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Blood Type & Testing

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I was wondering is there a reason why a character doesn't know his own blood type cause i haven't been playing the original Day z mod and i was wondering is there a backround story to that, do you like just wake up on the beach and dont remmember anything or something? Cause i thought everyone sould already knew their blood type.. it doesnt really affect the gameplay that much but i was curious

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I would say a lot of people have no clue what their blood type is.  I do personally, but i would say the majority have no clue of their blood type or have simply forgotten it.  


Pro tip of the day:  Get your character to healthy status and have a friend or recently befriended survivor take your own blood for later use, and you dont have to worry ab your blood type or finding a compatible donor.  When you're healthy you will regenerate the lost blood in a few minutes.

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Yea i knew that though i thought that most people do know their blood type,i eaven heard that there are some countryes were your blood type is written on your drivers license (maybe in case of accidents or something) so i thought that most of the people should knew it

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All my life i was told i was 0-. Started giving blood, got my donor card in the mail, turns out, i must be A+. go figure.( the records from my birth apparently say 0-. i guess the doctors on that air force base didnt know shit, cause ive never heard of blood types changing.)

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I'm O- IRL. 



... Put those blood bags away!

Hah im 0- IRL too know that fell :D

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All my life i was told i was 0-. Started giving blood, got my donor card in the mail, turns out, i must be A+. go figure.( the records from my birth apparently say 0-. i guess the doctors on that air force base didnt know shit, cause ive never heard of blood types changing.)


Or you were switched at birth and those are not your real parents...HA-HA :D

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Yea i knew that though i thought that most people do know their blood type,i eaven heard that there are some countryes were your blood type is written on your drivers license (maybe in case of accidents or something) so i thought that most of the people should knew it

Off topic, but I think that every driver's license in the US should have this data. However, it would also add a level of bureaucracy to an already tedious process (getting/renewing a driver's license) by getting a doctor involved (it is difficult enough for the DMV employees to administer a vision test). As for the top 1% of the US population, however, it is written on their dogtags.

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Off topic, but I think that every driver's license in the US should have this data. However, it would also add a level of bureaucracy to an already tedious process (getting/renewing a driver's license) by getting a doctor involved (it is difficult enough for the DMV employees to administer a vision test). As for the top 1% of the US population, however, it is written on their dogtags.

Yea that's what im talking about, i think most of the countryes should make a system were atleast one the card's that represents your ID and that is caryed around with u all of the times sould have that kind of information, was doing a study on road safety and i must tell u thats one of the crucial things in some situations.


Though i still think knowing your blood type sould esential as knowing your age of birth

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They need to include a blood test kit in the medical pack in place of one of the rolls of bandages - we can improvise bandages from discarded clothing all day but those blood test kits are a bitch to track down. I'm seeing them on average 1x per 20 hours of play. Sure I can just have a friend draw and carry my transfusion but if knowing your blood type becomes common you will begin seeing more blood bandits and other such tomfoolery.

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I dont know my real blood type... not only that if I did and I came across someone and needed blood and they didnt know their blood type you would still need to test...

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Btw, your character chances blood type each time you die. 


Your bloodtype is attached to your steam profile, hence you're stuck with that bloodtype no matter how many times you spawn. My friends and I verified this throughout our many deaths.  :thumbsup:

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Your bloodtype is attached to your steam profile, hence you're stuck with that bloodtype no matter how many times you spawn. My friends and I verified this throughout our many deaths.  :thumbsup:

Thaaaaats not true. Ive been every blood type at this point. 

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Thaaaaats not true. Ive been every blood type at this point. 


Then our luck must be bad coz I've been AB+ 4 respawns into this game.. My friend has been O- throughout his 7 deaths.. But I'm welcome to it coz AB+ doesn't make me a good donor.

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Your bloodtype is attached to your steam profile, hence you're stuck with that bloodtype no matter how many times you spawn. My friends and I verified this throughout our many deaths.  :thumbsup:


Also, not true. 


I was B+ once, AB+ and O- when i tested my blood.

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Then our luck must be bad coz I've been AB+ 4 respawns into this game.. My friend has been O- throughout his 7 deaths.. But I'm welcome to it coz AB+ doesn't make me a good donor.


Yea, you guys were just really lucky it seems.

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Cause i thought everyone sould already knew their blood type.


IRL, I have no idea what mine is, and I know a lot of things.

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IRL, I have no idea what mine is, and I know a lot of things.

I dont know what to tell you, there are a lot of documents that show your blood type or ask you to write it when u go to the doctor etc.,it aint that hard...

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I dont know what to tell you, there are a lot of documents that show your blood type or ask you to write it when u go to the doctor etc.,it aint that hard...


I rarely go to the doctor, but I just started with a new primary care doctor and filled out all the paperwork, got lab work done last week... Nowhere was my blood type asked for or given (I'm sure I could ask) but I don't have a clue what mine is.

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I rarely go to the doctor, but I just started with a new primary care doctor and filled out all the paperwork, got lab work done last week... Nowhere was my blood type asked for or given (I'm sure I could ask) but I don't have a clue what mine is.

Well maybe doctor reports are different between countryes eaven if they souldnt be, i mean look the basic driving license medical test that u have asks for it, when you go to army they are not just the one that ask for it but test you also, if u have ever been a donor u must know it etc. also as i mentioned some countryes have driving licenses that have blood types writen out on them (in case of accident if the patient needs fast blood transfusion on the scene etc.)


I think of it as basic knowledge about ur self but yea there must be a lot of people that just dont care :)

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Well maybe doctor reports are different between countryes eaven if they souldnt be, i mean look the basic driving license medical test that u have asks for it, when you go to army they are not just the one that ask for it but test you also, if u have ever been a donor u must know it etc. also as i mentioned some countryes have driving licenses that have blood types writen out on them (in case of accident if the patient needs fast blood transfusion on the scene etc.)


I think of it as basic knowledge about ur self but yea there must be a lot of people that just dont care :)


I agree, it really should be mainstream knowledge about yourself, I really should know lol, but a lot of people just don't. And I'm sure it's on the paperwork from my lab work, but I didn't see any of the paperwork.

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