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Loudspeaker/Megaphone - To increace direct chat range

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Thiss one comes from playing the mod on servers with Global Chat. I kind of miss the txt popping up of someone saying,  "you down there in electro....i seeeee you!" or whatever. Justthe ability to communicte over distance without a radio.


So.....how about a megaphone that if you hold it in your hands it upps your direct comms range to 1-200m. Could lead to some great standoffs and negaotiations. Also entering a town where a bandit group is using it to try and get someone to surrender could be fun :)


So, what you guys think?

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Looks like a nice idea, but it could lead to pretty annyoing situations if you have 3 or 4 people with a megaphone in one server shooting at each other. 

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Yeah good point, maybe if it got louder the closer you were might help with that. There would be a risk aswell, letting everyone know where they are and not having a gun in there hands to kill anyone with when they come to shut them up :)


EDIT the secnario in my head is bandits are trying to get a bambi to surrender and walk out of a building unarmed.....the bambi hears a firefight outside.....next thing a new voice is on the megaphone, either telling them all is well they are safe to leave....or that they are now in more trouble thay were a min ago lol

Edited by Karmaterror

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Sound good idea, however 200m range is way too much IMHO.

And devs could have issue because of OpenAL (occlusion/obstruction thing from ArmA sound engine I guess).

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Megaphones are HUGE.


Walkie Talkies are already in game.





So I could shout at someone inside a shop to come out with there hands up.....but from further away than normal direct chat range. A walkie talkie wouldn't be able to accomplish that. Think of a negotiator on a megaphone....that's the kind of use im thinking of ;)

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Yeah, and a walkie talkie wouldn't be able to communicate with a person with no walkie-talkie. I was about to suggest this myself until I saw it in search, and have one addition: MAKE IT SPAWN RARELY. Preferably inland.

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