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The benefits of being a "Hero"

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We need the heroes as much as the bandits. Not every character you play has to be the same. Get killed early trying to help someone? Become a bandit. Got bored being a trigger happy psycho? Become a hero.

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Are absolutely terrible, I recommend everyone to KOS. The rewards are way more justifying. Why run around helping people just to get shot =) Im quickly joining "The Dark Side". Still love the game, not putting up with this bullshit anymore though, getting very very tired of restarting.


Well to be frank I agree with Dayz in its current state.  Thats not to say that mechanics can't be introduced to change that however, Origins does a pretty good job.

Edited by Continuity

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Being geared up is not the be all and end of of the game.  You see far too attached to your pixel rifle and ammo...

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Some People really cant look farther than the Barrel of their gun. We have way, way , way more fun beign the crazy  "cult of the raincoats" than anything else we tried.


It makes for such more colorful ( heh ) gameplay than just trying to kill everything that moves. If i want to have gameplay like that i load up "red orchestra 2" and have my realism shooter fix. :D



I put it that way, you re going to die / lose ur character one way or another, why not making social interaction ur Goal?


Exactly. And as soon as you exepted your faith it leads to hillarious/ touching / suprising moments.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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op is right, at this moment there are so many kids shooting you on sight that it makes no sense trying to talk with some one

most of them either shoot u or log off

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Playing as Hero does not work when you play alone, you need someone to cover you, otherwise you end up with an axe in your forehead every 2nd encounter.

Edited by GrumpyFragger

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there's no advantage or reward for being a hero, as all people you help will shoot you without thinking twice just as they get their first gun.


People are a bunch of assholes on this game, the community is made of dicks, so just be one too, at least you can enjoy the game a bit instead of being frustrated every life you get killed by some asshat.



Maybe when the game reach its beta and the hype around it fade away, the community will be good enough so the game can actually be enjoyed with actual survivors, heroes and bandits instead of a bunch of BF/COD 13 year old kiddies that want to kill everything that moves just to make their e-penis bigger.

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I encourage everyone to do it if they want to actually survive for more then a day or two, yes.



Let me tell you a story, young bambi...


Haven't been killed by another player in over a week.. although I have had my character reset or died to glitches a few times.


Given away several bags of rice, a revolver, a mosin.. Killed 2 bandits shooting Mosins into Kamyshovo about a week ago.


On my current life, I spawned in at Kamyshovo, ran through Elektro, looted, and made it out with a Mosin, which had no ammo. On my way out of town I came across a fresh spawn who had a fire axe.. upon seeing me running with my fireaxe, he pulled out his and began to approach me, in a threatening way.. I continued to run and unholstered my FNX45, and told him if he didn't put the axe down I would end him. He complied, and surrendered. Instead of killing him, I asked him if he needed any food.. any water.. any help.. He said no, but that he just got shot at from the white TEC building on the SW side of town.. Said there was an M4 guy and a revolver guy there.. I told him I would go help him clear them out and give him all the loot if he had any Mosin ammo, which he did. I gave him my FNX45 in exchange for the Mosin ammo, and we moved together to the TEC Building. 


I heard no shots, and upon searching the entire building, we found nothing.. So I went up to the roof alone, and searched up there.. Nothing. The Fresh spawn then told "someone" to "drop their weapon and surrender".. I guess he thought since I had to come down the ladder he had me trapped, and this was his opportunity to rob me. I played along like he was talking to one of his mysterious attackers and asked, "Did you find him?!", he said "Yeah he's on the 3rd floor behind a desk.".. I told him I was coming down, so I climbed down the outside ladder which leads all the way down the building, and came back up the stairs behind my fresh spawn friend, where I promptly shot him in the chest for lying to me and attempting to trick me... 


Then I ran to Cherno, then up to the town NW of Cherno (apartments).. Found an M4 in crappy condition. Ran back to Elektro to pick up a fresh spawn who is a RL friend of mine.. Met up with another friend along the way. The RL friend was in the multi-level white "TEC" building on the SW side of Elektro, and asked, "Is that one of you guys?"... It wasn't. It was a Revolver wielding KOS kiddie.. I told my friend to stay hidden in a room (as he was unarmed), and I approached the building ready for a gun fight..


...I go to open the door.. It doesn't open.. I hear pain sounds, and press TAB, just to see my character "Bleeding".. Then I see myself laying on the ground, and then I went unconscious.. I lagged out upon opening the door, and was shot at twice with a revolver.. At least 1 shot hit. Fortunately, I had healthy status, so I was still alive.. barely.


The psycho with the revolver looted my body, and my friend I met up with along the way showed up, and took out the psycho.. He and my RL friend looted what they could, and saline bagged me.. I ate rice and drank water until healthy status appeared again. It took me over an hour to fully regain my blood and health, getting my vision and color back.


My friends and I moved on to Cherno, as we wanted to head west.. My RL friend (who's new to the game), fell off the factory/construction building in cherno while looking for a backpack, and decided to call it a day.. My other friend left shortly after. I moved through Cherno alone, and up to the apartments, then down to Balota. 


I snuck around Balota until I got to the Police Station/Jail, when I heard shots out on the airfield.. I looked outside and there was a man in full military gear running across the airfield shooting at someone. Hoping I was saving the right person, I intervened and shot the man dead from about 250m with an M4 that had mainly "Badly damaged" parts. 


No sooner did I get my bearings than I heard the distinct sound of a weapon reloading as someone spawned in on the top floor, in the room right behind me. I wasn't sure where the sound came from exactly, so I moved down stairs to watch the door of the police station, and kept my eye on the stairs. Sure enough, another fully military geared man came crouching down the stairs, and I lit him up as well.


Since then, I've moved up and down the west side of the map 2 times. I am the Guardian of Zelenogorsk. If you enter my town, you best come with good intentions or you will leave by way of the reaper. 


I am searching for a transmitter to research some mysterious encoded messages I have heard rumors about, and I am looking for a long range scope for my Mosin.. (I have a mosin and an m4 now, as well as a revolver and an FNX).. Once I finish my mission, I will head back down to Kamyshovo and give away about 1/2 of my gear, keeping only 1 rifle, 1 sidearm, and the cloths on my back.



Or.... I suppose I could just run down to Elektro and shoot at fresh spawns. Yeah.. That sounds much more fun than the story I just told. Right?

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You don't have to be a hero or a bandit to survive. I've found my best survival

rates are lone wolfing it and avoid people at all cost. As long as a glitch doesn't get you or you don't fall off something, you can survive a long time just by exploring the map. There's a lot of cool places not on any maps. You never have to worry about water because there is an abundance of it in the wild. Keep your sense of direction and you only need to hit a few small towns for food once in a while.

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Just an FYI, Not whining... I dont know how many times I said I love the game. Part of my new survival technique is definitely KoS unless the player is totally unarmed. Its not worth it too me anymore to waste hour and hours of my life trying to communicate and help people out just to get shot. KoS is the way to go.

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We need the heroes as much as the bandits. Not every character you play has to be the same. Get killed early trying to help someone? Become a bandit. Got bored being a trigger happy psycho? Become a hero.


True but heros love to moan a lot. All I here is morals this integrity that. At least with Bandits, you get some funny situations and literally no preaching whatsoever.

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It isn't the only way to go. Nor is helping every other stranger that you meet. Do I KOS, of course I do, when I feel that I am threatened, need loot and am not in the right position to mug someone or get shot at (last one not really being KOS'ing). But I also help people when the opportunity presents itself and I am feeling charitable; and if I think they have gear that I could use I try to mug them if I have the upper hand.


This is the beauty of the game. You are not forced to play any one single way in a life. You can do anything you want, why limit yourself to one style? That is so one dimensional.

Edited by weedmasta

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Are absolutely terrible, I recommend everyone to KOS. The rewards are way more justifying. Why run around helping people just to get shot =) Im quickly joining "The Dark Side". Still love the game, not putting up with this bullshit anymore though, getting very very tired of restarting.


Yep, the only way to play this game right now is KOS.  Unless you like being a bullet / axe sponge.


They should rename the game from:


DayZ Standalone




KOS Everyone Everywhere Standalone Permadeath Deathmatch


It would be a better descriptive of what the game is.

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there's no advantage or reward for being a hero, as all people you help will shoot you without thinking twice just as they get their first gun.


People are a bunch of assholes on this game, the community is made of dicks, so just be one too, at least you can enjoy the game a bit instead of being frustrated every life you get killed by some asshat.



Maybe when the game reach its beta and the hype around it fade away, the community will be good enough so the game can actually be enjoyed with actual survivors, heroes and bandits instead of a bunch of BF/COD 13 year old kiddies that want to kill everything that moves just to make their e-penis bigger.


ROFLMAO, love this post!  Couldn't agree more man.



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Well, you can find a few bandits and put Burlap Sacks over their heads and handcuff them, then line them up in a row, grab your m4 and gun them down while screaming, "For great justice!"

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Are absolutely terrible, I recommend everyone to KOS. The rewards are way more justifying. Why run around helping people just to get shot =) Im quickly joining "The Dark Side". Still love the game, not putting up with this bullshit anymore though, getting very very tired of restarting.

Finally wise words. I just sniped a character with a blue beret hat on. I think he was pretending to be a UN peacekeeping hero, hehe. I hope he has fun looting for hours tomorrow to get the gear I took off his char. Actually, I didn't need any of it, I just pushed ''hide body'' after he dropped :D

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I get confused with these constant "KOS is the only way" threads.  People understand there is a GIANT map available to them, right?  From the majority of the posts, it seems that most think there are invisible walls around Cherno and Elektro keeping them there.  Explore some, there are plenty of spots to find good kit.


I've been playing since the game came out, and I've been killed more times by server wipes and falling off ladders than I have by other players.  Come to think of it, I think I've only been killed by another player once.  I've also only killed someone once, a fully-geared server-hopper who spawned in one of the barracks while I was in the hallway.  He came out of the bathroom, saw me, and tried to draw his weapon, and died where he stood.


This is not to say that I haven't had any player interaction.  I just watch and wait, make sure they're alone, and then move in. I come in weapon drawn and announce, calmly, that I'm not here to hurt anyone, I just want to see what they're all about.  Everyone so far has reacted with reason, we talk, exchange any items, and move on.


If I spot someone who is creeping along, weapon out and geared up, I move on unseen.  If I am looting and come up on open doors, I move on unseen.  This has allowed me to stay alive for days at a time without having to resort to shooting everyone I see.  Common sense and a bit of patience goes a long way to keeping yourself alive, a lot better than running to the biggest cities or Balota as fast as you can, then coming here to complain that you keep getting killed on sight.

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