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About BakedNinja

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    Community leader of www.circleofenmity.net
  1. BakedNinja

    New(?) Building/Store ideas

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I hope this stuff gets added. Police stations sound like a great idea!
  2. BakedNinja

    New(?) Building/Store ideas

    I have a suggestion for buildings within the game that can be explored. The dev's have done a great job creating a variety of buildings to get into, that being said I believe (realistically even) there should be more options. Examples: Weapon spawning buildings - Gun store, Behind the counter of a Bar, or Liquor store Drug/Med Supply Building - Pharmacy/liquor stores Tools/Melee weapons - Hardware store All these kind of buildings can add a level of real survival to this world. We all have these kind of stores, even in smaller towns. This could allow a vast majority of even smaller towns to have a chance of (even a very rare one) of spawning useful items. That being said, I posted this idea in the last patch notes, but I feel like it should be repeated and added to this suggestion. With the new addition of Spray paint (great add devs) I think a great idea would be able to Graffiti up Chernarus, or tag dead bodies with the spray paint. It would add a fun, immersive aspect to the game. Especially after things like vehicles and bases are implemented. You can vandalize other competing clans equipment etc. Could be a lot of fun, I'd love to see this added to the game. Those are my ideas, hopefully they haven't been stated before somewhere that I've missed it. Also.. this is a side plea, not a suggestion. GET AT LEAST ONE KIND OF WORKING CAR MODEL IN THE GAME (Don't give me any of those its alpha, and early excuses, one care model, even if its like 2-5 of them through out all of chernarus would be amazing.)
  3. OMG YES! I knew the next patch was ganna be a big one. I could sense it Very excited about the private shards beginning to show up. Lets admit it. Server hoppers suck. Yay for the DayZ devs for getting this going quick. Now maybe a Bike or two here and there? :) OH and Suggestion with the spray paint! Since you added this very interesting feature I have an idea for it. Can you make it so we can Graffiti up the world? Being able to tag your clans tags around Cherno and stuff would be really fun. Or tagging someones dead body or something. Great fun could be had with this system. Great idea!
  4. BakedNinja

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Greetings fellow DayZ community goers, I have a suggestion for the devs/rest of the community to listen to and or debate over. Please keep it constructive and fun, and not a flame war. I suggest that the devs get a bicyles model in the game, functional ones. Allow us to have a little speed from time to time. Yes, everyone says its a good thing to get use to running around. Well guess what, a lot of us did that in the mod. I am NOT demanding one. I am NOT suggesting why haven't they been there in the first place. I agree that they needed to work out much more important features. That being said, we are now a little stagnant with not much for us to do in the realm of alpha testing. Over the last few weeks, i've been very pleased with the bugs I've seen come and gone. My clan however is getting stagnant, with only PvP and weeks of survival under our belts were clamping at the bits for more features. So, what do you guys think? To early? To late? Good idea?? I realize there's an object cap, maybe only add one vehicle model (like i suggested a bike) and keep it limited to the amount on the server. I realize there's a lot that goes into requesting this, but IMO i think it's due time for one kind of vehicle model.. at least here and there on the shore line.
  5. BakedNinja

    Circle of Enmity

  6. BakedNinja

    Storage (i.e Tents)

    I believe the logical reasoning behind the lack of tents/zombies/items in GENERAL is what is called an Object cap. Zombies, fall into this category from what i understand. If you have tents littering the world, the object cap will be hit easily, not allowing servers to create loot/zombies. Once they figure out how to stabilize the object cap for more zombies/items/loot/tents you will inevitably see tents i believe.
  7. BakedNinja

    Circle of Enmity

    CIRCLE OF ENMITY Greetings fellow DayZ community goers. We had our fun in the mod, and retired our squad from it. We have since moved into the SA, and we are providing a server for people to enjoy the Stand Alone Alpha . *Mature players will be considered for possible admin roles in the future when necessary* Server is located in New York in order to faciliate a "middle ground" bewteen as many gamers around the world. We're a multigaming community that loves to play video games. We have a TS3 you can access to come talk to us while gaming. No password (Please follow the rules or expect consequences) Our Squad plays daily and will continue to through-out the Alpha. We're always looking for new mates to game with! if you'd like to check us out check out our homepage @ www.circleofenmity.net or our discussion boards at www.circleofenmity.com If you'd like to directly apply to our clan go HERE and copy and paste the application and fill it out in a new topic. Thanks in advance for checking us out and looking foward to meeting new people through out the Alpha
  8. Everyone plays differently, you can go find you're own vanilla server. In fact it sounds like you should just be playing public hives, so why are you even searching for the Private ones? Anyways, if you don't mind not trolling my post with negative comments when you haven't even been to the server that'd be nice, thanks.
  9. All you get is a makarov, and you do not get a tool box, and some people enjoy that many vehicles. Thanks for you're opinion on the matter however,
  10. Circle of Enmity Chernarus *Spawn with a Gun/Tools/Supplies* 400+ Vehicles/Custom Buildings(Bases)/ Active Admins/Autorefuel/4x Heli Crashes wwww.circleofenmity.com http://www.circleofe.../dayz-f148.html Ventrilo information available on website. Greetings DayZ community! I'd like to welcome all to enjoy our server we have established. We are a friendly squad of 3 admins, and a clan of 15 + active DayZ players and 100+ community members that reach into many games. We'd like to welcome you to come enjoy Chernarus the way we feel is intended. Rules: No combat logging, No Mic in Side Chat, and Obviously no Cheating/Hacking/Exploiting of any kind We have custom difficulty settings (veteran mode with map indicators turned on). You can look up our deal on custom loadouts, and custom bases for you're friends and clan mates. Server restarts every 12 hours with a period of 2-3 hours of darkness. (You get a flashlight and some NVG's in the beginning loadout) We have plenty of heli crashes for you to look for loot in. We have custom towns, buildings, and public saftey bases for users to access. Please come check us out, we'd love to enjoy the apocolypse with the rest of ya'll :)
  11. Circle of Enmity Taviana *Spawn with a Gun/Tools/Supplies* 400+ Vehicles/Custom Buildings(Bases)/ Active Admins/Autorefuel/4x Heli Crashes wwww.circleofenmity.com http://www.circleofenmity.com/dayz-f148.html Ventrilo information available on website. Greetings DayZ community! I'd like to welcome all to enjoy our server we have established. We are a friendly squad of 3 admins, and a clan of 15 + active DayZ players and 100+ community members that reach into many games. We'd like to welcome you to come enjoy Taviana the way we feel is intended. Rules: No combat logging, No Mic in Side Chat, and Obviously no Cheating/Hacking/Exploiting of any kind We have custom difficulty settings (veteran mode with map indicators turned on). You can look up our deal on custom loadouts, and custom bases for you're friends and clan mates. Server restarts every 12 hours with a period of 2-3 hours of darkness. (You get a flashlight and some NVG's in the beginning loadout) We have plenty of heli crashes for you to look for loot in. Eventually we will have custom towns, buildings, and public saftey bases for users to access. Please come check us out, we'd love to enjoy the apocolypse with the rest of ya'll :)