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Dreganius (DayZ)

Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

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+1 it would give something for players to work towards having a safe haven in order to resupply or to like meet up with friends before heading back out to go looting.

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I'd suggest limiting the town liberated to a single town at a time else you may end up with some very resourceful groups removing spawns in all small cities via liberation.

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Orphen, with the threat of zombie hordes and/or bandit attacks, it'd be very hard to have more than two towns liberated at any one time.

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Well Rocket has discussed that he wants players to be able to build forts (No actual forts) But like bases that are worth defending.

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I disagree with this. If 'liberation' were to be implemented, there shouldn't be such regulated aspects to it.

I suggest making the generator, which is already in the game with its own custom sound, to be a player item that you can place and pickup. Run on fuel from jerry cans, this generator can stop the spawning on zeds in a 100/200 meter radius, effectively stopping the spawn of zombies. If you are in this radius, you can hear the faint humming noise, signaling that it's nearby.

What this can potentially allow is players collect all the generators on the map, say... three generators total? and placing them all in key places in a city. The players can then make a militarized government called the NCR, or New Chernarus Republic (get it? FNV fans? You out there?) to regulate and manage the city. People would have to pay jerry cans to help fill up the generators to keep the Zeds away effectively making a player made/driven currency.

A police force can stop the survivors from getting too rowdy and halt intruders and bandits. A town center can form at the church with elected mayors ect. Cafes become hang out spots instead of a stairwell massacre and the hospitals become free to all. (public healthcare ftw!)

Regarding loot spawns, anything within the generator's radius should DECREASE instead of being completely removed. There should be an incentive to leave, but also the choice to stay aswell. A new risk/reward system is always welcome.

If we are going to implement this sort of late game gameplay, it should be TOTALLY up to the player and encourage it, not limit it but release complete freedom and control to everyone involved. Cities can be razed, built, and destroyed. Stories will be told and empires will be remembered!

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Lastpost is a good one.

The initial Idea is kinda like mine in the link below, just was posted earlier. Sorry that I did not see it.


Maybe I will use the generator-idea for my thread. It could replace the "switch" that I am talking about... will see, we'll see...

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Your 500 meters spawning out in the woods is a good idea! They should implement that for everywhere.

Nah, I want to be able to get around without being hunted every 5 minutes. Especially when I just spawned and got no weapon.

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I like the idea of survivers gathering up in "safe zones", which would ofcourse still be threatened daily by both zombies and bandits. But I'm afraid it'd just be a gathering place for a deathmatch.

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In the spirit of DAoC and once we have some kind of factions or "gangs" (whatever they are called) I'd like to add that after liberation you should be able to claim a building and fortify it - i.e make it a stronghold of your faction that is not enter able by other factions.

The fortifications would need to be destroyed and the building reclaimed.

Possible buildings: Churches, Warehouses, Castles, Ruins & Cargo Tower buildings

Edit: Ofc I like the general gist of the suggestion

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+1 cause its a realistic situation i dont see why survivors should keep wandring endless, humans have a natural herd behavior and will always gather if possible

chaos is just a chance to set up a new order


NCR sounds good where can i sign and will i get a Ranger suit?

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The players can then make a militarized government called the NCR' date=' or New Chernarus Republic (get it? FNV fans? You out there?) to regulate and manage the city. [/quote']

I just want to point out that the NCR started in Fallout 2, not New Vegas, and has roots in the town of Shady Sands from Fallout 1 :P

Also, your post is interesting. I like the idea of a generator basically stopping Zombies from spawning, and you'd still need to kill whatever zeds are left in the town, but at the same time it would still need to be at risk from attacks from hordes as well as other bandits, otherwise it'd get too permanent, and permanence isn't a good thing in DayZ, in my opinion.

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I really like the whole concept. It would bring the mod forward in some way, and allow for more (logical) end-game content.

I mean, with all the big groups out there, it would be somewhat easy to occupy places. And zombies can't be around "forever". Taking over places where they spawn simulates this effect, without removing them completely.

It would also encourage interaction between players and / or groups / factions.

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This is a fucking awesome idea. Adds so much more of a long term survival gameplay mechanic to the game. I don't think the lone foraging stage of any apocalypse would last too long before people banded together to start reclaiming areas to hole up in. Provides a challenge to keep the town free but it also means that there's the possibility of creating long term safe havens for players to use as well as to create all sorts of cool shit like trading hubs and stuff. Essentially this is a crucial next step towards allowing a whole other kind of gameplay to simply running around foraging. Go from hunter-gatherer to civilisation, if you can hold it together!

I like it!!!

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The players can then make a militarized government called the NCR' date=' or New Chernarus Republic (get it? FNV fans? You out there?) to regulate and manage the city. [/quote']

I just want to point out that the NCR started in Fallout 2, not New Vegas, and has roots in the town of Shady Sands from Fallout 1 :P

Also, your post is interesting. I like the idea of a generator basically stopping Zombies from spawning, and you'd still need to kill whatever zeds are left in the town, but at the same time it would still need to be at risk from attacks from hordes as well as other bandits, otherwise it'd get too permanent, and permanence isn't a good thing in DayZ, in my opinion.

Yeah, I realized that once I posted. :P

I don't think increasing the risk of destruction from Zeds is going to be a good idea. Since the generator can easily be stolen and heard from, bandits, like me, will target those areas with no mercy. Zombies ontop of that would make any hope of a stable government inpossible.

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Needing a generator to prevent zombies to spawn in the town is a ridiculous idea, I'd vote for the original idea of this suggestion.

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This is a great idea because, what possibly could go wrong? Unless I missed something and there's some kind of way to prevent griefers or greedy players to kill every non zombie in the town...

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Thank you, Fishy. I like the idea of making DayZ a living hell too, and think it'd go very well with my idea.

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Sounds like fun, gives you more choices than death by bandit or death by zombies and gives an end game objective ie defend/ assault reclaimed towns, maybe make 2 sides bandits and survivors who can capture/raid strongholds. So a town could be held by any of the above 3.

Maybe these places could have places to eat/recieve medical care, drink (but not take it with you)

there is an issue of capturing all towns would mean less ammo/weapons spawns though. Also perhaps make zombie counter attacks on captured towns after random time periods in varying numbers, creating a need to deploy barbed wire and set defenses.

add in a zombie defense and town capture stats to the stats bar.

Sounds like fun' date=' gives you more choices than death by bandit or death by zombies and gives an end game objective ie defend/ assault reclaimed towns, maybe make 2 sides bandits and survivors who can capture/raid strongholds. So a town could be held by any of the above 3.

Maybe these places could have places to eat/recieve medical care, drink (but not take it with you)

there is an issue of capturing all towns would mean less ammo/weapons spawns though. Also perhaps make zombie counter attacks on captured towns after random time periods in varying numbers, creating a need to deploy barbed wire and set defenses.

add in a zombie defense and town capture stats to the stats bar.


On another note adding the two factions bandits and surivors without friendly fire, there would be a real incentive to work together as a team, while keeping weapon scarcity and making the game more NOOB FREINDLY something currently lacking

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TL;DR: Simple mechanic that sends lots of zombies your way if you stay holed up in one place.


While I see some good ideas here I also think they might have unintended consequences... I'm haven't got DayZ yet (I fully intend to buy it when I get back from holiday, or when it's on sale on Steam, whichever comes first), so take my opinion for what it is - an opinion; it's based only on watching a lot of videos and reading about it.

The 'liberation' mechanic as described here seems to me to be a little too scripted to fit with the style of this game. Adding 'capture bars' and stuff like that would really only make that worse. Besides that I don't see much of an incentive to take towns if there are no spawns there.

I think it might be simpler if there were just some modifications to how zombie spawning work (bear in mind that I don't know how it exactly works now). I'll try to explain this from a game design perspective, from which the gameplay and social ramifications should become obvious.

Suppose zombies can't spawn within line of sight and, for example, 30m from players. However, any zombie that IS NOT spawned because of those parameters, is instead spawned somewhere out of sight and at least 30m away from the player. It's simply moved. That zombie will then start shambling towards its original spawnpoint.

Optionally and additionally, if a spawn point can't spawn zombies at its usual location for a length of time, it will start churning out more zombies. And with a bit of luck not entirely predictably. You might not see a zombie for an hour, and then there might be twenty of them bearing down on you.

In a gameplay example:

You and your friends decide for whatever reason(for possible reason, see my next post) that you want to conquer a small town, or a shack in the woods or whatever and hole up there.

Through great skill and courage you kill all the zombies there, get in a comfortable position and take up positions.

Zombies start coming. First just a few, then more and finally there's a whole horde of zombies trying to get into your area (think of Dawn of the Dead, only with regard to rendering limits). Slightly stupid zombies that can't get in everywhere, but are plentiful enough to cause you concern for your ammo supply in case you ever want to go out, would also be a lot of fun in my opinion.

You won't be able to hold out forever, but that's part of the fun. Additionally, you might be a target for bandits. Again, all part of the fun (again, this happens in Dawn of the Dead).


My next post: why you would want to hole up in the first place!

TL;DR: There's places you'll want to defend. Then people or zombies will kill you to take those places away from you.


My last post was about intelligently spawning zombies to make capturing and defending hot spots interesting. But I didn't address *why* you would want to hold a hot spot (or what a hot spot is). This idea probably isn't very original, but here it is anyway:

Supplies are limited in this game, and they should be! It's a very important part of what makes the game fun.

Suppose however, that like in zombie films, there are some locations that you'd like to stay around, because they have a lot of supplies (which you could never all carry). There shouldn't be too many of these (maybe just one on a server at any given time would be enough), and they shouldn't always be in the same place, so you'll have to go looking for them. Possibly they'll also have more zombies around them than usual.

We're talking storerooms, supermarkets, armories perhaps. Places that could logically have a lot of items in them. Not infinite, but enough so you'll be able to stay put for a while if you find them.

Exactly how many supplies they would contain should be a matter of testing to find the sweet spot. You don't want to be able to fit out an entire army, but it should be enough to keep a few players happy for a reasonable length of playtime.

Ideally (in my view), players who find such a place should want to have maybe 3 other players around to keep it safe, but jealous enough of the supplies to want to keep more people than that out.

Perhaps it would also be worth it to experiment with these points dispensing supplies at a certain rate (doesn't have my preference for reasons of breaking with DayZ's realism focus).

Coupled with the mechanic in my previous post this should set players up to 'conquer' a supermarket or other place and try their damndest to defend it (or choose to just take as much loot as you can and run for it). Over time more zombies will come. Over time, players will also come and the news will spread.

There will be violence.

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Really got to agree, this idea would help the players that want to work together but shoot on sight or just wave at the present time because we are all bandit terrified.

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