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Need Fixing: Axe swinging, Filling Canteens, Disappearing loot

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1) Axe swinging: this animation needs fixing. At the moment it looks like a 2 year old girl trying to swing an axe for the first time (a left-handed, short jabbing motion). A right-handed, full-on baseball bat type of swing is much needed.


2) Filling canteens: This is a nightmare at the moment (unless Im missing something?). Once equipped into your hand, you get only one chance to bring up the 'Fill bottle' option. Missing this (which is infinitely easier than it sounds) means you are only left with the "Drink water" option. Switching to another item and then back again gives you anther chance. Or you can fill plastic water-bottles and transfer the contents to canteens (still a pain in the ass though).


3) Disappearing Dropped items:  I was in the 'bar building' and needed to shuffle my inventory to make room for a tin of beans. I moved my ammo box to the left-side of the screen so I could open it and re-organize. The next thing I know my box has vanished. After searching I find it in the counter and eventually have to give it up for lost..

I don't mean to exaggerate; but losing this much ammo and the -rare- ammo box was soul destroying. I was properly gutted (300 rounds is a lot of ammo for a lonewolf newbie like myself). .  -this game has given me some incredible, adrenaline-filled, highs (my first firefight... which ended up being an 'Enemy at the Gates' style sniper duel, to name but one), but this was a horrible low....


4) Water-purification tabs: In their description they state "One per bottle" (correctly). I had a packet of 9 and they disappeared after purifying one canteen. 


5) Falling 2 feet (less than a meter) and dying..?!..  -A blue whale with matchstick legs would survive higher falls than I do in this game  -please fix....



-keep going DayZ devs. This game is an unpolished gem that has the potential to be an all time great    :)

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I never have trouble with Fill bottle. I just scroll the mouse wheel and it appears.

I wish the ability to bring the axe up after pressing space bar was removed. You can't hit anything with it that way. Instead it should be lowered when space is pressed so you can see better

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1. Press space and lower the axe. It is harder to use while raised up and works much better while lowered.

2. Um... What? Are you maybe slipping so that you are no longer aiming at the well? Works okay.

3. It was probably still there, but under the floor. Please Bug Report it so they can hopefully fix that building.

4. Not sure... I don't bother purifying water right now. Infection chance is either nil or low from drinking water right now.

5. Did you know that people trip in real life, fall, and die? From like 0 feet off the ground.

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What if you are left handed? huh? huh? what?

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I never have trouble with Fill bottle. I just scroll the mouse wheel and it appears.

Mouse wheel   -^

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1) Axe swinging: Drop your hands.


2) Filling canteens: Its you.


3) Disappearing Dropped items: Go downstairs.


4) Water-purification tabs: Find a well.


5) Falling 2 feet (less than a meter) and dying: Your exaggerating.

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1) Axe swinging: this animation needs fixing. At the moment it looks like a 2 year old girl trying to swing an axe for the first time (a left-handed, short jabbing motion). A right-handed, full-on baseball bat type of swing is much needed.


2) Filling canteens: This is a nightmare at the moment (unless Im missing something?). Once equipped into your hand, you get only one chance to bring up the 'Fill bottle' option. Missing this (which is infinitely easier than it sounds) means you are only left with the "Drink water" option. Switching to another item and then back again gives you anther chance. Or you can fill plastic water-bottles and transfer the contents to canteens (still a pain in the ass though).


4) Water-purification tabs: In their description they state "One per bottle" (correctly). I had a packet of 9 and they disappeared after purifying one canteen. 



1) I wonder why my character holds the axe left-handed even though I hold guns right-handedly.

2) Aim up/down, or walk around the water source for a bit to have the "fill bottle" option come back up. One to two second fix.

4) Water purification tablets currently have no purpose, being that you currently cannot get an infection from tainted water. Drop any you may have.


As for 3 and 5, they are both bugs. Nothing can be done about them just yet.

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Just a small suggestion to keep you alive. Don't swing an axe like a baseball bat. Ever.

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1) Axe swinging: Drop your hands.


2) Filling canteens: Its you.


3) Disappearing Dropped items: Go downstairs.


4) Water-purification tabs: Find a well.


5) Falling 2 feet (less than a meter) and dying: Your exaggerating.



1) I know this

2) No its not

3) I was downstairs

4) It says 'drink form pond' when you drink from those weird Russian pump things

5) No Im not. If you go North a little while from one of the starting beaches, you come to a small dam (a little way up from the dam is a village). Run across the dam and jump off halfway up the stone/concrete slope of the dam thing -you'll brake your legs and die.




Edited by Ultra7

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Axe swings should definitely be an overhead swing. And what is wrong with left-handed swings?


Filling canteens: Mouse wheel.


Disappearing items: Don't ever place items in a house with furniture. Do it outside or in empty rooms (stand in the middle of them). Of course the problem of items getting stuck in walls and furniture (and trees) is a problem and will eventually be fixed.


Water purification tabs: No need. Infection not implemented yet.


Falling: They did mention tweaking it in latest patch. But it probably needs a lot more work.

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1) I wonder why my character holds the axe left-handed even though I hold guns right-handedly.

This...I've known people who switch between left and righty for a few things, but as far as I know it's very uncommon and seems sorta weird. Having random "handedness" would be cool though.

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Well they are going to be overhauling melee so we can expect things like the axe and allot of the other melee to hopefully hit better.

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I never have trouble with Fill bottle. I just scroll the mouse wheel and it appears.

I wish the ability to bring the axe up after pressing space bar was removed. You can't hit anything with it that way. Instead it should be lowered when space is pressed so you can see better



But IMO the space bar should give you a horizontal swing instead of block,

but speaking of the axe block. Did you know it can stop a bullet?


Check this out! - Start at :50 secs in.

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You #3 might be from a lack of patience on full servers it can take as long a minute for items to appear in the game, also get in the habit of dropping items on the ground floor/ground to prevent this, if the building has any kinda of sub floor you do run the risk of it vanishing into oblivion.

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