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Friendly Servers

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I know how half the game hates PVP and the other half loves it. Well, how about friendly servers? The Host can enable "np player damage" and maybe players can actually work together as a team? Now instead of fleeing or screaming into the mic: "DO NOT MOVE TOWARD ME OR I WILL SHOOT YOU YA BLOODY @#&*#$&$ PIECE OH #*%$^&(!" every time you see another player. Now you'll just ask if you want to group up and explore for loot together.

And if you don't like the idea of no PVP? Well then it's simple - don't play on the server. With friendly servers new playerws actually get the chance to learn and get a feel for the game. They can meet new players and form alliances. Then, when they're ready, they can move on to the real world, where someone can shoot you in the arse because they thought that rotten bannana was just a bannana. Where bandits can put a burlap sack on your head, shoot you in the kneecap and watch ghost zombies maul you to death from beneath the ground.

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I have joined some of these "friendly servers" to play in a "friendly way" .............. The result: I died much more quickly than in the "unfriendly" servers...... (I had no weapon.....because is a friendly server.....right?)

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So, you want to remove a core mechanic from the game and turn it into "looting and hiking sim 2014"?

As long as you can't bring your baby-mode character into the real servers, whatever floats your boat dude.

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add in "My Little Ponies" as vehicles as well... Only two ponies "with wings" per server please! "My little ponies" shouldn't be able to crash inton one another either, that'd cause PvP. We must maintain a balance to the game while also remaining true to it's spirit! ;-)

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 With friendly servers new playerws actually get the chance to learn and get a feel for the game.


How does one 'get a feel for the game' by turning it into something else and playing that instead?

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Once again, this topic has been threated in a new dedicated thread just this afternoon.

Not even yesterday, today, few hours ago.

If you are interested in my opinion (true, not just a word), use the damned search function :D

But, if you want the short version: this game is now about banditry only because core features are missing and you should understand that playing the mod. This will be a sandbox game.

Fear of the other in this terms is what makes this game better than any other, so I don't get why removing it.

But, in my opinion, you can do whatever you want in a dedicated hive for this tipe of gameplay. A separate hive is obviously necessary.

Will the devs create a public hive just for this gameplay? I hope not and I doubt it.

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