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To the guy I murdered as he was coming through the door to the jail in the NWAF:

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About 20 minutes ago I killed a guy in probably the douchiest way possible. I was getting shot at by someone but they hit me in the foot so I ran into the jail next to the hangers and started stuffing myself to heal, I had the door shut to make it look like no one was there and was just leaning enough around the corner for like 30 minutes waiting for my brother and his friend to get to me who were navigating with no compasses. So I hear footsteps and think it was the guy shooting at me, he opens the door like 4 seconds later, in the 2 seconds I observed him before I lit him up with m4 fire I knew he wasnt the bandit and killed him anyway. He was unarmed and ran through the door with his hands clean and I could have handcuffed him and took blood. I purposelessly was going to do that and then give the person the m4 upstairs which I had already taken all the mags and ammo to. He had an orange back pack, FX45, Magnum, green motorcycle helmet I think and a red shirt. Anywayz if youre that guy im sorry I know you probably want to quit this game because if I died that way with 5 people on the server I would. I know its a video game and people are probably like why even post that, but I just would feel better if you all shunned me so have at it hoss. 

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You sound so excited, was this guy your first kill?

No not by a long shot. Today alone I killed two other people in the NWAF firestation because I spend so much of my time in cherno and the NWAF but I usually never initiate the gun fight, but if the guy is dressed like me with a gas mask, green tactical gear and an M4 he will be KOS because when you dress like your unfriendly you probably are.

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