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cenobite (DayZ)

General Resets on Daily Basis

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Hello, I have read some texts on character resets, but they all say the same thing, I "was reset once etc etc,"  then some child responds with "alpha"  which of course means nothing, but in a grade school mentality seems like you've made an ingenious reply to someone seeking some sort of help. Now with that said, my issues is similar but yet over board.


I cant find any posts that could help me resolve this issue.  I reset EVERYDAY almost.  Doesn't matter where I log out, doesn't matter if its a full server, dead server, near zombies, every day sometimes  1-2x i logged out, come back, re-spawn.  Now if I was getting killed thats fine, but the area  I often log out is nowhwere near zombies, and I have yet to be shot at there since day one alpha. 


I have tried the following:   Deleting my game, re-installing  (5 times now)

                                          Logging out in "safer" areas

                                           Checking game properties cache files

                                          Chalking it up to "alpha"



But seriously, once in awhile I understand, but every fucking day?   So far I havent read or play with ANYONE  who has resetting issues like me. Again, this is not once in awhile, its non stop. If you have any suggestions other then delete and game and walk away, please let me know, this is starting to piss me off.

Edited by cenobite

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I was having this problem before the previous patch, that was due to some servers having issues connecting to the main hive to retrieve your character and just respawning you on the beach. I was encountering character resets every day as well. Once I stuck to a few servers I didn't have that issue on I was OK.


I've also had no character reset issues after the patch ether, had my character for about 4 days now. That's not to say there hasn't been a new bug introduced though.


If you find a couple of servers where this doesn't happen then for the love of god stick to them!

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i seem to be having the same problem. almost every time i log out and come back later to play im on the coast ... happened 3 times yesterday.... and one time i logged in unconscious and it stayed like that for 10 mins till i gave up waiting to wake up. and i was back on the coast. im not server hopping .. i just have a busy scheduled so i only get to play an hour here and a hour there. i log out in safe spots.. i never had this problem till after the patch. any insight would be great

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I guess ima try the stick to 1-2 servers only.  As generally i look for 39/40 40/40 servers to play on, but they often change on who is full each day.  I tend to really see the issue after i HAVE been killed, re-geared, then log out, log in and reset. Its as if the game is not saving my "recent" character.  Well see,  hopefully others might have advice on how they handle this issue.


Good Gaming: Ceno

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My Char now resets ALLWAYS, when i log in and out.
Even on the same server.

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Same here, resets almost every time, in addition to spawning unconscious in water. 

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