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Take Shots Like a Pro

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So I'm sniping behind the hangers at the northeast base. Notice a guy go into the the radio tower. I wanna get a better shot so I move closer to the fence. a guy comes from the prison next to the hangers and shoots me with his pistol. I manage to get down the hill a lil until I'm struck with a final bullet that makes me go unconscious. 30 seconds later my guy gets back up and I hall ass out of there to the nearest treeline. After all that my guy still wasn't bleesing. So my question is is there something wrong with the bleeding mechanism?

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We're you wearing a tactical vest or something of that sort? There have been a lot of reports lately of people getting shot, not bleeding, but everything in their tactical vest being ruined.

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I also feel like im not bleeding as fast as before the last patch. Zombie-hits, bullets, no matter what, my character just dont want to bleed. Im curious about that.

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I have even gotten hit by some zombies and should have been bleeding but never did.

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I walked out of one of the barracks on Balotta yesterday and the game told me I got shot in the arse (ruined my trousers and most of what was in the pockets)... There was no one there.


I think it's just a bug. It'll get ironed out.

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I walked out of one of the barracks on Balotta yesterday and the game told me I got shot in the arse (ruined my trousers and most of what was in the pockets)... There was no one there.


I think it's just a bug. It'll get ironed out.


You more than likely got shot in the arse.

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You more than likely got shot in the arse.


Truth. I was shot twice in north-west airfield from behind which turned out to be some half-geared bambi getting very brave. The funny thing is that I was able to turn around while drawing my SKS, kneel, then put three bullets into him. He died-ed. :T


As a result of being shot, somehow my formerly pristine gun-holster was ruined. This from being shot in the back.


The back.


Ruined gun holster. The bullet apparently superseded physics avoiding my backpack full of stuff and followed a Matrix-like path around me to strike my gun-holster.


Currently broken, in my opinion.

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Seemingly blunt attacks provoke way less bleeding than before.


Firearms and axes and other similar cutting and stabbing ( SKS bayonet is awesome ! ) didn't really notice a difference.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan
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I think it's bugged---hope its bugged---Kind of absurd right now! Last patch was pretty rushed, it's likely more got broken than we realize! Or perhaps things were tweaked so we could test the sewing kits.

I am not really happy with it though, hope it's not staying this way. Highly doubt it is!

Edited by Rudette

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Same here, stupidly decided to swap my axe for a bat. Then the first zed i see proper mauls me because I was missing half the swings. The other half hit but the damage on that bat must be really low lol. Anyway hit me a good 10 times and no bleed or anything :s

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Truth. I was shot twice in north-west airfield from behind which turned out to be some half-geared bambi getting very brave. The funny thing is that I was able to turn around while drawing my SKS, kneel, then put three bullets into him. He died-ed. :T


As a result of being shot, somehow my formerly pristine gun-holster was ruined. This from being shot in the back.


The back.


Ruined gun holster. The bullet apparently superseded physics avoiding my backpack full of stuff and followed a Matrix-like path around me to strike my gun-holster.


Currently broken, in my opinion.


You do realise the gun holster does not magically float on your chest right?


But yes.. the game is still being developed and is far from finished.  And the holster is treated the same as a vest.. and will need tweaking.


My clothing seems to be impregnable to zoombie hits right now.

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Got shot by a friend once ( accidentally ) from almost point blank range with an SKS - no bleeding, tactical vest went from pristine -> ruined, pants from pristine to badly damaged and stuff inside took some damage , but luckily nothing ruined.

Tested also how many hits a zombie needs to get you bleeding  as a fresh spawn. With T-shirt on it takes about 10-13 hits to get  first "bleeding" effect . Without shirt , zombies only needs 7-8.
It's too ez now ..

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You do realise the gun holster does not magically float on your chest right?


But yes.. the game is still being developed and is far from finished.  And the holster is treated the same as a vest.. and will need tweaking.


My clothing seems to be impregnable to zoombie hits right now.


Okay, yeah, the bullet shot through my backpack without damaging anything only to ruin my gun-holster at the end of its journey. You do realize I said I was shot in the back, right? Otherwise, I'll have to chalk your comment up to illiteracy.

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Yea so luckily they got the healthy status disappearing when it's suppose to, though i think now it takes longer for it to come up. Has anyone tried shooting somebody with no clothes on to see if they bleed?

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Okay, yeah, the bullet shot through my backpack without damaging anything only to ruin my gun-holster at the end of its journey. You do realize I said I was shot in the back, right? Otherwise, I'll have to chalk your comment up to illiteracy.

Bro he heard u, he even went to explain how this game is still bugged and the holster is treated as a vest. You my friend are what they call troll

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Bro he heard u, he even went to explain how this game is still bugged and the holster is treated as a vest. You my friend are what they call troll


You're what they call a moron. I pointed out the bug. Then he neglected to realize I had already pointed out the bug, and pointed it out himself. I reiterate what I had already pointed out, in a vain hope that he'll realize what had happened.


Enter you, pointing out something completely pointless for the sake of calling someone a troll. Let's compare helpful/contributive posts, sir.


This is the reason I am losing faith. /shrug

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Yeah its lame clothes seem to protect you a shit load now. Me and my friend found 2 people yesterday, they were fully geared and took 5 mosin shots to the chest, and 3 or 4 sks bullets to wherever to kill each guy. 

Edited by raezion420
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I think it's a cause of this fix


"Systems: Damage was being equally applied to all objects inside inventory slot when shot/damaged (now items reduce the damage when they take damage)."


Seems kinda broken - a fresh spawn shot in the back will take full damage from a shot because of lack of items, but a fully geared guy ( full big backpack ) will have that dmg reduced by 35 items...

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Guys, this is a balance issue. Items do reduce damage IRL.

It is just that items right now have too much HP. It will be lowered hopefully as a part of the beta as opposed to alpha stage.

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I think it's a cause of this fix


"Systems: Damage was being equally applied to all objects inside inventory slot when shot/damaged (now items reduce the damage when they take damage)."


Seems kinda broken - a fresh spawn shot in the back will take full damage from a shot because of lack of items, but a fully geared guy ( full big backpack ) will have that dmg reduced by 35 items...

This makes me happy because I really was hopping items would reduce damage you take.


Guys, this is a balance issue. Items do reduce damage IRL.

It is just that items right now have too much HP. It will be lowered hopefully as a part of the beta as opposed to alpha stage.

You are 100 percent right IRL damages do get reduced by items you have on you. Now what I want to see is them fixing clothing so that you cant put a lets say helmet in your pants. Once they can get that done I think inventory would be almost perfect.

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Now what I want to see is them fixing clothing so that you cant put a lets say helmet in your pants. Once they can get that done I think inventory would be almost perfect.


I guess you are joking right? Putting helmet in one's pants....O_o

It's fine that items are taking damage when you are shot, but please lets not make it so, that everybody will wear bulletproof vest made of cans of beans...

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