is ment to be played for you and him.

If rocket decide there is too much killing going on he will probably reduce the amount of ammo that can be looted. But i believe he won't flag murderers as "bad people"

The ability of a player or group of players to simply impose by force their goals on you is part of what makes dayZ so interesting.

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how about you learn to play. if your all about PVP then this is not the game for you and you should move on. I am playing as rocket has intended and your not. he tried to make it so people will have to work togethr to survive in 1.7.1 I am pretty sure it was. did you not read the notes?

souds like u need to go back to COD cos your not playing this game as intended.

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how about you learn to play. if your all about PVP then this is not the game for you and you should move on. I am playing as rocket has intended and your not. he tried to make it so people will have to work togethr to survive in 1.7.1 I am pretty sure it was. did you not read the notes?

souds like u need to go back to COD cos your not playing this game as intended.

And here you go back to the third grader insults simply because I disagree with your opinion. Quote me one line from Rocket that back up your claim?

Actually no, you know what? I'm not even going to bother argueing with a thick skull like you.

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ok, i havent bothered to read all the responses here but im just going to put this

1. i didnt actully read the enitire first post do to excellent english

2. bandits kill people for SUPPLIES. while the psycopathic killer who kills becauses hes anonymous and he can exists, it is extremely rare.

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your jelly of my bestest english. yes i cant spell to save my life everyone i know knows that old news

if you read the replies from myself and others and watch the video you will clearly see bandits dont kill for supplies. what does a bandit want when he has full health and cans of food and drink and a BMR or SVD or a 50 cal. what doe he want when he is sittin at stary sobar or chern in a tree line server hopping or camping for players. what does he want from them

Lady Kyrah you dont read the notes to you. a few releases ago in a fucked up log change it was or it was a post from himelf as the staff in here

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why do the bandits need food? to heal? no. how often do you need to eat food to heal yourself unless you have been shot by another player. and bandits usually have a high powered weapon that kill in 1 or two shots so food is useless to bandits. as you can see bandits are mostly snipers who shoot from 200 3 or 400m away or more and dont need any supplies because their health is full because they dont get attacked by zombies.

all they need is food and water to survive which means they can get that in nearly any building and the way they play sitting there waiting to kill they only need a few cans of food or water to last them a whole day. 1 every hour or so. they dont kill for medical suplies either becuase theydont get attacked because they are hidden and waiting. I play with 1 bandit who kills for no reason. he changes his name for the rolle he plays but he agrees he kills players just for a kill count he needs nothing from their bodies

Contrary to what you think you actually understand jack shit about the avarage bandit and what they do all day. Please go play COD.

Also,, i will come at you bra.

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how about you learn to play. if your all about PVP then this is not the game for you and you should move on. I am playing as rocket has intended and your not. he tried to make it so people will have to work togethr to survive in 1.7.1 I am pretty sure it was. did you not read the notes?

souds like u need to go back to COD cos your not playing this game as intended.

You really seem to have your wires crossed up Spawn. What Rocket intended was an experiment where the outcome going into it was totally unknown. How WOULD people react in a situation like DayZ?

He has spoken at length that he does not want the game to punish any playstyle or even to suggest a moral right and wrong. He does not want the game to cast any judgment on how a person chooses to play (and this is a large part of the reason why he removed bandit skins' date=' because he wanted players to retain some measure of ambiguity). However, there are mechanics being developed which may offer clues to players as to the kind of person they are dealing with (the heartbeat system has been mentioned by Rocket as a possible option).

Might I suggest you spend some time reading some of the interviews Rocket has given (there are MANY), and perhaps you will realize how sorely misinformed you are. Here is just one example::

GameArena:GA - What do you think still needs to be done to it? Just sort of moving it to the different level, or do you think there's actual gameplay stuff that needs to be done?

Dean Hall: we need to support the people who want to be bandit raiders and get a bandit party and go around and kill people. But we also need to support if people want to get a group of thirty of them together and build some sort of commune in some farmhouse somewhere. So supporting that sort of meta-gaming, that user type stuff, I think that's really important and will help with people who are leveling criticism at the pvp style of the game. At the moment the payback is to go kill players.

GameArena - Don't listen to the haters - I personally think it's great the way it is - I've got maybe over a hundred hours into it and everytime I die to some random sniper I'm like 'well done'... maybe I should be climbing ladders in Cherno.

Dean Hall - Yeah, I don't think it's that much of a problem - if you look at the numbers, it's not really a problem. The problem is obviously a few people had some bad experiences maybe they were unlucky and they had them in the long string and then they post on the forums.

I'm sure you will continue to believe what you want to believe but the fact is, PVP is an intentional (and extremely important) part of the game. The fact that you don't like it only suggests that this may not be your type of game at all. I've heard that FarmVille is quite popular, perhaps you should give it a try...

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how about you learn to play. if your all about PVP then this is not the game for you and you should move on. I am playing as rocket has intended and your not. he tried to make it so people will have to work togethr to survive in 1.7.1 I am pretty sure it was. did you not read the notes?

souds like u need to go back to COD cos your not playing this game as intended.

Your tears are dericious.

Also tempted to call troll on you but hey everyone else is having fun mocking your spastic comments, so why cant I?

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What if something could be added to the game to give players a penalty for needlessy Pk'ing other players.

Something like a psyche gauge. The more players you kill the more mentally deranged your player becomes. The effect could be slow at first and not have a big impact but eventually if you rack up say, something like 12 kills your player will be severly mentally deranged. This could cause negative effects to the player like lowing his ability to aim accurately or lowing the ability to heal from food items or blood transfusions. Over time the more players you kill the weaker your player will become.

On the other hand, sometimes when your being attacked your clearly acting in self defence. In this situation perhaps the player who fires or attacks first would get the pentalty.

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Why are so many people dead set on penalizing others for the way they choose to play this game? Both bandit and survivor styles of play are viable. As quoted above, Rocket is saying that "we need to support the people who want to be bandit raiders and get a bandit party and go around and kill people"


I don't think it's that much of a problem [bandits] - if you look at the numbers, it's not really a problem. The problem is obviously a few people had some bad experiences maybe they were unlucky and they had them in the long string and then they post on the forums."

The dev himself is saying the game needs to support bandit gameplay. What more do you need to hear. Yet this fever pitch of people whining that bandits need to be crucified and nerfed (and hell, as one person here in the thread put it "kicked and banned from the game").

Get over it people bandits are here to stay.

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If everyone will kill eachother before and/or after finding out intentions then so be it. It's a sandbox game.

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Here something to think about

From "Psychology of killing"


"Obsessional and Complusive States are like Conversion Hysteria except the soldier is more aware of what is going on. The soldier understands that fear is causing everything but he cannot do anything about it. This can be manifested by uncontrollable tremors, palpitations, stammers, tics and so on. After a while the trooper may find some kind of hysteria that allows him to escape psychic responsibility for the physical symptoms."

"Character Disorders are when a soldier becomes fixated on certain actions or things. Paranoia may include irascibility, depression and anxiety about his personal safety. Schizoids become hypersensitive and prefer to be alone. Epileptoid's become more prone to violent and sometimes unpredictable rages. Some become obsessed with religion and some become psychotic. In essence a person's very character has changed."

These are some things to think about when looking a a mechanic for people like this sniper in the OP video.

This is about making the game realistic/brutal

Players like this sniper should not be immune to their reckless killing spree.

Something like this is for players who kill mass player (ex the sniper had about 80 kills- this sniper is not a Bandit)

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Zwans I have never played COD and but as I understand its full of players killing other players. which seems to be the big thing in this game. clearly the bandits who dont like the Idea of less ability to PK are not liking my post. why? because they have to start playing toe game as its intended to survive and not just camp around a tent PKing people. and come up with your own come backs dont use mine show some maturity. are you playing the game to just PK or to survive you killing people for no reason is just you PKing.

Now I know rocket does not want to stop the PKing I have said this before and even suppoted the bandits. hell why do we even call the bandits they dont exist anymore they are just like survivors killing because they dont want to be shot first (deathmatch)

Bandits play a roll in the game and create a greater threat then a few stupid Z'ds but people who play the game just to PK once again why not play COD or BF3. thats full of PKing and plenty of it for you. if you kill someone for a reason other then oh i thought the new spawn on the beach might have NVG's i can use your playing it wrong. rocket wanted people to band a little bit more together so to survive a little co op is required.

as for the sniper sure I could go server hopping at stary tents with my DMR and get my kill count up but really what is the fun? As to the reference to the soldiers I think thats rubbish. every day I deal with thousands of them and am one myself. As for realism there is nothing real about the game or the mod. simumations are not fun to play thats why people dont play them. Arma is not a simulation

as for matacks comments. I just had an Idea. Poeple who kill more and more people end nup becomming mentaly scared. These people often make mistakes. how about random weapon discharges. Trigger happy. this could give your position away to players and zombies. People with compat action have mental issues usually so this could be a realistic mod. which is what rocket is intedning to do as I read hence the increased heart rate and pannic. people with a phsyc problem tend not to make the right decisions. and have less focus or patience

and fuck i cant spell

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god damn nerds i dont even know this trolling shit. clearly i had an idea and stated my idea. now thats what this part of the forum is for am i correct? so who is trolling in in reality? people like you who make comments that have 0 relivance to the forum? does this mean your breaking the rules and should be banned? are you going to put up a for sale advert for your car next?

now this post points out my intent for suggestion and is also thinking about the rules. looks like I am the better person here and not you

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I think we need to be able to just recognise players via customisable skins, as opposed to skins given under certain circumstances that separate us into classes. Then we could recognise people who had been friendly in the past, or the opposite.

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I read only the first page of replies since if your mental level is

"you can not disagree with anything i say here"

you should not share your "opinion" to anyone else.

All I see is a whiny nabcake who can't learn from his mistakes (forever-a-noob) and loyal to his previous gaming backround (cod, bf3) thinks the only solution is to go on the forums and bitch about how game mechanic X is completely ruining the game for 90% of the players.

Please, grow up.

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I must admit I kill players because it is the biggest rush ever. Its so fun to see 3 people walk into a church with ak's and surround it with my group. Gun fire everywhere in the dark and zombies rushing at you. People in the church diving for cover while we are outside shooting zombies and trying to hit one of them.

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i think it's not realistic that everyone is killing each other, in a world with just a few survivors and much more zombies, humankind have to coop, not to hunt each other... but smallminded idiots just there for killing other survivors, i think this is not they way its meant to be played! Some people have to play battlefield or cod, there they can play deathmatches... Just my opinion

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yea first of all COD is not know for its PK by grown-up gamers, that would be called "dumb" because it's an online wargame and if you cant stand get killed you should play something else. COD is know for being hilariously easy. Wich is why i used you precious comment, are you serious about that btw? you're not exactly the first one to use it, how would you claim it. And also, you're using it wrong.

And second, super lol at the rest of your comment because you clearly still can't even imagine what a bandit does with his time. Tough it's mostly the same as a survivor.

Don't try to change the game your playing, that would make you a selfish asshole, change your gamestyle. Or play another game.

And btw mister i'm-so-smart-in-calling-all-my-critics-bandits....they're not.

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This is supposed to be a zombie survival mod, right? Right now it's dominated by a kill on sight mentality because no one can trust each other, and the amount of people doing nothing but killing for kicks seems to be a large majority. Seems like you guys are reading spawn's message wrong.

Pvp is fine. I like tension not knowing if the guy around the next corner is going to kill me. But don't let it control the whole game. It does seem to be turning into a free for fall deathmatch with hostile wildlife.

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IMO the problem is the ubiquity of OP weapons and ammo. cut down on their numbers drastically and bandits won't be able to afford taking potshots at everyone.

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f*ck this shit i was done with you but after reading the other last 2 pages i want to add:

you're entire claim rests on one thing: you, and I do mean YOU, say that DayZ is NOT a survival game or simulator. I would like you to support that with 1 piece of evidence, on thing a developer did or said, one thing you experienced in the game...because if you do not it's just something you say, and who the fuck are you? But...who the fuck am I for that matter.

So i looked.

I have found no such things said by the devs, non of the older core gamers see it, and even most people like me who have been playing no more then a few months dont see it.

When i was researching this game before i bought it, what i read and saw was: "holy shit, a open end (read sandbox, but that words seems to freak you the fuck out) survival game where you get nothing, and everything and everyone tries to kill you all the time. Oh man and look here on the MAIN PAGE of the DayZ website, "average lifespan : 32 minutes" SO i was like Wooho, epic hard game! *Buy* First question, where the fuck did you read or see anything else?

Then i launched and i was like "wtf mate", i had a gun and food from the start, sneaking past zombies was super easy. So the game itself was easy, luckely, allot of people tried to kill me as a noob for my makarov ammo and food and it made the game intresting.

Then Rocket, god bless his wonderfull crazyness, started patching and nerfing the hell out of it and suddenly it got harder. The weather started killing yo ass, allot of new bugs, big influx of new players en mass, you spawned with no gun, zombies saw you from afar,...And I was like: "OMFG shit just turned serious" And the game became more fun.

AAAaaand then I start reading the forums en mass, being very into the game, and i start noticing there is this annoying fenonemen going on, it happens allot: you see, happy people tend to enjoy things, and not spent time announcing publicly how much they like it. Contrary to that is the people who are not happy( with the game in this instance) and them mothaf*ckers have nothing else to do then complain, so, when you read things like forum's the obvious result is that it will seem like allot of people are complaining when in fact, it's just a couple of hundred names on 300k individual characters in game.

And this is where i get realy bold: From this reasoning i would conclude this game is not for you. Adapt or don't.


If you you're willing to read it i summed up thing reasons DayZ is a survival sim.

- You start alone, after some kind of disaster, being unawhere of where you are and how you got there. (exept for the one and only hint you get, for 1.5 seconds when you spawn, and a map if you bypass the game and use internet.)

-You have almost nothing on you but your clothes.

-You have little or no means to contact other people. (unless you bypass the game by using Skype;Teamspeak, etc)

-you have to eat or drink or will die.

-If you get hurt you will need medical care, self care is possible but limited. Needing care by others is an extreme problem (geographical, safety).

-Distance is an extreme problem.

-Other living things out there might harm you. (in this case zombies)

-Other people in the same situation out there might kill you, rob you, abuse you.

- There's is no safe place, and if you find/make one anyway you will need to venture out for suplies.

- PVP is allowed and unpunished. It was somehow indicated by a tag nog long ago and it was removed.


And last, but not least:

"[NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs, kills animals, when activated"



"Dean "Rocket"Hall: They get it, they so get it. I love watching their live streams. They’re crazy. They’re all bandits. All bandits. They’re just ruthless, they don’t care if they get killed. And they’re not PvP… They’re not player killers. Or they are, but they care about their gear, they care about staying alive. They’re just cutthroat. It’s great."

now, now i'm done with you

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