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Charcter Deleted

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After switching through a number of servers to find one were I spawn with my main Character (completely equipped 2 days of Looting) and not the newspawn on the wiped servers, My actual character apperently was deleted, now I have two new spawns in different locations. I spawned on a server with a friend, he had all his loot, I didn't have any and was somewhere completely else.

what to do? It was a lot of time and work to find all my stuff.

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Hello and welcome to the forums. Before you post something and fear to have it dragged down by other, make sure to use the searchfunction, as that's been answered already. :)



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Just to have it deleted again?

I survived the patch.

How to survive now?

Search a server with low ping.

Test your desync

All ok? Pick up items, log out, log in again. He survived?

If the answer is "yes", then stick to this server now, do not serverhop.

Not 100% sure this works for you, but I`m still alive.

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Remember that many "wipes" are due to character dying on login/logout, logging out in buildings can be dangerous.

Please remember also that currently there are 2 hives, regular and experimental.

Anyway, this is an alpha and wipes due to bugs or desynch have to be expected. Remember that dev team could also wipe all characters on purposes if it is useful, it has been done once and in the future will probably happen again. This is not the finished product, so yes, if you play expect to die for a bug or to lose your character without a reason...it's part of the development process, I'm sorry.

Anyway, also in the finished product...when you die you die. Start again is the only thing to do.

Edited by Gugolas

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