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Robert Millette

This Is To Help Companies That Rent Out Servers To Players.

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I have some ideas if for the control panels that companies make for server owners. I will attach my discussion with Gameserver.com. Please read this and take this into consideration when allowing the companies make the control panels.



Day Z suggestions.txt

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like gameserver.com said they cant do this unless DayZ allows the companies to do it and make the control panels better. also that's why its the options for you to make your server or other server owners HARD with low amounts of cars and items that spawn on the map to other server owners to make it EASY with High amounts of cars and items that spawn. a lot of people play this game that want to play of different levels of difficulty and this is how it can be done FAST and EASY setup configurations for servers.

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like gameserver.com said they cant do this unless DayZ allows the companies to do it and make the control panels better. also that's why its the options for you to make your server or other server owners HARD with low amounts of cars and items that spawn on the map to other server owners to make it EASY with High amounts of cars and items that spawn. a lot of people play this game that want to play of different levels of difficulty and this is how it can be done FAST and EASY setup configurations for servers.


Right, this information is correct, however my general view is that the hive should remain untouched by excess influence giving the game its natural state as its developers have intended.  Overloading vehicles and starting loadouts onto servers would be bad, in the future if private hives make a return I would not mind administrators absorbing more control but inevitably if it gets to that stage the server providers will be competing to offer more of what you are talking about at better prices and so forth.

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We had this in the MOD and it turned into a giant, uncontrolled, admin abuse, clusterfuck.

No thanks, nobody, besides BI, should have anything to say when it comes to what an admin can or cannot do, nobody.
For the love of god, dont give admins power like they had in the mod.
Sure let them have powers like kick/ban, but no spawning of any kind, no teleporting and please please please, no live tracking of players.

We also really need to be carefull, when it comes to giving options like +100 vehicles, spawn loadout and so on.

The chances of someone abusing it, is simply to high.


And the whole point of SA isnt to "make 100 different games" really, its Dean's vision, this game will be exactly like he wants it to be, so it might not be for everybody.
Im sorry, but people got spoiled with the mod, because it was a mod, so now they expect the same kind of "false freedom" in the actual game.
I truly hope they wont buckle under, from the pressure, and i hope they will keep theese things out of DayZ for ever.

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there is only 3 lines in my ideal DayZ server configuration file:



-network interface


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Let the best servers win. If the server with 1000+ vehicles gets most of the playerbase, so be it. You can still play jogging simulator on official servers while others have actual fun playing the game. :)

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Let the best servers win. If the server with 1000+ vehicles gets most of the playerbase, so be it. You can still play jogging simulator on official servers while others have actual fun playing the game. :)

Yeah but this is not a flea market, a good server isn't the "one magazine offered for two looted" kind.

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Let the best servers win. If the server with 1000+ vehicles gets most of the playerbase, so be it. You can still play jogging simulator on official servers while others have actual fun playing the game. :)


If you really hate running around you shouldn't be playing DayZ.


The essence of DayZ is running around just to loot, die and start over.


God, I hope the config will be as simple as the one Lady Kyrah suggested.

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Like I said before this is all for different types of players and this will ultimately bring more players to the game and will have more people owning servers which means that more money to the game and to the server sellers. if u want a hard core less loot spawn less vehicle spawn server then that's the type of server u look for and don't play on the other extremely easy server, just like some people  only like to play on night only servers and some people that like to play on day only servers so if you want to be that realistic about it they should take that feature out of the configuration  process now.


and about the server owners being abusive, then I guarantee the people that play on the server will realize how the owner is and not play on the server anymore so that will mean that person is playing on a server by themselves or with just a group of friends still paying for the game and still paying for the server. 

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I don't think DayZ was ever a game about "choose the experience you want", more like "deal with whatever the game and the other players toss at you".

More money doesn't justify everything.

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you are right about more money doesn't justify everything and maybe the game isn't about choose what u want but im sure they want to sell games and this might help or it might hurt the sells of the game. I liked being able to customize my server when I previously owned the it when I played the mod but I didn't have a lot of players on my server so I didn't own a server anymore (and no I didn't have it to where everything was very easy for all players that came on the server so there was no challenge to the game) its just how it happened. but I did hold challenges/events  to help the plays for example I had a vehicle that had like 4 guns in it food and medical supplies and who ever claimed it either snuck in and took or killed for the supplies got the supplies in the end. it made the server fun and almost something to look forward to when playing the game. this happened when I had about 10 players on and everyone liked it. but I wont be able to do that if I cant customize it like I want to if they don't allow it. honestly im happy with what ever they do with this game. but if its possible for them to make it almost like it was then that would be good in multiple way for the game and game server renter and server owners. If YOU don't want to play on an easy server or own an easy server then YOU play on a hard server or own a hard server and set the setting to how u want them, that's why is the server owners decision. but like I said if the designers don't want that game that way then that's fine by me lol just hinking of ways to hopefully make the game better for different lvls of players.

Edited by Robert Millette

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If you really hate running around you shouldn't be playing DayZ.


The essence of DayZ is running around just to loot, die and start over.


God, I hope the config will be as simple as the one Lady Kyrah suggested.


No, the essence of DayZ is crawling around. Running is for pussies. Make everyone permanently crawl otherwise the game won't be fun.

Edited by Awruk
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1. More people renting servers doesn't benefit Bohemia. It benefits companies renting out servers.


2. The game itself isn't doing too shabby on its own merits.


3. This will probably happen with Private Hives.


4. Hopefully Private Hives will be a thing long long long after this game exits Beta.

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I never said bohemia was doing bad in sales. im going to respond to this like I have said many many times before if it happens then it happens I want it to happen and that's why I have brought my ideas to the table to try and help and make this process easier. im sure bohemia doesn't need my help at all but they might want to hear suggestions. but if they don't want the game to go in that direction or they have their own or different ideas about how to go about this then I will still love to play the game and see how the game goes. what I mean by it will bring more money to bohemia is that a lot of ppl like to own servers and if the configurations process is hard they wont want to, and when lets say someone in school makes the decision to rent a server that is one copy of DayZ sold but then he thinks to himself "im going to try and get my friends to play" so he talks in friend into buying th game yada yada yada more games sold more players just because 1 person owned a server and it was easy for them to configure. I want to see these changes. if they want to make it that way persay then SWEET. if they don't then that's ok still lol ill still be playing no matter what.

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We had this in the MOD and it turned into a giant, uncontrolled, admin abuse, clusterfuck.

No thanks, nobody, besides BI, should have anything to say when it comes to what an admin can or cannot do, nobody.

For the love of god, dont give admins power like they had in the mod.

Sure let them have powers like kick/ban, but no spawning of any kind, no teleporting and please please please, no live tracking of players.

We also really need to be carefull, when it comes to giving options like +100 vehicles, spawn loadout and so on.

The chances of someone abusing it, is simply to high.

And the whole point of SA isnt to "make 100 different games" really, its Dean's vision, this game will be exactly like he wants it to be, so it might not be for everybody.

Im sorry, but people got spoiled with the mod, because it was a mod, so now they expect the same kind of "false freedom" in the actual game.

I truly hope they wont buckle under, from the pressure, and i hope they will keep theese things out of DayZ for ever.

This ^^ dayz has an economy just like any other game , overly configurable control panels for server owners will lead to biasing the game in a direction the devs (dean / Bohemia interactive ) didn't plan on . As an example , vehicles come out and lets say someone owns a server and it them put 500 vehicles and 2 times the amount of loot and replaces common loot with military ( dunno if this would ever be possible , but it's just an extreme example ) this would unbalance the game to where it truly is a combat simulator again , Instead of the "zombie simulator " the devs were hoping for . So I get it , video game buyers want their game to be configured any way they like if they also pay extra for a server , but this is an age of new experiences and opportunities , but just because we have a great game like dayz that allows us to rent our own servers , and a fat pocket full of cash , doesn't mean we deserve to change it to a tee. Like Said above video games have economies of sorts and to change what a game is about ( amount of vehicles , amount/ quality and quantity of loot ) is to change the game , Not to mention the admin abuse as stated in quote .Maybe waaaaay down the line like in 2 years they should do this if they need a to renew interest in dayz If people somehow lose interest but as for right now or in the near future we don't need this Edited by Grapefruit kush
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The game is a game and is what you make it. Modders should have the freedom to do what they want with servers that are NOT connected to the main servers so you can't just gear up in one and hop to another. However that said it is fine and it is invalid to insult one play style when all are valid. Everyone plays DayZ for different reasons and gets joy out of it in different ways. Play on a PvE server because you like running into people that will USUALLY not KoS but still might be hostile and create that sense of tension. Others are KoS'ers. With out them we wouldn't be as careful running around however they are frowned upon by non KoS'ers. Some people might only have a hour to play a day because they are busy. Should they not be allowed to gear up and die like the rest of us? They paid for the game and if someone wants to create their own server they should be allowed to. This should not be implemented to allow others to do this till after full release and it is out of pre-alpha, alpha, beta, what ever you want to call this. Which will take some time. When this game is released it should allow people to have their own servers and get what they wanted out of it. Every game can be improved and DayZ after release will be NO exception.


No offence to the makers of the game but if you constrict the players from modding and having their own servers after release then I will recommend people to not buy it. I don't recommend it now because it is early developement. However I want to get more friends in the game. Arma 2 and 3 were great becasue of the mods. Let DayZ be great to.

Edited by SirStriped
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There are plenty other sandbox games where you can modify the hell out of it.


Suggestion: go play one of those.

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Couldn't have said it better myself SirStriped. and Skyline and the rest of everyone else that doesn't understand what him and I are saying then let me put it this way. you own your own server and MAKE IT AS HARD TO PLAY ON AS YOU WANT AND THEY OTHER WILL MAKE IT TO WHERE THEY CAN FIND A CAR AROUND EVERY CORNER AND INCREASED LOOT OUT HE BUTT. in the end if the game is still this way then ppl can jump server even with the penalty and get more loot but if the servers are closed off then they cant do that. which in the end with closed server it will be able to choose the server that's fits them better to play on and that will make ppl continue to play the game and invite or try to influence more ppl to buy and play the game to make it better then what it already is.

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