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Items Disappearing In Inventory ?

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I have recently found my backpack swallowing some of my items and never returning them mostly when i am moving them around.


And sometimes i will spawn in with some items missing as if someone has robbed me.


Is anyone else experiencing these kinds of strange occurrences. ?????

Edited by africanhungergames

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Yes, same problem here. I died, spawned at the coast, grabbed an axe, glasses and trousers from a dead guy, and like 5 minutes later those items just disappeared. The strange thing is, that the corpse had those items again. It couldn't be a lag, since I killed a bandit with the axe, so there couldn't actually be any big lags in that moment. I even looted the bandit, got some gear, everything worked fine. Just the loot from the first dead guy disappeared. Never happened to me before.

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There is a current bug where if you take an item off of a dead body that item also still appears on the dead body, and when it is taken again by another player it is removed from your inventory.


 Source: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=7744

That sounds like it may well be what happened.


Thanks, i guess i just need to start hiding those bodies, i thought sharing was caring.

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I had this happen, but it wasnt the dead body item teleport glitch. It seemed to occur after I had picked up the russian learning book, and the book of Job. I hadnt looted any dead players and hadnt added to my inventory in at least 30 mins. The server reset, and when I logged back in half of my inventory was gone, including the book of job and the russian learning book(I looked for that for sooo long)

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is happen to me also but was only things I find in house like books and foods :|

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