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The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

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The posts arent anti-pvp. The post is about how its only pvp for every encounter. The only solution, as suggested, is to get a group on skype before hand. But you know you can trust them. If you formed a group in game, you wouldnt know if you could trust them. But in reality you cant form a group in game because its just kill kill kill.

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Most of the time those people that backstab you have tried being nice and been backstabbed before, other times they're just greedy and want supplies without cooperating, and the rest of the times they're just assholes (cue Destiny killing a really nice player regardless how guilty he felt about it after.)

People rarely trust anyone they have no reason to trust. Like your friends for example, those are very trustworthy people you know them either personally or through some other game. Someone that saves your life, totally earns your trust, he just put himself in danger for your benefit.

Sadly saving someone doesn't mean they'll be any less of a bastard and not turn around and kill you.

I've been lucky honestly, I've ran into several players willing to save me, help me, hook me up with ammo. I've never back stabbed any of them.

Anyone can say "l2play" or "you learnt a lesson huh" but really there is no lesson to be learned. The people that say that just try to justify their incredibly selfish behavior to their ego.

It just comes down to integrity, sadly the internet makes everyone feel so secure to be the meanest son of a bitch because they feel incredibly safe behind their monitors. Finding some trust worthy people 'seems' really hard, so people choose to not bother and either kill or avoid other players. Thus contributing to the problem they so hate.

The only reason bandits are winning is because they are breaking players trust, crazy how a handful of people per server could make everyone so crazy paranoid.

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You are better off avoiding players in game regardless of circumstance unless you are steam buddies or something.

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You are better off avoiding players in game regardless of circumstance unless you are steam buddies or something.

Indeed. A "Friendly" reply is your cue to backing away and getting the hell out of Dodge.

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It seems odd that most people who I tend to get killed by in this game just shoot you in the back. No talk just kill' date=' like its normal. I find it hard to accept murder as normal... I know its just a game but for some reason getting PK'd in this game really makes me upset. They should know how hard it was to get a full ALICE pack and a good gun... spitting into the wind i guess... it is summer time so i guess all the zit faced kids are having fun taking what others earn.


Everyone get ready to say I'm part of the problem, but I have to say this. I know exactly how hard it was to get my DMR and ALICE pack... It only took one round from a shotgun I found a few hours after spawn. That stuff is hard as hell to get. So of course Ill take it when I can. But I like that! If you have nice gear, you have to worry. You have to protect it. It keeps things tense, because you know anyone you meet might be eyeing that backpack and gun you got.

And, to be fair, I didn't betray the person for that nice stuff. They just got unlucky. They were in a hurry and just happened by a bush I was hiding in.

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I understand you Ausrivo

I've been playing for a few months and have yet to actually kill anyone. Yes it's got me killed a few times, but I don't regret it at all. Once I thought someone was lagged out so I shot him with a crossbow..he didn't die..he turned around and said 'omg did you just shoot me'. I felt so guilty I patched him up and gave him a transfusion.

You'll die no matter what. It's not about the moral high ground. Its about the journey and your actions during it that define you.

besides, you gotta admit the emotion and pounding of your heart as you escape a volatile situation is far greater than just shooting and seeing who drops first. I had enough of that in

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Im exactly like you' date=' i refuse to change my play style to everyone else. Don't worry your not alone.


To naive to survive in Day Z.

Gets mad and attempts to write it off as 'high moral standards' on forums.

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Without PVP this game would not be as good as it is.

But sadly it seems most people get given the best game in years and the most imaginative thing they can come up with is "let's play counterstrike". Nothing wrong in being a bandit if that's how you want to play. But without other peoples game style as well in the mix the game will eventually die. Just the same that without bandits in game being a survivor would mean nothing, and this would just be a role play gatherer game.

Knowing you can be shot by someone gives the game real tension. Without it it would be boring.

But pretty soon I can see me getting bored because that tension is only there at the moment because of the fact I don't shoot people on sight, and the situation that then arises of meeting survivors anywhere on the map is what makes my heart pump.

If I ran around with the mindset of shoot everyone and anyone I assure you my blood pressure would never rise a blip. I would feel about the same amount of tension as playing BF3 or any of the other cookie cutter FPS games out there.

I really hope this game does not lose this tension as at times my heart is pounding and there are very few games out there that cause this reaction. Loosing everything upon death adds to this as well.

Short version: if this game turns into 100% deathmatch the most awesome part of this game will be lost forever which is the tension. Some balance is needed to avoid this amazing game loosing it's soul.

PS: why the hell is this in "Important threads" section anyway ?

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Hey guys,

I would call myself a bandit, but I don't always shoot on sight. But generally I don't trust anyone and I would shoot anyone. Isn't the slogan "This is your story"?

That's how I see the game/PvP: I see this as some kind of film where you can affect the story as you want, by playing it. I'm a huge roleplaying fan and that's why I like to decide what I do. And don't we all like to be the bad guy, atleast in games? ;)

That's my view on the bandit thing. It's always safer to shoot first or you may get killed.


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Yeah at the moment the game so far as interaction between players is concerned is straight pvp, with maybe a little backstabbing thrown into the mix for newbs who don't know better.

SOme here have stated that there is no solution at that we should live with it. Others have stated that its up to us the community to fix it. Both are wrong. I have faith that Rocket will introduce mechanics to enable (if not enforce) team play, he has said as much.

So lets just wait and see shall we.

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so the endgame to this mod is to eventually become a bandit?

Yes and here's why. You scrounge for 3 hours and may eventually find a silenced pistol, nvg's or some other bit of rare goods. It took you valuable time to do that. For the bandit hunting you, this is 3 hours less time he has to put in to recover that rare loot.

It's a time factor and one of the issues I don't see ever getting resolved. You will always benefit more by killing first. Time saved, less threat etc. Although to be honest I haven't been back after the flurry of updates from 1.7.1 to Maybe this heart beat feature for bandits will alter some play styles?

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So far we have these facts:

No interaction

No tension/tense moments

Too much reward to risk

Glass ceiling on gameplay for survivors

Glass floor for bandits

So now the question is, how do we stop it? I'm rather partial to having LESS zombies in town, but move the extras out into the field. Having zeds spawn in the woods and otherwise considered "safe" places would curb the hilltop DMer greatly. Secondly, the aggro range for rifles needs to increase greatly. If I can hear it, the zombies should be able to hear it. This should put a consequence to hillside camping (which is the major PvP problem, in my opinion). Also, and this is my longest running suggestion, military grade weapons need a serious ammo nerf. It's too easy to get fully loaded after no more than a days work. Make each shot precious, and watch people start thinking about saving ammo.

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I don't think anyone in this game is opposed to PvP. It makes the game all the more interesting.

It just requires a few more elements imo for it to work properly.

Spree killers need to be identified better - and I'm not talking about the bandit skins we used to have - I had a bandit skin just for defending myself...

There needs to be elements in the game that allows us to identify people that will shoot on sight better.

The field should be even for both styles of play - I honestly prefer the helpful/cooperative playstyle, but it is mostly a huge risk. I'm stealthy enough usually to be the first one to spot another survivor, watch him for a while to see what he does (short of him shooting someone else, I have no way of telling if he'll just shoot me) - approach the guy, ask if he wants to team up / needs help, and get shot in the face.

On the other play style, I risk nothing - I see another survivor, I aim, I shoot, lose zeds if any, loot body - rinse repeat. And as a bandit, I even have the poor shmucks like me who might have spotted me first, but will actually come close to engage in conversation (trololol)

I want the PvP to be in - but all the benefits can't be in one side of the fence, and most of the downsides on the other.

Should simply be equal benefits, or close to that for both styles of gameplay.

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It seems to be getting to the point that DayZ might as well be a single player game. If avoiding other players is the only way to get anywhere, then why not just have it be an offline game with NPCs that shoot at you.

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I think it would be easier to build some community in game with a better communication system. Better bandit community and better survivor community.

There does need to be some tweaking of player vs player damage and zombie AI. However if you want to BUILD a community, you need to support those people by giving them some basic tools to do so. Only a small percentage of your players are using the forums and removing an in-game chat mechanism without any additional support for players isn't going to make the bitching go away.

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In 2 weeks of play I've run into 1 person who didn't shoot me straight away. This person spent a couple minutes strafing around a tree before taking his pistol and running out into the woods. I like to think he's still out there somewhere, strafing away his demons.

I'm leery of these people who are so violently opposed to what I'm beginning to think of as Dayz's PK/Shoot on Sight Culture. How quickly it devolves into insults and rants. I'm not sure why it can't be a civil debate.

Some of my thoughts:

I understand that this open PvP lends itself well to the themes of survival and impending doom in the game. However lets be fair. Randomly triggered strokes, heart attacks and seizures would also put your life in danger from moment to moment and be realistic. As would food poisoning, tetanus and staph infections, all three of which would be running rampant here. To me these things are all as entertaining as being shot at by 99% of the people I run into in this game.

Unfortunately here's the part where I admit to being the sort of person who points out a problem or gripe without a solution at hand :)

I think many games have stumbled here. How to make player's value their character's choices. I believe this is the core of the issue. Most of the folks barely care about their own character's life or achievements, so expecting any sort of empathy for a third party is downright ludicrous.

Still I'm having a hard time seeing an endgame in the alpha's current state without this fear of PvP death. I've gotten a few characters to the point where zombies, food/drink and the environment no longer pose a threat, as have most folks who've played the game longer than a couple days I'm willing to bet, and then it's just a matter of either derping around hoping for a low % drop or finding some trouble ala PvP.

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It can't easily be a civil debate because everyone tries to steer the game towards their preferred style of play. And the easiest way to do that is attack the opponent because, really, it's just a game-style preference with no real "correct" answer.

I do agree that part of the reason the game devolves into PvP is because it lacks other goals. The zombies are pretty passive and predictable, it's not too hard to gear up if you get lucky in regards to avoiding PvP threats, and you get all these nice guns begging to be used.

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I guess I play as a murderer then. I kill everyone I can on sight.

I take my fair share of deaths too.

some say it's murder because I am killing for fun. I argue I kill for the kicks of recording a kill, for the hunt itself, for in inevitable loot. damn even a chap running thru electro with no weapons on show is still worth shooting down on the premise he may well have some loot I can make use of and 99% of the time, they do, even if its just bandages,

One mans loot is another mans survival ?

I don't pretend to be friendly,nor do I wish to coop. Whats the problem ?

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My view on this? There is no solution to the "PvP" in this game.. It's a feature that has been implemented into the mod and in the end there is no solution. You are the solution. The people of the community need to rise up and stand for themselves instead of being put down by the banditry and traitors that roam these lands' date=' make your own group as I have, dedicated to the entire cause of the Survivors for the people. [b']You need to take your part in creating a safer environment if you want people to take a different look on our community and the mod itself, posting and whining about how you got killed is not the way to go if you can stand up and do something about all of this yourself. Plan, discuss, take action. Stop all the talk and do what you have to.

Sure but you can't separate this from the game design. Right now you can watch someone shoot your friend at close range and you probably can't even recognize the same player if you meet them later because the models aren't unique enough. Then try and communicate to ANOTHER player what that guy looks like and have them track them down? Essentially impossible. There's no way to communicate trust or distrust of people the way things happen in the RL.

So whining about game mechanics is important when those mechanics are important.

In 2 weeks of play I've run into 1 person who didn't shoot me straight away. This person spent a couple minutes strafing around a tree before taking his pistol and running out into the woods. I like to think he's still out there somewhere' date=' strafing away his demons.


It's not that bad yet. The next time you respawn try not shooting and it's more like 80 to 90 percent of people shoot you on sight. But on populated server you can still meet some awesome people who don't shoot on sight fairly quickly have some really interesting interactions.

Just be zen about dying. Even if they eventually shoot you, getting the drop on them and tring and stay alive as long as you can without shooting is really entertaining. Either through social tactics or just good awareness. And when they do shoot you anyway but you manage to drop them instead it is 100x more satisfying than a random nameless deathmatch kill.

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Just got sniped off the beach twice, two different servers, both times within 2-3 minutes of spawning. While i understand each player is free to play as they see fit, it does take away the fun of the game.

I don't mind dying, don't get me wrong, but to spawn in and get sniped makes the game no fun at all. If I were a new player, having just gotten the mod installed, I'd most likely give up if this happened a lot, which it seems to be.

Sure, I get there's no "end goal" right now in the mod, but surely there is more to it than finding a longer ranged weapon, then running to a town/beach and picking off anyone you can see.

I think if that is your goal when playing the game, then perhaps its not for you. There are a lot of FPS games out there that may suit your play style more. You don't get "points" or XP in DayZ for killing other people and it can't be much of a challenge shooting unarmed players.

I now think I've died more to players than anything else in the game. That leads me to think this has become, in it's current state, not a survival game (you vs the elements/Z's) but a large mapped Deathmatch style game, which from this players point of view is a shame.

I wont be giving up on the game, I still like it a lot, however, I'm less likely to tell others how great it is, again, in it's current state.

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There needs to be elements in the game that allows us to identify people that will shoot on sight better.

...Why is this the goto idea for everyone?

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My #1 problem with pvp in this game is that it's so fantastically unrealistic. In real life death is a much scarier deterrent, and there would be significantly less banditry. In a video game it's not that big of a loss if you die. So this leads to everyone just spraying the hell out of everyone they see. I don't want an uber-realistic zombie sandbox game, we're dealing with zombies after all. But I don't think that being able to murder people with zero consequence is a good thing. It's not good for realistic gameplay, and it's not good for arcadey fun gameplay.

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awesome story: i loggen in and passed out for no reason, for 2-3 min! an asshole come by and start to shoot at me, not a headshot! -- no, he let me bleed! broken my leg and was just watching me dying! ...whats wrong with some people in this community?!

this mod needs a mission, something you cant do solo, or a real punishment, not a reward like low humanity -.-

if we had a village (with a marketplace and good stuff you can buy only there), cleared from zombies and guarrdet by human NPCs whitch shoot all players with low humanity ...maybe then it would stop

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My #1 problem with pvp in this game is that it's so fantastically unrealistic. In real life death is a much scarier deterrent' date=' and there would be significantly less banditry.[/quote']

So because death would be permanent, less people would be likely to kill one another? I think you got some wires crossed here, I think you mean people would be more likely to kill, and people would be less likely to approach one another.

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