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IDEA to end mindless KOS - psychological/physical consequences of murder

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So, I absolutely love Day Z standalone.  The emphasis on realism and immersion is unlike anything I've ever experienced - dying of thirst, hunger, infection, fatigue, shock, etc - amazing.  This is the closest thing to living the zombie apocalypse from the safety of your own home.   :)  Anyways, the one thing I feel is hurting realism the most is the KOS culture.  This is the one aspect of the game that does NOT model real human behavior.  Yes, in the zombie apocalypse, people will be twitchy, tense and combative.  Yes, there will be a (small) subset of people who will be random psycho killers.  But most people will just want to survive and, while nervous of strangers, would be trying to make connections to help them survive the hell that is the apocalypse.  


So HOW do we get this issue to model reality?  Well, in other aspects of the game, ignoring the human experience has consequences that mimic the human experience right?  Disregard hunger, starve.  Disregard bleeding, bleed out.  Disregard protecting your head, get knocked out.  Disregard temperature, freeze to death.  Brilliant!  The human experience is being well modeled.


SOOOOO......from my understanding of human psychology, killing even ONE person takes a HUGE psychological toll on a person and changes them forever.  Randomly killing countless people just to take their gear (or for no reason at all)......in reality a person would go insane very quickly.  And psychological issues can lead to physical ailments as well.


What I suggest:

Each time you kill another player, your character has 50% chance to incur a PERMANENT psychological penalty from the following brainstormed list:

-NERVOUS TWITCH - Character can no longer hold their hands steady....makes aiming accurately near impossible.

- TOURETTS- At random intervals avg, every 15 minutes, your character lets out a loud yell loud enough to be heard in same range as a Mosin - highly likely this illness this would gives your position away (and would make you undesireable as a companion)

- ANGER ISSUES - At random intervals - avg every 2 hours - you cannot control your character, begins melee attacking any nearby players or npc

- CREEPY - Every 15 seconds or so, your character mumbles in a creepy way or lets out a strange laugh

- RESTLESS - Character gets no benefits from resting

- JADED - Character's screen is permanent black and white (unable to tell when low on blood or not)

- GUILT - Character's health/blood regen rates are halved (even at full blood, full health)

- NAUSEA - Eating food gives character  10% chance of vomiting regardless of how full they are.

- COMPROMISED - Character is 50% more likely to get infections

- HOPELESS - If at any point the character becomes knocked out, they cannot be revived by any means.

- SICKLY - All food yields only 75% nutrition it normally would.


I feel that this would effectively model the psychological "penalty" for being an anti-social, psychotic KOS person and would make killing another player a BIG deal.   I think this would drive most "bandit" type players to resort to robbing.  Moresoe, I feel this would bring the game's major issue in line with the spirit of the games emphasis on survival and realism.  In fact, I think it would INCREASE the tension around social situations as every player would know....whoever shoots first could permanently have a very messed up character once everything plays out...even if they are the ones who "live" through the experience.


Also to note, I think the 50% chance would be for anyone who attached first, it would be more like 25% chance if the person was attacked first and defended themselves.  Why still possibility of getting bad effects just from defending yourself?  1) Well, in reality even if you kill somebody in self defense, you would be deeply affected. 2) It would encourage more behavior that would occur in reality - people are more likely to flee a dangerous situation if they can and only fight if no other option....








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If you want a similar experience I recommend the Frostfall and Realistic Needs + Diseases mods for Skyrim, it really gives you a sense that Skyrim is a harsh landscape that you have to be prepared for to survive. Trecking through the colder areas without camping gear, food and drink, and some warm furs will likely get you killed. Boiling your water..stuff like that..Very immersive, feels very "man vs wild"

As for you ideas I don't think they are right for DayZ. If KoS is even to be addressed it should be after there is an environment trying to kill us.

More Zombie density, better Zombie AI, Hordes. Disease. Hunger. Thirst. Hunting. Gathering. Crafting. Cold/Hypothermia.

When these systems are all in place and dynamically trying to kill us, when zombie hordes gather around all the good loot -----Then people will have more to do than shoot each other.
Really that's the problem right now, the environment isn't out to devour us. So we devour each other instead. KoS will probably level out some, but not completely.

KoS is part of the fun in DayZ. Learn to play around it instead of against it.


Edited by Rudette
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Forcing people to have psychological side-effects just seems silly, awkward, and out-of-place for me.

It's telling me, the main character, how to think. And that just doesn't jive with me, if ya smell what I'm steppin' in.

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And if you are so good and friendly you get a %50 chance your trigger finger wont work, because deep down you don't want to hurt another human. :rolleyes:

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Already suggested and roundly rubbished in multiple other threads. Please spend more time researching your unoriginal ideas with the search features available within these forums.


Other than that, your idea has absolutely no merit within a game such as DayZ. Sorry.

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SOOOOO......from my understanding of human psychology, killing even ONE person takes a HUGE psychological toll on a person and changes them forever.  Randomly killing countless people just to take their gear (or for no reason at all)......in reality a person would go insane very quickly.  And psychological issues can lead to physical ailments as well.






um, nope. There is a reason why murder is illegal =D Seriously though, there has been plenty of studies of this.  For example, they studied some african country's brutal civil war. How come regular people could kill countless civilians whit no mercy. What they noticed is that first kill stings a bit, but after that there is phenomenon what they called "killer must keep killing". Basically after first blood, killing more people keeps your shit together.

On that sense, dayz is perfect portray of some nasty locations of the world =D If you put bunch of ordinary people on closed space whit 100% authority to do whatever they feel like, all sorts of "lord of the flies" like tribalism occurs fairly quickly. That's why I sorta like dayz, because its you and perhaps couple of buddies you know versus the world


Therefore I don't KoS is not an "issue" what needs to be fixed. It's part of the game imo. Personally I dont usually kos and avoid all interaction whit randoms altogether.

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Seems like a lot of negative feedback which is okay if it reflects the way the community feels.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the goal of of Day Z.  If it's to create a game that models a realistic human experience during the zombie apocalypse - something that's much like the world of "Walking Dead" , I have to note that in most cases in Walking Dead, LOTS of consideration goes into whether someone should be killed, and people that do kill are then treated with a stigma afterward and have issues dealing with it.  Yes, there's the governor, but I don't think he was the model of psychological health - kept his dead daughter, heads of victims in aquarium, fits of rage, bouts of depression - all major mental issues he had to hide from his followers.  


I suppose my real question is, is the goal is to model realism or not.  One of the above comments....  "Don't punish playstyles you don't like" was an interesting statement.....  What if I have a "I don't like to feed my character or worry about food" playstyle...seems like the game is "punishing" me for that playstyle at the "expense" of modeling realism.



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Im sorry but you cannot base your argument off of a TV show.

In case you were not aware, TV, movies etc have very little basis in reality and often forgo reality in favour of shock value, ratings and suspense.


Edit: You also fail to address the psychological impact of losing your family and loved ones and being forced to live off the land inhabited by zombies.

edit: Also, please tell us how you suggest the game determines when you kill someone just for lewt or teh lulz and when you kill someone who is endangering your life ?

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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Super original idea. It was a bad idea every other time it was posted. So we don't have to explain why, go read these:



Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Tourette's syndrome after murdering people. Right...

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Devs want something very subtle.. I wouldnt expect any kind of thing thats going to effect the players ability to play the game any different from the person who isnt a bandit or kos's. Also dont expect 'skins'.

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zed, you fucken earned those beans. 



OP i didn't bother reading, because i've read it before. I'm sorry if you're feeling a bit upset that your idea was rejected, but understand that we're feeling upset that we've had to read the same post 10+ times, while explaining why it's not a good idea. 

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