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Sir Schmoopy

Spawning in after safe log out or reset with nothing?

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This happening to anyone else? I safely logged out from  a server and logged back into the same one 30 minutes later and had NOTHING. Same thing happened when the server reset.

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Well let me be the first to say that clearly you were combat logging and did not log out in a safe location.  Maybe next time you shouldn't combat log like an <insert explicative here>.






Now that I've gotten every other douchers' reponse out of the way, I would say it has something to do with the wonky respawn/death/connecting mechanics going on right now.  I would venture to say that when the server reset, it somehow set your character to being dead.  No idea on the first death, though, Zombies aren't respawning so unless a player logged in right as you logged out, the game probably just glitched out and deleted your character.


But hey, we'll never know will we?  Because the devs decided an absolutely blind chance of dying every single time you log out, to log back in the next time only to find yourself dead with absolutely no earthly idea why, was the best and only way to fix "combat logging".  Brilliant stuff, can't say I'm a fan of this vastly improved logging in/out system.

Edited by McG2
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Boo f-ing hoo!  ALPHA!  Submit a bug report.  ALPHA!  Come up with a "better" system and recommend it to the peanut gallery!  ALPHA!  You are obligated to "test" the ALPHA, so please let us all know you conclusion to this problem.  ALPHA!

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Not sure if the douchebaggery is in jest or not...

... But twice this week I have spawned on the beach with no gear and been forced to start all over. Not a big deal, but still dunno why it seems to happen to me and none of my buddies.

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Looks like you didyn't logged out as safe as you thought you did.

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well, with current stability of the server-hive connection i am inclined to give OP the benefit of doubt.



and jumping to conclusions and insulting everyone who posts issues with the login system is not constructive, it will lead to people not willing to announce issues fearing community backlash.

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Same thing happened to me on two occasions:

First time it was before the latest patch, logged out somewhere near the train tracks north of Krasno. When I logged in some 30 minutes later, I got a quick error message (something about character reset, couldn't make it as it was too quick) and was kicked off. I spawned right back at the beach... what bothered me most is that it was the first time I got geared up, M4A1 and the works, I was travelling from the NWE to the NEA and I ended up losing my character on a glitch/bug/whatever... not even an honorable firefight :(

Second time, today, I logged out of the game near the NEA. Went to have lunch, when I came back I spawned on the beach... I immediately logged out and tried another server, spawned back near NEA and got all my stuff back.


Don't know why it happens, but when it happens, just try another server. And then another. You might get your character back, plus you don't have anything to lose in case you don't.


ps: both of those times were on normal servers, not private hives or private servers.

Edited by akpe
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This guy is not wrong. Something is seriously up. Im losing chars all over the place today. I cant spawn have the time. And if i join another server. I spawn then If i leave it doesnt save. 

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This has happened to my friend twice within the last 2 days, and we've logged out in the same place, at the same time, on the same server.  When I log in later it's fine, but he ends up on the beach again.

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It happened to me once today, but I don't know if someone killed me while I was logging out or if it was an error.  I just shrugged it off and headed inland once again and am now geared up and having fun.

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This just happened to me.  Logged out in the middle of nowhere, after sitting for 5 minutes to make sure i was safe.  Logged back in 2 hours later and my character was fine, couldn't do anything (put anything in my hands and couldn't do anything with any of my inventory), then the  server desynced.  I tried to log back in to and  i'm a bambi now.  I know it is an alpha, but this is kinda happening to often now days.

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It seems there are some issues with some servers not connecting properly to the hive atm. I have had 2 CTDs today on account of the memory leak, and when I tried to reconnect to a server I was a newspawn, however changing to another server my old character was back. So if you experience this try and change server (you just have to sit out the login countdown), it may very well fix your problem.

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It seems there are some issues with some servers not connecting properly to the hive atm. I have had 2 CTDs today on account of the memory leak, and when I tried to reconnect to a server I was a newspawn, however changing to another server my old character was back. So if you experience this try and change server (you just have to sit out the login countdown), it may very well fix your problem.

I'm toast, 10 different servers and still a bambi.  bleh.

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I'm toast, 10 different servers and still a bambi.  bleh.


I see. Too bad. Perhaps as has been mentioned you were killed during the logout countdown. 

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I see. Too bad. Perhaps as has been mentioned you were killed during the logout countdown. 

Highly unlikely, i was in the middel of nowhere in a bush.  It is what it is. 


Funny enough i just got a "you died" screen while just running up the coast with nothing around me at all.  Guess this isn't my day.

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Happened to me twice today as well.


And no, I wasn't server-hopping, or ghosting, or combat logging. I logged out - exactly as BCKane did - in hiding, in bushes, inland, in the middle of nowhere up by Black Lake. Couple of hours later I log in and -BOOM- I'm back on the beach with zero equipment down by Kamyshovo. *shrugs* It's alpha, whadd'ya expect?


So i play for a while, food, axe, backpack, usual clutter as I make my way - inland - towards the NWAF. Comes time to log out so I find a nice safe spot (in back of a small house somewhere close to Dubrovka... not in the house but outside at the back). Came to log in a few moments ago and -BOOM- back on the beach down near Kamy again, no equipment... again, pissed off. Alpha or no, stability issues like this are going to drive players away from the game: what's the point in surviving zombie-attacks, pantless clowns, psycho bandits, and every other KOS-kitty ass-clown on the server if you log off and get reset?


Screw slapping a lazy bandaid on combat-logging because a bunch of whiny prats can't get their kicks killing unarmed spawns - fix the basic issues with the game first FFS

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It happens to me every day  :(((((((((((, me and my friend logout at the same place, he's always ok and I'm a fresh spawn on the beach

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i point my finger at BE...........


everytime BE kicks me with the No answer BS story, my character gets delted :facepalm:

contacting BE results in NOTHING........Reinstall BE? YOU DONT SAY

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Since buying the game I have died 3 times to in game reasons (bandits) and 8 times to this log out bug... Very annoying. Fix this before adding silly things pleaseeeeee. 

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I logged in yesterday and was definitely in a safe place but was greeted with a "You are dead." screen.  I logged into a different server and was alive and butt naked in the middle of the ocean then went unconscious.  Lots of weird bugs since this last update.

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All people that report "log out bug" have logged out in or near cities or in popular zones (Black Lake, areas that lead to Airfields etc).


I'm still waiting to be effected by this "log out bug" and it doesn't  happens, maybe becouse I am logging out in actual real safe zones.

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me and serveral of my friends have had this exact issue multiple times since last patch.  A group will log out and when they log back in, half are at the beach as new players.  Additionally, there has been a new bug where we join the server as it is restarting, but the connection is lost/times out as we are  joining.  When we reconnect, new player at the beach.  One guy I play(ed) with had this happen 4 times back to back and just quit playing yesterday.

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All people that report "log out bug" have logged out in or near cities or in popular zones (Black Lake, areas that lead to Airfields etc).


I'm still waiting to be effected by this "log out bug" and it doesn't  happens, maybe becouse I am logging out in actual real safe zones.


Arrogant. Maybe, just maybe it happens EVEN though it has not happen to you. To say "all" people here have just logged out in dangerous areas is beyond arrogant and dumb..

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All people that report "log out bug" have logged out in or near cities or in popular zones (Black Lake, areas that lead to Airfields etc).


I'm still waiting to be effected by this "log out bug" and it doesn't  happens, maybe becouse I am logging out in actual real safe zones.

You're acting a lot like Jim Carey in your signature...

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