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Remake land and towns

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My personal opinion is that the terrain and cities after a certain time od playing start to be monotonous. Hill - Valley - Hill - Valley and so on to infinitum, and cities more or less completely symmetrical and identical (the only difference is in the position of the house). Here, for example "newly renovated part of the" "Black Mountain" to the left of "Krasnostav" next to NO Airfield is an example of what I would like to see. There is not a classic up and down the hill you got some valley (good start :D) I hope you understand what I wanted to say.

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No place for some challenging climbing, some steep mountain, caves or maybe some kind of hole, bunker, cave by the sea, an island as the MOD in which you can only come by boat etc... some watterfalls, lakes .....


Edited by HrkiGV

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well, after a hill or mountain there follows a valley often ^^ what should i say? =)

The map is a copy of the real world, but they will add rivers and stuff. maybe they will add some other stuff too.

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Firstly its alpha and they are constantly updating the map as seen in svetlojarsk and soon to be island with a prison, secondly you make no sense in what your suggesting, and finally the towns are very different

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