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New(?) Building/Store ideas

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I have a suggestion for buildings within the game that can be explored.  The dev's have done a great job creating a variety of buildings to get into, that being said I believe (realistically even) there should be more options.




Weapon spawning buildings - Gun store, Behind the counter of a Bar, or Liquor store


Drug/Med Supply Building - Pharmacy/liquor stores


Tools/Melee weapons - Hardware store


All these kind of buildings can add a level of real survival to this world.  We all have these kind of stores, even in smaller towns.  This could allow a vast majority of even smaller towns to have a chance of (even a very rare one) of spawning useful items.


That being said, I posted this idea in the last patch notes, but I feel like it should be repeated and added to this suggestion.  With the new addition of Spray paint (great add devs) I think a great idea would be able to Graffiti up Chernarus, or tag dead bodies with the spray paint.  It would add a fun, immersive aspect to the game.  Especially after things like vehicles and bases are implemented.  You can vandalize other competing clans equipment etc.  Could be a lot of fun, I'd love to see this added to the game.


Those are my ideas, hopefully they haven't been stated before somewhere that I've missed it.


Also.. this is a side plea, not a suggestion.  GET AT LEAST ONE KIND OF WORKING CAR MODEL IN THE GAME (Don't give me any of those its alpha, and early excuses, one care model, even if its like 2-5 of them through out all of chernarus would be amazing.)

Edited by BakedNinja

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I have a suggestion for buildings within the game that can be explored. The dev's have done a great job creating a variety of buildings to get into, that being said I believe (realistically even) there should be more options.


Weapon spawning buildings - Gun store, Behind the counter of a Bar, or Liquor store

Drug/Med Supply Building - Pharmacy/liquor stores

Tools/Melee weapons - Hardware store

I really like this idea , the convienance store is great now but imagine a big ass liquor store with an izh 43 on a gun rack behind the counter and a whole bunch of (eventually) breakable bottles ... Perfect spot for a shootout. But in my opinion after this 6 months of updates rocket has talked about , we need more detail for interiors of buildings and new building to spice up old boring chernarus ... I really want them to add a 2 -3 story police station one that resembles the one from resident evil 2 , unless Russia doesn't believe in creepy mansion pohlice stations ;)

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I think some of the new interriors in city buildings are pharmacies or hardware stores. I don't quite think they spawn proper loot at the moment, though.

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Suggestions like this are why I think they should open up and allow the community to premod and create for the game. I think many people would offer up their designs and submit entries if credit were given knowing they could potentially have a landmark on Chern...don't know, could be wrong, but I'd like to think that would be sufficient and rewarding.

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Thanks for the feedback guys!  I hope this stuff gets added.


Police stations sound like a great idea!

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