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Johnny Depth

What's the most bizarre thing you've seen in game so far?

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well i saw various religious parades on the coast, disco in the school in berezino (with music!), some hippies sitting and talking about life issues in komarovo and more..

love this game.

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Freshly spawned on the coast, made my way east. Run into a circle of roughly twelve people sitting down with nothing but their skivvies. One guy in the center, wearing a yellow raincoat, no pants, wielding a firemans axe. He steps outside the circle, and proceeds to walk around the group, clockwise. I get closer, and all I hear is, and I quote "Duck.....Duck......Duck.....GOOSE MOTHERFU**ER"!

The guy gets up, runs around the circle of people, being chased by the other guy with the axe. He didn't escape, and was chopped to death.

The axe was placed in the circle, the killer sat down, and another stood up, took the axe, and begin circling.

I ran like a little girl from that craziness.....

Edited by Ineedscoffee
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Someone ran up to my group of 6 and offered us food and drink and bid us well. I was taken aback.

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