excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 I know its alpha.I know more stuff will be added. But. would be nice to see tents added so we have something else to do. think about it. if tents were added, we would have a way to store some items (keep the tent storage fairly low) now instead of just running around bored we could start hunting for peoples camps. when I first got into the mod, this is what me and another would do most times.... we would find a camp and write down the location and also what kind of gear was there. was a crap ton of fun as you had no idea if the camp owner was near by. what do you think? just trying to suggest something that could add a bit more fun into the game, and get people off the coast.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spartanxapathy 203 Posted February 13, 2014 While I am not really worried about when they come in, they will when dev team is ready, I used to do the same thing in the mod. I actually didn't mind a Kamenka spawn because I could just east of the western debug area and camps all over the place. Kitted and someone else did all the work :) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaughingJack (DayZ) 767 Posted February 13, 2014 (edited) Great idea! Why did nobody else mention this by now? Oh....wait.....there are about 500 threads about this topic already...but using the search function is SO freakin' HARD, I know... Edited February 13, 2014 by LaughingJack 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naraga 45 Posted February 13, 2014 Tents were a horrible part of the mod, and would pay to not see them back. If you die you die, shouldn't be able to have a few characters worth of gear stored somewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 Great idea! Why did nobody else mention this by now? Oh....wait.....there are about 500 threads about this topic already...but using the search function is SO freakin' HARD, I know... thanks for the ever so helpful reply. maybe you should use the search function. just because something was mentioned before means you can't ever mention it again? I am sure most of your posts are similar to this one...with the addition of "its freaking alphhhur" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 Tents were a horrible part of the mod, and would pay to not see them back. If you die you die, shouldn't be able to have a few characters worth of gear stored somewhere.to add to that,if you die ...your dead..you should stay dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EchoRomeoCharlie 19 Posted February 13, 2014 to add to that,if you die ...your dead..you should stay dead. Yeah...that character does stay dead...which is why you spawn with nothing and no stores that you put together in your previous life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damnyourdeadman 1045 Posted February 13, 2014 (edited) Great idea! Why did nobody else mention this by now? Oh....wait.....there are about 500 threads about this topic already...but using the search function is SO freakin' HARD, I know...Well as JacK correctly stated above there has been much talk about this already.I can tell you for sure they will implement them,i just don't know when.But let's not abandon this topic because the idea is old,let's propose new things that concern tents.Like it would be nice to have different size tents.and the ability to set up the big millitary tents illustrated below would be awesome :) Edited February 13, 2014 by Damnyourdeadman 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 13, 2014 Great idea! Why did nobody else mention this by now? Oh....wait.....there are about 500 threads about this topic already...but using the search function is SO freakin' HARD, I know...Beat me to it you SOB. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 Beat me to it you SOB. then you also dont use the search option either... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted February 13, 2014 then you also dont use the search option either...No I was saying that he beat me to it, as in I was going to let you have it for making a useless thread in a sea of useless threads on the same topic. I know how to use the search function, and when a thread pops up in the general discussion that has already been posted at least 1000 times, I will chime in to say how pointless it is and how the search function should have been used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted February 13, 2014 Well as JacK correctly stated above there has been much talk about this already.I can tell you for sure they will implement them,i just don't know when.But let's not abandon this topic because the idea is old,let's propose new things that concern tents.Like it would be nice to have different size tents.and the ability to set up the big millitary tents illustrated below would be awesome :) screw tents lets make crap like this as bases XD Could you imagine all the zombies and ppl it would attract? XD 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AryanBoogeyman 185 Posted February 13, 2014 While I am not really worried about when they come in, they will when dev team is ready, I used to do the same thing in the mod. I actually didn't mind a Kamenka spawn because I could just east of the western debug area and camps all over the place. Kitted and someone else did all the work :) Ohhh yeah. The dreaded Kamenka spawn before you could choose locations. That was always a laugher because smart players always had a small base camp near it on the Western border. As you said it was an opportunity to gear up quickly at little risk. Will always remember when our group of 3 ran the Western border and hit a massive camp that literally had every weapon in the game. 6 vehicles and a rocket launcher man. Rarest of the rare. Never did get a chance to fire it in anger though. <sad face> Good times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aj3x 19 Posted February 13, 2014 screw tents lets make crap like this as bases XD Could you imagine all the zombies and ppl it would attract? XD This is incredibly stupid but for some reason I WANT THIS NOW OMG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted February 13, 2014 This is incredibly stupid but for some reason I WANT THIS NOW OMG.They had something like this in zombie land if im not mistaken but i haven't seen the movie yet. But yeah man even in Dead Rising 2 bright lights EVERYWHERE and zombies by the thousands attracted to them. Could give some awesome loot inside of a place like that to but with SUPER SUPER high risk. Would take an entire squad just to secure one section. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ovomaltine 30 Posted February 13, 2014 One question, i dont know if anyone can answer it.Will "private" tents spawn and unspawn at their last location with the player connect and disconnect?Like a second player entity with some inventory slots, but only being static and having a Tent texture?Or will they consist and have to be put back into your inventory before u leave a server?!?! Cuz that wouldnt be cool.I wanna be able to leave one server with my tent in the woods somewhere else, then continue playing the next day, maybe on another server, and my tent will spawn at the same place there when I reconnect.Anybody knows something about the planned mechanics? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AryanBoogeyman 185 Posted February 13, 2014 (edited) One question, i dont know if anyone can answer it.Will "private" tents spawn and unspawn at their last location with the player connect and disconnect?Like a second player entity with some inventory slots, but only being static and having a Tent texture?Or will they consist and have to be put back into your inventory before u leave a server?!?! Cuz that wouldnt be cool.I wanna be able to leave one server with my tent in the woods somewhere else, then continue playing the next day, maybe on another server, and my tent will spawn at the same place there when I reconnect.Anybody knows something about the planned mechanics? The way tents worked in the mod was that they were persistent articles that stayed on the server where you placed them. They would persist until they were physically destroyed or the admins did a server cleanup which was usually rare. Tents were and should not be tied to player presence IMO as that kind of defeats the open world concept. Our group had a tent city of 5 or more tents that was never compromised. Super secret location... sorry can't share. Hopefully the SA will have much better placement physics as the last time I played the mod they fucked it up and made it impossible to accurately place your tents. Edited February 13, 2014 by AryanBoogeyman 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ovomaltine 30 Posted February 13, 2014 The way tents worked in the mod was that they were persistent articles that stayed on the server where you placed them. They would persist until they were physically destroyed or the admins did a server cleanup which was usually rare. Tents were and should not be tied to player presence IMO as that kind of defeats the open world concept. Our group had a tent city of 5 or more tents that was never compromised. Super secret location... sorry can't share. Hopefully the SA will have much better placement physics as the last time I played the mod they fucked it up and made it impossible to accurately place your tents. thx for the info!actually thats better yes... i just thought about it and player tied tents would maybe produce random situations where tents would be at the same spot ...but it also means if my server is full (technical circumstance) i cant get to my stuff... ... which kind of also defeats the open world concept :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted February 13, 2014 If they do add tents it should only be storage for that characters life. Once you're dead, you're tent is gone. Also without proper gear spawn rotation tents are useless with the super fast server reset gear farm that going on with the game right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 No I was saying that he beat me to it, as in I was going to let you have it for making a useless thread in a sea of useless threads on the same topic. I know how to use the search function, and when a thread pops up in the general discussion that has already been posted at least 1000 times, I will chime in to say how pointless it is and how the search function should have been used.so then please use the search function before you spew out nonfactual crap that you only assume has been covered "1000 times" just because you dont like the topic gives you every right to say " covered a 1000 times or its alphhur"? so by your standards a good idea someone has that may not be "your" idea of how or what might be good in this game is just a shit idea and the poster should be ridiculed and flogged? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 The way tents worked in the mod was that they were persistent articles that stayed on the server where you placed them. They would persist until they were physically destroyed or the admins did a server cleanup which was usually rare. Tents were and should not be tied to player presence IMO as that kind of defeats the open world concept. Our group had a tent city of 5 or more tents that was never compromised. Super secret location... sorry can't share. Hopefully the SA will have much better placement physics as the last time I played the mod they fucked it up and made it impossible to accurately place your tents.ty very well said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted February 13, 2014 The way tents worked in the mod was that they were persistent articles that stayed on the server where you placed them. They would persist until they were physically destroyed or the admins did a server cleanup which was usually rare. Tents were and should not be tied to player presence IMO as that kind of defeats the open world concept. Our group had a tent city of 5 or more tents that was never compromised. Super secret location... sorry can't share. Hopefully the SA will have much better placement physics as the last time I played the mod they fucked it up and made it impossible to accurately place your tents. I am not sure what you mean. You want to be able to glitch hide tents in rocks or not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 One question, i dont know if anyone can answer it.Will "private" tents spawn and unspawn at their last location with the player connect and disconnect?Like a second player entity with some inventory slots, but only being static and having a Tent texture?Or will they consist and have to be put back into your inventory before u leave a server?!?! Cuz that wouldnt be cool.I wanna be able to leave one server with my tent in the woods somewhere else, then continue playing the next day, maybe on another server, and my tent will spawn at the same place there when I reconnect.Anybody knows something about the planned mechanics?tents like the mod remain after a player log's out..thus the I found your stash and robbed you.it would be the tent you drop on server A would remain on server A..join server B your tent is not there. if it was hive wide there would be tent's everywhere. plus it gives an incentive to stick to one or 2 servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 13, 2014 I am not sure what you mean. You want to be able to glitch hide tents in rocks or not?i don't think that's what he means (hope not) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted February 13, 2014 tents like the mod remain after a player log's out..thus the I found your stash and robbed you.it would be the tent you drop on server A would remain on server A..join server B your tent is not there. if it was hive wide there would be tent's everywhere. plus it gives an incentive to stick to one or 2 servers. I already can predict that people will hide their tents on unpopular servers and just server hop to popular servers. So lowest populated servers will have the most hidden tents. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites