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Nvidia GTX Series Crashing to desktop(Fixed)

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Hello everyone!!

new to the fórum, and a few months old on dayz!!

Love it, so much potential, even these early builds give a great sense of what the game really is!!

Want to also congratulate Bohemia Interactive for a great title!!

Well, on the topic then:

i have a GTX 260 from nvidia and the game usually minimizes to the desktop after some minutes(usually ranged from being in the main menu,until an hour or so) the game keeps "normally" on the background and i can hear the sounds,i can even move but i cannot go back to the game

(i believe the Driver crashes,sometimes the error appears on the bottom right but usually it's so fast i can't read what is the content)

i am writing here in the fórum to see if someone actually has found a "fix" or some way around it, i have tried steam, Google it, the forums here(some talk about it but yet no fix)

the knowledge i was able to gather was that it is somehow related to PhysX but some ATI cards have it too so i don't know how accurate this information is ( and you cannot disable PhysX anymore on the options) and also it has happened since the release of Arma2, i believe it is related to the engine itself rather than Bohemia's Masterpiece!

my only question to the Devs is, are you aware of this and have any hope to fix it??if it is engine related i think it's gonna be next to impossible no??

One temporary fix i managed to try was increasing vídeo memory in the options menu, it doesn't crash as often as it would do on lower memory options but still does!!

Other than that the game runs smooth,couple of fps drops but nothing noticeable!!

Thank you for any feedback

Keep it up BI

My Specs:

Intel Core I7 @ 2.80Ghz

6GB Ram

1Terabyte HDD

Windows 7 Home Premium

Nvidia GTX 260

EDIT: Probably fixed, try out this

and i have noticed that what affected most was screwing around with the game's resolution and ingame resolution(one of them was set to the highest,pheraps what caused it? try it out, been stable with no crashes but don't know if i was just lucky Edited by Estevacio

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Mhh, do you have the latest drivers? I does indeed sound like a driver issue.

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agree with the driver issue... but it could be your running the gpu very hot .... lower your settings

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Hey guys!!


yep, all drivers are up to date, the gpu normally is around 60Cº i think it is not temperature related but nonetheless i'll keep an eye out on temps!!

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Hey guys!!


yep, all drivers are up to date, the gpu normally is around 60Cº i think it is not temperature related but nonetheless i'll keep an eye out on temps!!


Pew, if it's not the drivers, and 60'ish are not too hot... Could it be that your system is underpowered? That's the last thing I can think of....


When I OC'ed my cpu and didn't set the voltage high enough, I got all kinds of errors/crashes. Did you recently install anything that could be draining the PSU? Like a new GPU?

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agree with the driver issue... but it could be your running the gpu very hot .... lower your settings


If it was getting to hot his system would shut down to prevent damage. This doesn't sound like a heat issue to me.


I think you might be running out of video memory. Try flushing your video memory every once in a while and see if it extends your play time...


Hold left shift and hit the numpad - key, then let go of both buttons and type the word "FLUSH".


I'm not sure how you can fix this on a long term basis, but if this extends your play time then at least you will have identified the issue.

Edited by Mos1ey
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Pew, if it's not the drivers, and 60'ish are not too hot... Could it be that your system is underpowered? That's the last thing I can think of....


When I OC'ed my cpu and didn't set the voltage high enough, I got all kinds of errors/crashes. Did you recently install anything that could be draining the PSU? Like a new GPU?


i had more resource demanding programs running and they don't crash man, i know that any engine can't be compared to demand the same resource but temps have been higher(and the same too) and no crashes like these!! i talk about the temperatures because i think it's the best way to identify if it is being used more? not an expert but isn't it?lol


 i play shogun total war 2(it's more demanding in cpu but the gpu also goes crazy), legend of grimrock(on high is insane too) and a few more


i didn't do anything with the computer(hardware or software)




If it was getting to hot his system would shut down to prevent damage. This doesn't sound like a heat issue to me.


I think you might be running out of video memory. Try flushing your video memory every once in a while and see if it extends your play time...


Hold left shift and hit the numpad - key, then let go of both buttons and type the word "FLUSH".


I'm not sure how you can fix this on a long term basis, but if this extends your play time then at least you will have identified the issue.


it was suggested it another forums aswell and i did try it, it does extend the time that i  can play (or placebo effect don't know) but it keeps happening!!


But thanks for the repplies, i'll keep trying !!

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I'm running a GTX 260 as well and have had no issues yet (played the game for about 40+ hours thus far)

Damn, that just killed me , could it be my gpu??

Can you post your entire specs??also is it the last driver available you have installed??


Edited by Estevacio

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GTX 650, ver 305.57 (

DX 11.1

Win7 (fresh install, missing a whole bunch of updates)


Not having any problems playing the game, but have noticed an oddity -- I tried running with the -winxp flag, and I started getting CTDs when I exit the game.  May have gotten a CTD when I tried to switch servers, too.


If you're running with -winxp, remove it; if not, try adding it and see if it helps.


Also, run dxdiag and see if it complains about anything.

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GTX 650, ver 305.57 (

DX 11.1

Win7 (fresh install, missing a whole bunch of updates)


Not having any problems playing the game, but have noticed an oddity -- I tried running with the -winxp flag, and I started getting CTDs when I exit the game.  May have gotten a CTD when I tried to switch servers, too.


If you're running with -winxp, remove it; if not, try adding it and see if it helps.


Also, run dxdiag and see if it complains about anything.

Thank you for the help man, i'll try as soon as i get home(currently at work lol)

I have noticed that the longer i stay ingame, the more graphical glitches start to appear before crashing, when turning the vision, small white flashes while rendering the textures start to happen, doesn't instantly appear the objects(its almost not noticeable the objects not appearing but it takes a milisecond longer to actually be seen)small hang ups, until it actually minimizes to desktop!!

As it was stated before by

If it was getting to hot his system would shut down to prevent damage. This doesn't sound like a heat issue to me.


I think you might be running out of video memory. Try flushing your video memory every once in a while and see if it extends your play time...


Hold left shift and hit the numpad - key, then let go of both buttons and type the word "FLUSH".


I'm not sure how you can fix this on a long term basis, but if this extends your play time then at least you will have identified the issue.

It does look the gpu is getting overloaded!! Weird

Thanks for the input guys

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Stability increases after flush(but not that much) and you have to repeat it eveytime it happens!!

But might help someone else

Edited by Estevacio

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Ironicaly, i have lately been playing on a 1st perspective only and not a single crash until now!!


can someone test this also???



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I am double posting this so it isn't missed!!


Guys, great news!!!


a Developer answered in the bug report área, all you have to do is disable Vsyinc, as for the experimental build they say it has been fixed!!!


(have tested it, the game wanted to crash 2 tmes, started the hang ups, but much shorter and does not crash at all)

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I am double posting this so it isn't missed!!


Guys, great news!!!


a Developer answered in the bug report área, all you have to do is disable Vsyinc, as for the experimental build they say it has been fixed!!!


(have tested it, the game wanted to crash 2 tmes, started the hang ups, but much shorter and does not crash at all)


Disabling Vsync did NOT work for me. Hopefully the (allegedly) fixed build on experimental will come live soon. These crashes always seem to happen when I'm getting zombie attacked. RIP me.

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the same with the zombie attacks, but not only!!


altough disabling vsync to me allowed much more continous plays, it still crashes its true!!


(i am not sure but having a browser open causes it to crash "earlier", especially on object pages,like flash players or something and i use IE)

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