graficar92 3 Posted January 28, 2014 Slobodan, on 27 Jan 2014 - 4:06 PM, said:As i said in my post i understand this is an alpha and the alpha is used to test the game,and how am i supposed to test the game if almost every time the server restarts i lose my character! Though i lost it so many times this is the first time that it made me that much angry that i had to complain,and this is me just expresing my opinion smart ass im not whining or crying im reporting a bug as i recal that's the purpose of alpha You cant purchase an game in Alpha that gives you a clear warning both before buying it and before you can even start playing and expect to come on the forums and whine, yes whine you were clearly butthurt about losing your character again came here to vent, and expect someone to say "yes sir, will get right on that"The devs are working hard on this and don't want to and will not rush it. It wont even be in Beta until the end of this year, so be patient.Yes you have the right to report a bug, but the way you did it was childish and very unproductive. So if you want to be treated like an adult with some respect, then please act like one. No i wasnt expecting a Yes sir we will get right on it i was expecting an answer when will i be able to play without the possibility of loosing the character so that i can come back in playing the game,and i as i said in the reply above i didnt maybe had to start the sentince as i did but i still stand by what i said and asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graficar92 3 Posted January 28, 2014 Okay, if you know it's an alpha, and you know other people have been losing their characters as well, and I'm assuming you understand that this is an almost unavoidable problem during alpha stage, then why did you post this thread? What is the point you're trying to make here? Were you expecting the devs to come out of the woodwork and say "OMG I'M SO SORRY MR.CUSTOMER SIR, WE'LL FIX EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW."? (Btw you didn't pay money for the alpha, you paid money for the FULL RELEASE as well. You just get the privilege of playing the alpha and being a part of the game's development. So don't play that card either.) Im not playing any cards what do u think this is some argument wining contest?? I know that il be getting the full game and the only time i was talking about game payments was when i said ''atleast for 23 euros i have a right to post a thread'' eaven if it looks childlish (and i already said that some words went out of propotion due to my anger) but i really dont see the point of explaining it cause ive writen it in 3 replys above and ur still posting the same crap.Im not playing any cards what do u think this is some argument wining contest?? I know that il be getting the full game and the only time i was talking about game payments was when i said ''atleast for 23 euros i have a right to post a thread'' eaven if it looks childlish (and i already said that some words went out of propotion due to my anger) but i really dont see the point of explaining it cause ive writen it in 3 replys above and ur still posting the same crap ive read and explained to for 6 times now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted January 28, 2014 (edited) Also by the way i wouldnt complained if the game didnt cost 23 euros,it's not much it is worth it remmember that if u start shiting about this comment that i wrote,but i still think the game atleast at this point sould be in a little better condition cause loosing the character so many times it's a big and a nervous bug not a small oneThe game you paid for is not the alpha. The game you paid for is not released yet. But for paying early you got access to the alpha as a bonus. You dont have to use that early access. You can wait for the finished game - thats the product you paid for. But IF you intend to use your early access feature, you should understand what it means. And you clearly dont. the game in its current developent stage is not meant to be fun, or entertaining. it is missing features, it has serious flaws and bugs, and it will be unplayable at times. it could well be that you wont be able to play at all for weeks. if you do not understand that and are able to cope with that, you just should refrain from using your early access feature, and look forward to the finished game that you paid for. Edited January 28, 2014 by e47 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graficar92 3 Posted January 28, 2014 (edited) The game you paid for is not the alpha. The game you paid for is not released yet. But for paying early you got access to the alpha as a bonus. You dont have to use that early access. You can wait for the finished game - thats the product you paid for. But IF you intend to use your early access feature, you should understand what it means. And you clearly dont. the game in its current developent stage is not meant to be fun, or entertaining. it is missing features, it has serious flaws and bugs, and it will be unplayable at times. it could well be that you wont be able to play at all for weeks. if you do not understand that and are able to cope with that, you just should refrain from using your early access feature, and look forward to the finished game that you paid for.Yes i understand that, and yea that's the reason i asked can as if when will the bug be cleared so that i could play. and i already said 3 times i understood that ur getting the full game,right above...dude Edited January 28, 2014 by Slobodan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crimsonbzd 247 Posted January 28, 2014 (edited) Im so sick of this,my character has been alive for 4 days now and guess what server restart and fuc**ing character restart. I know it's an alpha to anyy smart ass that's gonna tell me after reading this post but comeone i didnt ask for a dam heli an RPG and an AK-47,i will survive the damm FPS drops too but cant u just fix this shit so i dont need too start all over again for no reason!!! It's not about the damm gear it's about the character loos that happens so freqeuently that is making me angry alot. Sorry for my bad english in some sentences Deeeaaaal witthhh itttttt..... <(^.^<) (^-.-^) (>^.^)>>> ALPHA! Addendum: If you're getting frustrated, I believe the new My Little Pony 3DS game will be releasing soon. Edited January 28, 2014 by crimsonBZD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dekartz 315 Posted January 28, 2014 The same way you have the right to complain, everyone here has the right to call you out on being a god-damned idiot for doing so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graficar92 3 Posted January 28, 2014 The same way you have the right to complain, everyone here has the right to call you out on being a god-damned idiot for doing so.Im do think that everyone has a right to put out their argument retard,i never said the opposite Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shrapnel (DayZ) 13 Posted January 28, 2014 I failed to read OP and following posts. To answer the thread topic simply: Lolno. To the people screaming "Its alpha! STOP BITCHING!" i say, lolfuckoff. Correct way to handle an issue in DayZ is to follow these steps. 1.) Visit the DayZ Forums Troubleshooting Section.2.) Use the Search Bar to find existing threads related to the problem your having.2b.) If there is a thread already made about your problem, post there. Do not make any more threads. If this is true, disregard Step 3.3.) Create a Bug Report with detailed information and patiently wait for the Dev Team to acknowledge and test/fix it. If only people followed these simple steps, the forums would be such a better place to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
altosk 8 Posted January 28, 2014 Havent lost a single character since the start. I wonder what im doing right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted January 28, 2014 Addendum: If you're getting frustrated, I believe the new My Little Pony 3DS game will be releasing soon.11/10 would rage if op. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted January 28, 2014 (edited) Yes i understand that, and yea that's the reason i asked can as if when will the bug be cleared so that i could play. and i already said 3 times i understood that ur getting the full game,right above...dude the issue of lost progress will most probably persist until the game is feature-complete and well into beta, so in about a year. until then, random loss of progression due to one of many possible issues (servers not being able to properly load data from the hive database, client bugs, bugfixes requiring database wipe etc.) is to be expected. this has been answered many times, and hence the community lacks patience when yet another thread emerges with the same topic/rant. generally, if you encounter a bug, search it on the bug tracker: you will need to create an account there. if you can find your issue, upvote it so the devs know you encountered it too, if you cannot find it, create a new bug report, be descriptive and precise, attach a dxdiag and a screenshot if possible. if you are just frustrated, then feel free to post a rant here. designate it as a rant so people know that its not supposed to be criticism but just venting your frustration. we all get angry at stupid things sometimes, and everybody is entitled to a rant now and then. Edited January 28, 2014 by e47 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted January 28, 2014 Look i really dont care if i get shity respones this is the internet and im getting them from the people i dont know and probably will never meet,the thing is i have the right to complain if the bug is interrupting my play from the moment ive started in a whope that they will fix it, i dont feel bad about posting this trhead it's my right and my opinion. Hrmmm... Maybe just maybe if you were a bit more constructive in your OP, then we would forgive your ignorance(maybe). Since there is a bajillion other threads on the same topic, wouldn't it have been wiser to post in one of those threads? No. You'd much rather post a totally redundant thread with no constructiveness what so ever, then you proceed to tell us that you knew full well it was redundant. I am not questioning your right to post, I am questioning your mental capacity. SO... No soup for you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted January 28, 2014 (edited) No i wasnt expecting a Yes sir we will get right on it i was expecting an answer when will i be able to play without the possibility of loosing the character so that i can come back in playing the game,and i as i said in the reply above i didnt maybe had to start the sentince as i did but i still stand by what i said and asked.Ok, now you've realized you came at the problem the wrong way, great! and this time you almost even asked the question"when will i be able to play without the possibility of loosing the character "but added "i was expecting an answer____so that i can get back to playing my game" at the end. But anyways the answer to your question is not available to us yet, and when it is you will know because you wont be losing your character anymore. :)Next time try something like:"Hey guy's has anyone heard anything about fixing the bug that wipes our characters?It's been really annoying, gonna be awesome when it gets fixed." Edited January 28, 2014 by TEST_SUBJECT_83 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted January 28, 2014 ^does anyone know whats causing the white boxes around some of the texts in my last post? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted January 28, 2014 ^does anyone know whats causing the white boxes around some of the texts in my last post? It happens sometimes when you copy/paste from a source with a different colour background. Highlight to problem text and "Remove Format". That should fix it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted January 28, 2014 I know it's an alpha ....I'm sorry, but you obviously don't understand what an Alpha is! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted January 28, 2014 Maybe because you're a fucking moron that should learn how to spell. Everytime I see "Loose" in the place of "Lose" on the internet, it gives me cancer. Go back to school you illiterate fuck. Have a great day. 3 day suspension, no loss. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites