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Kill on sight - newb advice

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I thought i would post my experiences learning dayz to help others.    I got the game Friday and played for 36 hours over the weekend.  



I wanted to be mostly a PVE player and help others where i could.  If you have this mindset going into the game you are going to be disappointed. Here are some of my interactions so far:



1. Executed by rednecks:  One of my early life's i was just leaving the first town i came across.  I had no weapon and already ate my food.  Just my flashlight and a bandage in my inventory.  While walking on the main road i got stopped by two people. They made me get on my knee's with my hands up (F2).  They asked what i was doing where i was going.  Then they told me to run away.   Once i got about 100 m away they shot me in the back.



2.  Saved my murderer:  Once i got better at the game i finally got the fabled M4A1.  I was so happy that i could now go anywhere face any foe.  While walking along side the main road i noticed someone in the distance fighting a few zombies with an axe.  Happily i shot one of them for him.  I went up to talk to him asked him if he needed any food or water.  He said he was thursty so i gave him a can of pepsi.  We chatted for a bit.  I was about to leave when he pulled out a Mosin and shot me.



3. Sniped while unarmed:  Various times in my travels usually unarmed i get sniped from who noes where.  Apparently flashlights are in a short supply.



4. Horded by unarmed players:  Still trying to be a hero rather than a raider.  I went back to the coast to try to help newbs out.  Came with Rice and water.  It seems however about half that i meet will try to attack me on sight.  This is when I am clearly armed with a rifle and they have almost nothing.




Lessons learned:   In dayz i have learned NEVER TRUST ANYONE.  If you can, avoid everyone in the game.  If you cannot then kill them on sight.  Even if they are UNARMED.  This game will make you into an ass.  Embrace it or you will die.

Edited by fidelacchius
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The last one never happened to me. Me and my friends created a group called CPF. Costal police force. We have actually encountered 3 people,2 we helped get to elektro and they were fine. The last he didn't respond and then he charged us so I whipped out my Magnum and put 2 bullets in his brain. He didn't get up. So 2/3 it gets better don't worry :D

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Yesterday I was making good progress, had an axe, shotgun (No ammo) etc. and some knob came running at me with his fists up swinging just like when Charlie turns into Hank in "Me, Myself and Irene" So I took out my axe and gave him one shot, he managed to live and turned around and ran for it. I didn't chase him, I almost felt bad for him actually. I then went upstairs in the building I was in and found a large pristine mountain backpack, as I was inspecting it I got friggen shot! I just really want to know if the prick I let go after hitting him with an axe actually had a gun and followed me or if it was a sniper. I'll never know! <_<

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Don't walk in the open, unless you want to attract attention

Only approach others when you have the advantage of cover

Never let anyone get in close proximity to you (20m+)

Keep your weapon ready at all times


Above all else:

Assume Bambi's/Newspawns are recently deceased douche-bags

Realise that Bambi's/Newspawns have nothing to lose/everything to gain by trying to kill you


You can continue to try to help others or make friends but be ready to end them in a heartbeat!

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Don't walk in the open, unless you want to attract attention

Only approach others when you have the advantage of cover

Never let anyone get in close proximity to you (20m+)

Keep your weapon ready at all times


Above all else:

Assume Bambi's/Newspawns are recently deceased douche-bags

Realise that Bambi's/Newspawns have nothing to lose/everything to gain by trying to kill you


You can continue to try to help others or make friends but be ready to end them in a heartbeat!


Exactly this. I was going to write exactly the same!


OP, these are the things you're doing wrong :P

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dude if you want to help people play in a group, don't just run up to a new spawn and offer help, they don't need your help, how many times when you spawned did you need help?  You are just helping people for the sake of helping them.


What we do is we surround a player and start to question him, where did you die, how did you die?  Where are the hotspots?  What is your username?  Then he asks us for stuff.  Do you have saline?  Do you have an extra can opener?  One guy even asked me for a gun, lol, fat chance.  Then sometimes they want to come with us and that is fine, we protect them while they gear, but we remain suspicious and one member always has a shot on him.


In short don't run up to people like a noob and offer them stuff, let them ask, and surround them, let them know that if they attack there is 0 chance they'll kill you or live.  And then take it from there but remain vigilant.


Most of my encounters with other players have been positive, had some tense situations too that didn't develop into pvp just by staying aware, staying hidden or staying visible, whatever the situation required.

Edited by GungZA
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Oh, I'll add one more way to die in DayZ.


I was sitting in one of those 3 story apartment buildings in Elektro, and I duck into a building because someone got the drop on me. I go upstairs and take up a defensive position thinking I'm safe and all, until all hell breaks loose in direct chat - 5 people all start yelling bloody murder as they log in all at the same time, right next to me, all with axes. I take out 4 of them and run out of ammo because I didn't have a fresh mag. Out of a 40 round magazine, I probably had around 20 rounds left in it before I started to shoot. Moral of the story... keep fresh mags in your weapon. You don't want to sit there and go TAKE THAT YOU M*THERF*CKIN GHOSTS and then hear the sound of your M4 clicking. Argh.

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How about instead of becoming yet another boring kill-on-sight bandit wannabe you learn to take control of your situations and attempt to build up a group to hang with so you can cover one another? A game like DayZ will get real boring real fast if you just shoot at people.


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A game like DayZ will get real boring real fast if you just shoot at people.




Challenge Accepted

Edited by fidelacchius

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How about instead of becoming yet another boring kill-on-sight bandit wannabe you learn to take control of your situations and attempt to build up a group to hang with so you can cover one another? A game like DayZ will get real boring real fast if you just shoot at people.



Thats nice of you to try force your views onto others.


May I suggest that if you tire of killing others, check out the forums where they come to cry about it. As it may offer motivation to get back out there and KoS some more newbs.

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KoSing is the easy option. Take control of a situation and you wont have to kill most of the time. However if you are gonna kill people, come up with a more interesting way of doing it.

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KoSing is the easy option. Take control of a situation and you wont have to kill most of the time. However if you are gonna kill people, come up with a more interesting way of doing it.


aka: Bond villan, method of killing bond is so interesting and time consuming, bond always manages to escape.

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Some people think KOS is the only way to play / survive / easy.


It's not. Common sense. Think and you will find things in favor of it and against it, depending on the situation, playstyle, etc.


Also, even if you try to be friendly and get KOS'd often: a) Change something and / or b) Any friendly or neutral encounter will have way more value. Loners being friendly should have the toughest time if they cannot rely on others from time to time or always. Really, being friendly / neutral in groups is easier and increases your survival.

Edited by Combine

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I suggest a change in playstyles with each time you spawn!

Maybe your current life cycle is altruistic and friendly, perhaps your next is axe wielding maniac! That sort of thing. Not so much roleplay and getting into character as it is setting light parameters for how you handle things..It makes for a good change of pace in a game where there really isn't all that much to do yet!

Another suggestion that stuck with me (I believe I read somewhere on this forum though unfortunately I can't recall where) Is that if you're playing friendly you should follow the rules of engagement and take control of the situation. Break line of sight when you make contact, especially with armed folks. Make sure any unarmed people you help out keep their distance. If you're going to help others expose yourself as little as possible while doing so.


Edited by Rudette

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People need to keep in mind as well that they overglorify the "hero" playstyle. I tend to want to play that way but this is a perfect example of what three people playing hero can look like:


I am the sniper, the guy with a mosin in a bush 200M away, practiced enough to drop someone reliably from that distance, My two buddies each have M4s, one with the ACOG and bipod and the other more prepped for even closer engagements. We spot a player we decide might need help. I post up with my scope trained on him, the LR M4 buddy, doing the same at a closer rnage, different angle. The last one moves in behind a wall and calls to the guy to put away his weapon, press F2 etc... upon doing so, our 'victim is bound and blinded with a burlap sack. We then went through his stuff to see what he had and what he lkely needed, filled his pack with things we thought would aid him, then left him there to sort himself out as we took off. He probably though he was just robbed. We were just being cautious. What we gave him may save him, may not. But in the end, it couldn't have hurt his odds.


This is what being a hero in this game should look like. Or at least similar. Those of you who run up to people and just say 'Howdy' are asking to die.

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I dont get shooten that often acutally. The best times I had some weeks ago when i've met a guy, fully armed, which helped me out for about 2 houres because i was a newbie. Nice chatting with nice people. I try the same playing-style and I think about 50% of my encounters remain without shooting anybody. Acutally I died the most when im armed. Usually someone is shoots me in the back without any questions.

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these examples really made me laugh. not laughing at you, but more of a "ahhh, that happened to me too" type laughter.


i usually never help anyone due to dying so much, but recently helped a guy out- ran to the military base since he didnt know where it was- and got him an m4, ammo. then we ran to nwaf. suddenly tho, didnt trust him and told him to go solo. trust your instincts. i, to this day, believe he was going to murder me. i believe i prevented it.

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Thats nice of you to try force your views onto others.


May I suggest that if you tire of killing others, check out the forums where they come to cry about it. As it may offer motivation to get back out there and KoS some more newbs.

Er, please don't tell me you actually think offhand comments on an internet forum force people to think a certain way. I have more faith in humanity than that.


And your suggestion is a bit puzzling... I personally don't find myself terribly motivated by causing frustration and suffering in other people, regardless of how trivial the situation may be. To be honest it sounds like a very strange thing to be motivated by at all - I'd go so far as to doubt even most KoSers do it strictly to ruin the other person's day. More likely they don't even consider it a factor.

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- Stay hidden

- keep cool

- check out the behavior of people you encounter before approaching them

- If you're at a hotspot like airfielda or military compounds always check your six

-> if you see someone who hasn't seen you first try to make contact. If he seems fishy kill or get the fuck out of there. He might have a buddy who you didn't see yet and they might lure you in the open to enable his buddy a clean shot.


And as the above already mentioned: use common sense!

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these examples really made me laugh. not laughing at you, but more of a "ahhh, that happened to me too" type laughter.


i usually never help anyone due to dying so much, but recently helped a guy out- ran to the military base since he didnt know where it was- and got him an m4, ammo. then we ran to nwaf. suddenly tho, didnt trust him and told him to go solo. trust your instincts. i, to this day, believe he was going to murder me. i believe i prevented it.



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To quote a Major General

Be Professional.

Be Polite.

But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

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Er, please don't tell me you actually think offhand comments on an internet forum force people to think a certain way. I have more faith in humanity than that.


And your suggestion is a bit puzzling... I personally don't find myself terribly motivated by causing frustration and suffering in other people, regardless of how trivial the situation may be. To be honest it sounds like a very strange thing to be motivated by at all - I'd go so far as to doubt even most KoSers do it strictly to ruin the other person's day. More likely they don't even consider it a factor.



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You've just gotta be more careful when helping people. 


Most of the time when I help another player the scenario starts with me yelling, "Get on the fucking ground right now!!" in direct. If they comply, I am able to help them. If they don't, they die. That is the cruel world that is DayZ. You can't take chances even when playing the hero.


To play the hero, you have to be in control of the situation. This means in control of everything. You have to have the drop on them first and foremost, you have to watch them from hiding for a while to see if they are truly alone. You have to wait until the setting is correct. Never stop someone on the coast or in the middle of a town. Get them while they are transferring between towns. Also, if you are in a military area, all bets are off, those areas are kill or be killed as far as I'm concerned. I usually get in and get out, but if I run into anyone at a military base I have to kill them. There are rare exceptions to all of these rules such as server pop. opponents kit appearance and so on. I'm usually much tenser on high pop servers. If I can clearly see that the person has nothing, I give them at least two extra seconds to comply or I may be more likely to approach them in a military area. 


It should be noted that all of my rules are helpful to bandits as well. The end result is the only difference. 


EDIT: OP I have to tell you that my first post on this forum was very similar to yours. Stick with it man, the path of the hero is tough but ultimately the funnest way to play the game. I still think that banditing is the easy way out.

Edited by Dr. Goner
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