Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 I have what I feel are a few legitimate questions... While I am not a KoS'er in this game, I have been one in other games, depending on the basis of the game.... With that said, looking at what this game is portraying, a Zombie Apocalypse, very few humans left as far as we can tell, survival is your #1 priority. Survival... I guess it would come down to whether you are trying to carry on the human race, in which case it would be survival of Humanity as a whole, and then there is just you, wanting to survive at all costs. So I wonder, to the people that KoS in this game, because yes it is a "valid" playstyle, there are no rules in this sandbox... What happens when you kill the last survivor other than you? Do you sit alone on the mountain, happy, with your beans? Do you lose it (I am Legend comes to mind), from lack of human interaction?, eventually just kill yourself? If you plan to wait for the right times to create a group you will lead, and ultimately become the leader of Humanity in the new world, how do you know if the person you're about to shoot now isn't the last survivor other than you? Not saying not to enjoy your "playstyle"... just wondering... When you are all that is left, with your horde of awesome gear... What then? Sounds like a horrible existence, where the minutes turn into their own private eternity of hell... Just a bit curious what drives that playstyle I guess!Have at it below... Can't wait to see these replies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samuri_Bake_Pie 96 Posted February 9, 2014 If you think about it, you can never really be the last survivor. Sure you can be one for 100;s of miles but even if we lose 99% of the Earth's population there still thousands of people left. As long as I got a chick with me and a doc, its all good. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted February 9, 2014 What happens when you kill the last survivor other than you? Impossible, they respawn faster than you can eliminate them. Do you sit alone on the mountain, happy, with your beans? Depends if I have a sniper rifle. Do you lose it (I am Legend comes to mind), from lack of human interaction? No, I have plenty of human interaction, I'm not staring at my screen 24 hours a day. eventually just kill yourself? Not on purpose. If you plan to wait for the right times to create a group you will lead, and ultimately become the leader of Humanity in the new world, how do you know if the person you're about to shoot now isn't the last survivor other than you? I don't lead groups but I'd just check the player list. Not saying not to enjoy your "playstyle"... just wondering... When you are all that is left, with your horde of awesome gear... What then? Yawn, switch to a populated server. Just a bit curious what drives that playstyle I guess! I think you're looking at it from a roleplayer's perspective. Wrong perspective... And a really intense roleplayer at that... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 If you think about it, you can never really be the last survivor. Sure you can be one for 100;s of miles but even if we lose 99% of the Earth's population there still thousands of people left. As long as I got a chick with me and a doc, its all good. Fair enough answer... But what if that person you shoot for his "ammo"... WAS a doctor? Or the scientist that had just found out what happened and how to kill the zombies off with just a little help from someone? "At least I've got 16 more rounds of ammo." <--- kinda thing? Doesn't it seem a waste to destroy the person, before finding out who they are and what they could possibly offer, for a few rounds and a ruined can of beans?... Or am I missing something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerandar 212 Posted February 9, 2014 I dont really care about any sort of survival, I just want to kill things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 Impossible, they respawn faster than you can eliminate them. Depends if I have a sniper rifle. No, I have plenty of human interaction, I'm not staring at my screen 24 hours a day. Not on purpose. I don't lead groups but I'd just check the player list. Yawn, switch to a populated server. I think you're looking at it from a roleplayer's perspective. Wrong perspective... And a really intense roleplayer at that...Actually no I am not a roleplayer, nor am I looking at it as one... your responses lead me to believe that this is just a new map of Counterstrike... Which it most certainly can be if that's what you want, but it seems like a bit of a waste, to me anyway, to miss the point that drastically... That's why I asked. Just wondering. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 I dont really care about any sort of survival, I just want to kill things.Ok that confirms what I just said to the last poster.... this is just a new map of counterstrike-ish games for straight KoS'ers... That actually makes a lot more sense, don't care what the devs are trying to create, there are guns, and people.... New game to use those guns, to kill people.... Gotya! Thanks for the clarification! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bn3 3 Posted February 9, 2014 Didn't have time to listen to your questions before I shot you in the face ..... Sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colbykid 61 Posted February 9, 2014 Don't worry, they will be respawn :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xRann 126 Posted February 9, 2014 You know how many books I can read while I eat my beans after all these schmoes are gone? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted February 9, 2014 Actually no I am not a roleplayer, nor am I looking at it as one... your responses lead me to believe that this is just a new map of Counterstrike... Which it most certainly can be if that's what you want, but it seems like a bit of a waste, to me anyway, to miss the point that drastically... That's why I asked. Just wondering. Sure seems like a roleplaying perspective to me. Are you asking about what we'd do in real life then? Because in DayZ you can't be "the last survivor" of humanity, so I don't understand where these questions came from... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 You know how many books I can read while I eat my beans after all these schmoes are gone?LMAO... Best response yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 Sure seems like a roleplaying perspective to me. Are you asking about what we'd do in real life then? Because in DayZ you can't be "the last survivor" of humanity, so I don't understand where these questions came from...I guess I should have put what I ended the OP with at the beginning... I was just wondering what drives that playstyle in this particular game... and if it will persist after everything is added. There have been enough posts and responses to come to a general consensus though. Wasn't meant to be a harsh post against anyone or their playstyle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McGarnagle 94 Posted February 9, 2014 I love when people get all "you're having fun wrong" about things. This thread is full of winners. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 I love when people get all "you're having fun wrong" about things. This thread is full of winners.I love when someone with 3 posts misinterprets and misconstrues something to try to derail it. This thread actually WAS full of winners, until you got here. /sarcasm Let me give you some homework, get mommy to help you with it, answer the following question: Where did I once in my original post, or in replies to others, say or even insinuate that anyone was having fun "wrong"? I clearly stated more than once in multiple ways that I had questions, to which others have actually answered, and that I was voicing an "opinion" :o·pin·ionəˈpinyən/noun 1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jim45682 1 Posted February 9, 2014 TBH, I never used to play KoS but the amount of KoS types out there have led me down that path. I cant tell you how many times I have had someone dead to rights and in the seconds of hesitation while I determine their intentions I got gunned down by their friends or them. After so many times of that i tend to shoot first, shoot second , and leave the questions for the birds that feast on the leftovers. Like it or not its a kill or be killed world, even an unarmed bambi is a threat these days. The concepts of sparing people and working together to survive is a noble one, but you cant survive if your good intentions blind you to the darker side of humanity. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted February 9, 2014 In mods like BP I even got to be Hero LVL2, here, I tried to be nice and help others... (even one that after helping him shot me down), now, its KoD so I am not asking anymore, or Friendly-ing, I do KoS because I am tired of being the target KoS´ers 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rudette 435 Posted February 9, 2014 (edited) DayZ will eventually offer more than PewPew, but the PewPew playstyle is fun to indulge in from time to time and I certainly harbor nothing against those who choose to play that! Right now we're all rabid bored and greedy, with nothing to compete with for resources but each other. We lack other goals to aspire to! Aside from hoarding massive amounts of beans and ordinance other people want to kill for. Of course we're gonna gun each other down! The stage DayZ has set calls for it.I'd like the immerse myself in the survivalist feel of things eventually, when that actually becomes difficult! I want that part of the game to be the real struggle, the part that feels the most difficult. I don't really want a shooter with the backdrop of survival, I want survival with the backdrop of a shooter. I want risk management, both when dealing with the environment and when dealing with other players.I don't really consider myself a roleplayer, but I do like to set light parameters around each playthrough. Parameters that are subject to change when social dynamics present themselves. However,I also have ADHD, get bored easily, and tend to shoot people after going stir crazy from walking around in the woods aimlessly gathering loot. Edited February 9, 2014 by Rudette 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felony Inhibitor 59 Posted February 9, 2014 (edited) DayZ will eventually offer more than PewPew, but the PewPew playstyle is fun to indulge in from time to time and I certainly harbor nothing against those who choose to play that! Right now we're all rabid bored and greedy, with nothing to compete with for resources but each other. We lack other goals to aspire to! Aside from hoarding massive amounts of beans and ordinance other people want to kill for. Of course we're gonna gun each other down! The stage DayZ has set calls for it.I'd like the immerse myself in the survivalist feel of things eventually, when that actually becomes difficult! I want that part of the game to be the real struggle, the part that feels the most difficult. I don't really want a shooter with the backdrop of survival, I want survival with the backdrop of a shooter. I want risk management, both when dealing with the environment and when dealing with other players.I don't really consider myself a roleplayer, but I do like to set light parameters around each playthrough. Parameters that are subject to change when social dynamics present themselves. However,I also have ADHD, get bored easily, and tend to shoot people after going stir crazy from walking around in the woods aimlessly gathering loot. Well said! I will let this go for a bit more before I update the OP, I have read and responded to some interesting responses, and have found some good answers to what I asked, and they mostly point the same direction. It's interesting to see what people reply with though... for science. Edited February 9, 2014 by Felony Inhibitor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted February 9, 2014 Impossible, they respawn faster than you can eliminate them.Depends if I have a sniper rifle.No, I have plenty of human interaction, I'm not staring at my screen 24 hours a day.Not on purpose.I don't lead groups but I'd just check the player list.Yawn, switch to a populated server.I think you're looking at it from a roleplayer's perspective. Wrong perspective...And a really intense roleplayer at that...I don't say it enough, Gews, but I love you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irl-calibre 744 Posted February 9, 2014 I have what I feel are a few legitimate questions... While I am not a KoS'er in this game, I have been one in other games, depending on the basis of the game.... With that said, looking at what this game is portraying, a Zombie Apocalypse, very few humans left as far as we can tell, survival is your #1 priority. Survival... I guess it would come down to whether you are trying to carry on the human race, in which case it would be survival of Humanity as a whole, and then there is just you, wanting to survive at all costs. So I wonder, to the people that KoS in this game, because yes it is a "valid" playstyle, there are no rules in this sandbox... What happens when you kill the last survivor other than you? Do you sit alone on the mountain, happy, with your beans? Do you lose it (I am Legend comes to mind), from lack of human interaction?, eventually just kill yourself? If you plan to wait for the right times to create a group you will lead, and ultimately become the leader of Humanity in the new world, how do you know if the person you're about to shoot now isn't the last survivor other than you? Not saying not to enjoy your "playstyle"... just wondering... When you are all that is left, with your horde of awesome gear... What then? Sounds like a horrible existence, where the minutes turn into their own private eternity of hell... Just a bit curious what drives that playstyle I guess!Have at it below... Can't wait to see these replies. I lived in the NEAF for about 2 weeks over the holidays so i'd say for at least 60h in game, I role played a soldier left to patrol the base until his unit returned, I tried to kos every fecker that I saw on the NEAF the whole time.. (my main purpose was killing hoppers) don't like the way I roleplayed it? tough shit my story.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benri 33 Posted February 9, 2014 sometimes i use this "strategy" too...i hate it, but when someone with m4 just bump into you inside a building you have no other choice...usually im friendly but its dayz you have to make fast decisions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaTurkey 255 Posted February 9, 2014 Guess im pretty stubborn then. Never turned into a kos'er since beginning of the mod. I dont plan on changing either. Im frendly whenever possible, but will shoot if needed. Killing people that shot me unprovoked is a brilliant feeling. I suppose somehow it teaches them a lesson but i doubt it. Sometimes talking is the better option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benri 33 Posted February 9, 2014 Guess im pretty stubborn then. Never turned into a kos'er since beginning of the mod. I dont plan on changing either. Im frendly whenever possible, but will shoot if needed.Killing people that shot me unprovoked is a brilliant feeling. I suppose somehow it teaches them a lesson but i doubt it. Sometimes talking is the better option.yea, that awesome feel when you kill bandits that started shooting on you for no reason.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites