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Gps player location indicator

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My idea is a for the gps to have a real time player location system.You meet your friends,and you ask for their gps signature or something like a command,for example "give gps signature to Damnyourdeadman"

And you could check any time the gps map and locate your friends by their gps signature.

It could make the gps more handy and practical tool to have than only beign able to tell your location only.

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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Doesn't really take much to maintain a satellite. Powered by the sun and trapped in orbit. Eventually they may degrade but many of the Block IIF satellite's in orbit have have a lifespan of 12.5 years and if they are like the block IIR's they will live for anther 5+ years longer.

Edited by RC_Robio

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Hmmmm i'm really sorry in advance of my poor knowledge of gps systems,but gps is achieved by using the signal of satelites that are located on the Earths orblit...Yes indeed satellites are gonna stay up there for a long time,but if no electricity is in order,then the stations that are in charge of recieving and distributing the gps information will be uselles.But maybe battery powered portable recivers may work.Blah i don't know....i really want to see this work without taking away from the realism....

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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I like the idea... at least it gives people a reason to actually be neutral to each other. C'mon, I know we all like realism but we can't do that and not expect the game to be a huge TDM. Plus whats the point in not having a full functioning map if everyone uses maps on the internet lol

Edited by w0lf3x

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as far as im aware, GPS satalites need constant positional data uploaded to them to maintain their orbit.

If this maintenance was stopped then it would only be a matter of days or weeks before they became useless for the purposes of global positioning.

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Hmmmm i'm really sorry in advance of my poor knowledge of gps systems,but gps is achieved by using the signal of satelites that are located on the Earths orblit...Yes indeed satellites are gonna stay up there for a long time,but if no electricity is in order,then the stations that are in charge of recieving and distributing the gps information will be uselles.But maybe battery powered portable recivers may work.Blah i don't know....i really want to see this work without taking away from the realism...

There are no stations that a receiver like a handled gps connect to but the satellites themselves. It triangulates your position by using three satellites.

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Hmmm,is that signal achieved soley on the orbital sattelites,or is it possible to have gps signal via antenas and earthbound large satellite dishes?

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as far as im aware, GPS satalites need constant positional data uploaded to them to maintain their orbit.

If this maintenance was stopped then it would only be a matter of days or weeks before they became useless for the purposes of global positioning.

Used to be that way a decade ago but now the 30 plus satellites themselves provide constant positioning data amongst themselves. And they are trapped in orbit by Earth's gravitational pull.

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Hmmm,is that signal achieved soley on the orbital sattelites,or is it possible to have gps signal via antenas and earthbound large satellite dishes?

Your position is provided by the satellites themselves. Your handheld GPS, car gps is the antenna so to speak.

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Used to be that way a decade ago but now the 30 plus satellites themselves provide constant positioning data amongst themselves. And they are trapped in orbit by Earth's gravitational pull.


Well it seems we may have conflicting data.

Would you care to provide a source of your info ?

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Have some more "geeky" sources but this explains it a bit easier.


I do have to say that if all gps receivers, handhelds, phones were shut off for an extremely long amount of time GPS positioning would be less accurate. But hey we got batteries. And this is a zombie apocalypse not a nuclear one. 

Edited by RC_Robio

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There is not much info on maintaining satellites. As they are pretty much self-sufficient now. As the GPS is controlled most by the government, "my employer". The last gen sat's did require a station to send a signal because of the GPS's clock to make sure time was synced via the atomic clock. But most of the handheld have there own "atomic" clock, usually a quartz clock that can do it themselves now. Also the military uses NAVSAT that they have to upload signal for orbit correction if needed. We the consumers use the GPS sysytem. Military operate on the same frequency but have other uses such a missile navigation , and others. But as far as maintaining there really is no real maintenance required other then turning on our handheld GPS. But they would eventually go off path and get less accurate but GPS would still work for quite a long time. Enough to make them viable in game. But I like the old analog watch method....Or use the stars.

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So you do actually agree with me that they would in fact go off path without maintenance.

So is it possible that you know the timeframe from actual evidence or are you just making it up ?

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No, I can't agree with you. Because we just don't know yet.

There is no timeframe, Mother Nature would be controlling the sat's in an apocolype. And of course I made all this up.....

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You did in fact post that satalites need orbit correction sent to them and that they would go off path without maintenance. Which is what I said in my original post which you disagreed with, then you posted that which contradicts your disagreement and agrees with my original post. then you posted again saying you dont agree.

jeez dude. Also there is a timeframe, the only thing that mother nature could do would be to decrease this.


On the same topic but a different look at it, GPS handhled systems do in fact require powre, so im not sure how long they would last as well....

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No, I said they "MAY" need correction if one does go of path there is a shit ton to take its place. Do they need maintaining. No. They would still work for a long ass time after we are dead.  And that was the previous versions of sats. There is no timeframe that we can predict. And if you can't make power maybe you need to go back to boy scouts. To answer the the question again. We would still have use of the GPS Satellites for a long time into the apocalypse. No, i did not contradict myself. read the posts again. Jeez dude? I wont be responding. Have a nice day.

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Yeah so path correction is indeed maintenance. Also how do you "make power" ?? sorry i never went to boy scouts, i have read/heard about them but never saw/heard anything about making power lol.

ALso the timeframe is quite easy to predict if you know how they work and have gathered data about them over the years.

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dafuq I know man, maybe the ourbreak wasn't long time ago, and GPS are still working. It's a fucking game, not a survival simulator training system. just as the Green Mountain antena and lights will be working, GPS or even cellphone could be working

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i think having to do a land navigation style map, meaning you can view a map, see what your degree's are on a map, and be able to plot points of where you want to go, in a way you would actually be teaching people how to use a map, also with a topic i made about adding a compass as a item in game, would make it more interesting for that style of game play because players could tell there friends what there grid is on the map, if people havent already found out about the dayz map they released, you can just terrain associate i recently got the military air strip from using the map

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Generator+fuel=power, or the sun+solar panel=power, Wind turbine+wind=power, Dam+water=power http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Build-A-Bicycle-Generator/ lots of ways to get something powered.  And for my last and final post. No! Satellites will not require maintenance for the GPS sat's. The sat's can correct themselves using info from other sat's. We on the ground do not have to do nothing. 

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Doesn't really take much to maintain a satellite. Powered by the sun and trapped in orbit. Eventually they may degrade but many of the Block IIF satellite's in orbit have have a lifespan of 12.5 years and if they are like the block IIR's they will live for anther 5+ years longer.

So, you might be saying to yourself, “I’ll just use my trusty GPS system to get around – that never fails me.”

And you’d be DEAD wrong.


To understand why, it’s important to understand how GPS works. “Satellites right?” Sure thing there Isaac Newton, but let’s look at it in a little more detail.

GPS or Global Positioning System is a project run by the US Government, The Air Force Actually. The Air Force keeps a minimum of 24 satellites orbiting the Earth broadcasting a radio signal with their time and position. Currently there are a number of redundant systems should a problem occur.

That’s the technology part. However, the weakest link in the security of any system is the human part.

These satellites need constant adjustment. The ground operations are relative complex, and handled by 2nd Space Operations Squadron (2SOPS) . Their operations consist of a Master Control Station in Colorado, as well monitoring stations and antennas all over the world. This system allows the military to fire a cruise missile form a ship and have it fly through the correct window of the building.

So, in ZA world, we have to assume an eventual breakdown in society, and perhaps the military becoming overwhelmed. What if the monitoring or Master Control Station were abandoned? How long would the GPS system serve us?

Turns out, not very long. Without constant adjustments to the satellite’s clocks, they will be useless almost immediately.

Now here’s some science stuff: Because of relativity (you know the Einstain stuff), time is actually different on Earth than it is in Space. So the clock shift in the satellites put the GPS coordinates off by 11 kilometers a day. 11 klicks is some extreme discrepency – enough to mean the difference between arriving at a well-stocked military base and becoming zombie poop. (Do zombies poop? We’ll examine that at another time).

So Mr. Fancy Technologypants, where does that leave you. Well sonny, when I was a boy, they made these things called maps and compasses. Turns out they still make them, and they still work. Get yourself some topographical maps and a compass, take a course in orienteering.


Source: http://www.zombiepre...gps-apocalypse/

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Generator+fuel=power, or the sun+solar panel=power, Wind turbine+wind=power, Dam+water=power http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Build-A-Bicycle-Generator/ lots of ways to get something powered.  And for my last and final post. No! Satellites will not require maintenance for the GPS sat's. The sat's can correct themselves using info from other sat's. We on the ground do not have to do nothing. 


Please explain how generator, solar panel, wind turbine or dam would manage to power a GPS device which are generally configured to run off batteries ?

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