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Fix Log In And Dead

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OMG i love this game but omg fix the issues with logging in and dying instantly


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1. Did you report in on the bug tracker?


2. Could you at least describe what happened? How it happened? If its possible to re-create?


It would appear you arent here to help anyone, when you write a "1-liner" like this mate :)
Nobody can do anything, if you dont provide some information.

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never experienced this bug are you logging into the woods or in a building and if its a building is it high risk cause then i could see logging in and dieing from a bullet

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I have never logged in and died instantly. I play every day.

Edited by Judopunch
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I've never died from logging in, I have logged in waiting at the black "Please Wait" screen while listening to some munchkins giggling. When my screen finally loaded it just changed from "Please Wait" to "You are Dead". Little nose pickers killed me before I could even See! Meh, jokes on them. I shat my pants when I died.

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