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AA bug textures ?

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Hi guys,


I've got a small textures issue, I've bought a r9 280X recently, and since I manage to run Dayz SA (almost in very very very very high).


But when I put the AA (minimum x2) I've got a dirty AA on the grass and trees.


http://i.imgur.com/R9BIEHK.jpg here you can see the small dot.. 

I don't have this when the AA. I've put "All trees + All grass" as well..


Someone had this issue ? :(


Thank for your help !

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Games in Alpha dude, graphics have a long way to go before they are completed and optimized.

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I know I know, but still ;) Since I saw a lot of video of the SA with very beautiful graphism.. I thought that maybe this can be fix ;)

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Do you have FXAA on? Try disabling it if so. Same with SMAA. Also, make sure Atoc is on.

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Play around with your 3D settings in CCC.

Enabling any of the ATOC settings turns the grass in a waffle pattern for me in ArmA 2, the Mod, the SA and ArmA 3 running AMD cards.

7870, 7950 and now R9 290.

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Do you have FXAA on? Try disabling it if so. Same with SMAA. Also, make sure Atoc is on.

 The Atoc in the CCC or in game ?



Play around with your 3D settings in CCC.

Enabling any of the ATOC settings turns the grass in a waffle pattern for me in ArmA 2, the Mod, the SA and ArmA 3 running AMD cards.

7870, 7950 and now R9 290.


I've tried but so far, when I activate the AA with the "All trees + all grass" its still the same.. (same shit with the other kind of trees & grass)

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I tried to play a bit with the catalyst setting, but I still get this waffles textures on the grass and the trees... 


Someone manage to get rid of this ? ^^

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guys did you find any fix to this bug?

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Its an AMD thing.  I had this in the mod and SA with a 7850.


ArmA 2, DayZ Mod, ArmA 3 and now the SA all glitch trees (pine trees more than others) all do this to various extents when you enable AA when using AMD GPUs.

I've spent hours fiddling with different CCC settings and still can't find a 100% fix.

Enabling ATOC clears the problem, but then the grass looks like waffles..

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