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Trap Crafting

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I know that we dont have animals to hunt yet but how amazing would it be if you could craft a wide range of different traps to hunt these animals, Starting at something as simple as a snare attached to a nearby tree and ranging its way up to Deadfall traps to be crafted in the wilderness. As for People i'm sure that allowing some one to build A large deadfall Trap would be an awesome deterrent from looting bases when that update is implemented, Just think would you really run into a base that you know was empty if it was possibly full of booby traps you could still raid and these traps could be noticed by small telltale signs and some even disarmed.

Here are some trap ideas i will post pics as well.

I Will start simple


Basic Spring: http://www.watchmenofamerica.com/Photos/fieldcraft/traps/trap2.jpg

Wire Snare: http://www.wilderness-survival-skills.com/images/wire-snare.jpg

Spear Traps:

Honestly this is more what i want to see in the game but that's just because i think spear traps are really cool and most would probably agree with me

Sprung Spear Trap:http://www.survivaljunction.com/images/stories/survival-skills-4.jpg

Spear Deadfall:http://robert.thegeakes.co.uk/survival/images/spded.gif I had some trouble finding a pic of this sorry if you find a better example please leave a link in comments below

Deadfall Traps:

These traps should be the easiest to find supplies to build however none of them would be effective against people.

Sprung Deadfall: http://www.survivaljunction.com/images/stories/survival-skills-3.jpg

2 Stick/Pin Deadfall: http://infolific.com/images/wilderness-survival/two-stick-deadfall-trap.jpg

Figure 4 Deadfall: http://sensiblesurvival.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/paiute2bdeadfall.jpg


you could have a variety of pitfalls some lethal some not but i think we will start with everyones favorite The Punji Pit these traps would be especially usefull against large game or people:

The Punji Pit: http://harv116.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/trap-int2-web.jpg

Pitfall Foot Trap/ Apache Foot Trap: http://i46.tinypic.com/33u7bs7.jpg

Please guys lets make this happen you all know you want to trap a rabbit and eat it instead of trying to shoot the bloody thing and I know I'd love to set up base and have an Apache Foot Trap so i could find the prick trying to raid me and finish the job personally. Let me know what yopu guy all think and if theres any traps that you think would make a better addition to the game please leave them in comment below the more people comment the better chance of devs givng us traps.

Edit: Must have crafted rope or stick ladder to create pitfall traps,

Edit: just though there could even be wolf traps in houses up a bit higher near woodlands or possibly bear traps as we'll for extra damage.

wolf trap: http://www.thefurtrapper.com/images/Lane%20Trap.jpg

Bear trap: http://static.squarespace.com/static/5176fdb5e4b083b631f31303/t/51bb7e09e4b060dde410eacf/1371241994361/bigstock-Bear-Trap-38159869-e1370296224125.jpg

Edited by Nurrvillian
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I like the idea of traps...in fact i am longing for satchel charges or land mines to make an appearance.

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Tell me about Punji Pit : you kill someone and then what? How do you loot him?

I do see your point however it would mainly be used for defensive purposes and the has to be a way to get the Punji poles in there in the first place aswell i suppose. you might craft a ladder to get in and out safely sorry for not noticing before thanks for tip man

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Drip rifle to lure zombies/players and then snipe em?

sorry for the delayed reply could you please explain what a drip rifle is and how it works i have never heard of this concept before


Also if possible could you post link to image or an image of you own to show what trap would look like in the evironent

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