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Why I Am Friendly

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gentleman bandit if the need arises...

but fucking your day up if you really need to fuck with ours...

...you explain it with choppy graphics ? wow...

You don't have to like my reasons, but that's one of them. I'm not losing all my stuff because the game decides to make it look like you ran through one wall and then shoot me from behind because I told you not to reach for your weapon.

So sorry if it isn't up to par with your standards, but I've been killed way too many times by people who shoot first and ask questions later.

What I try to not do is shoot the unarmed, but that rule is slowly eroding by how many people have tried crossing a field just to try and punch me out for my M4 when I made no threatening gestures. Thankfully no one has succeeded in Mike Tyson'ing me, but unarmed people currently move super fast and their animations can get really erratic if they're lagging.

Edited by Demoth

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i got 5 guns :>

M4, both shotguns, a revolver and fnx

all with ammo :>

I have Mosin, M4, FNX and revolver. It's tricky to get the shotgun and the hacksaw together in the same room but doesn't stop me from trying!

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I wouldn't say that I'm friendly as that is a ridiculous term that seems to imply that you'd sit there with no other reaction than crying "why Lord, WHY!!??" whenever someone shoots you.


I'm resolutely not friendly if you engage me in combat or interact with me in a hostile way.


However if you show me that you have intentions that are something other than hostile I will be quite amicable towards you and might even throw you a gift or tell you were I saw something good...

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Im not sure I follow this line of thinking. KOS is not part of the game? What the hell does that even mean?


So in a zombie apol, if I was hungry and you had food and there was a total breakdown of police, government and the religious state, I wouldn't do something rash to survive? I love how everyone thinks there would be the harmonious atmosphere in the air during the end of the world. I love it. We all hold hands, we chit chat- "got enough beans, my friend?"


We can't even shop in a mall in a civilized manner during Xmas, my friend. Get real.


Whether they kill you for loot, or for sport, its going to happen. Maybe the sniper went mad and he's flippin out postal style.

doing something rash to survive would be banditry...killing for survival, supplies, threat...KoS is to kill because some random guy was on sight...

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Great work being a proper DayZ player, hope to see more players like this as the game evolves :)


KOS is not part of the game, Banditry is, Anyone who says KoS is part of the game is a retard. It ruins it for thousands of players. We should worry about getting robbed not dying from some asshole sniping.


 word. KoSers are the worst thing in the game, worse than bugs and ladder kills! Bandity sucks and is horrible when I get robbed and killed for my supplies, but bandits are fine. They kill you with a purpose and most of the time they actually come close and talk to you and only rob you and let you go


KoSers kill by the mere fact that YOU ARE ON SIGHT!

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good to see people think the same (most of 'em at least) let's keep cleaning Cherarus :)

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I like friendly players. I do. Kudos for you, grats to your efforts. It's a respctable playstyle, there is more to it than all those who whine about KoS think, hence the reason they whine. It's easier to blame KoSers than it is to tarnish their own egos for the sake of self development.

But... I really would love it if people would stop glorifying their play-styles, turning how they play into these drawn out E-peen competition threads... It's very..eh....Male... to do.

Im kind of a chaotic player. My playstyles change, fluidly, with each and every life. Why? Because there isn't a lot to do in DayZ right now, and adhering to one style would get boring to me fast.
. Oh... And ADHD. That too.

Edited by Rudette

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Thank you for being friendly! :) One of the biggest thrills of the game is the "meet up", though. You never know whether someone is friendly until you embrace that encounter.


I think there's another reason to be friendly, one that permeates all of Texas; we are getting handcuffs and jail cells. We have the ability to knock you unconscious, break your legs and write notes about what you have done and leave them there for people to read. You will have to do some serious server hopping to escape your past. That is our future. That is your future, Mr. bandit.

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a great post and even greater spirit. i hope you continue playing the way you do. yes KOS is a necessary part of the game you cant deny it; but interaction and superiority in numbers against a common cause id say is far more necessary in a post apocalyptic setting.


keep restoring the faith

KOS isn't really necessary, i think if they want it to be maybe stop making it so easy to kill somebody, i understand wanting it to be real, but these people just firing round after round till they get a lucky kill shot is a joke, i say let people shoot away, just make it take more bullets to kill.

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Banditing is a valid form of play and heightens tension, but I just like the fun of actually talking to a person.

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I don't glorify my playstyle at all...but I got like 200 PMs asking why I'm so freindly, so I made this

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That's the thing that brings me back to Dayz, knowing that there are some people who give a shit about the realistic aspect of the game and being friendly. Im sure in a real apocalypse you'd probably be trying to find someone just to talk to. The loneliness and isolation takes a toll on peoples minds.


I dont mind bandits, because there are people who would be like that. The fact that there are people out there willing to kill you will make you more willing to kill others in defense. I just hate KoS'ers who shoot everyone and anyone and sometimes don't even loot them.

Yesterday I was running around with my pistol and got held up by a group of people with guns, I had lots of ammo and they knew that but I was starving. They could have killed me or left me to die but they actually gave me a pistol magazine and some opened food cans and left. Imo these are the good people of DayZ.

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