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Server hopping.

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I was looking for similar thread but i could not find one.


I think that good idea would be binding character to the server for like 10 mins after he disconnect. What i mean is that if someone disconnect from the server then for next 10 mins he can only connect to the same server or what ever time. I think this might solve it a bit. Because i dont see reasons to people switch servers etc. When friends come they can always join Your server.


Just idea.

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I was looking for similar thread but i could not find one.

Did you REALLY look? I mean, Did you even look? I can think of 10, from just last week.

And once again, That defeats the whole point of public hive. You'd basically be turning every server into a private hive.

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An issue with this...


Frank: "Join my server"
Bob: "Oh, It's full. I'll find one, you join me"
Frank: "Ok, I'm quitting now"......."oh.. bugger, I need to wait 10 minutes"

10 minutes later..


Frank: "Ok, I'm joining!"
Bob: "It's full!"
Frank: "Ok, you join mine".......
And repeat..

Edited by jumling

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Did you REALLY look? I mean, Did you even look? I can think of 10, from just last week.

And once again, That defeats the whole point of public hive. You'd basically be turning every server into a private hive.



An issue with this...


Frank: "Join my server"

Bob: "Oh, It's full. I'll find one, you join me"

Frank: "Ok, I'm quitting now"......."oh.. bugger, I need to wait 10 minutes"


10 minutes later..


Frank: "Ok, I'm joining!"

Bob: "It's full!"

Frank: "Ok, you join mine".......

And repeat..


These men are correct.

But I would like to see a 30 second logout timer or something like that, to at least prevent combatlogging to some degree

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Did you REALLY look? I mean, Did you even look? I can think of 10, from just last week.

And once again, That defeats the whole point of public hive. You'd basically be turning every server into a private hive.


An issue with this...


Frank: "Join my server"

Bob: "Oh, It's full. I'll find one, you join me"

Frank: "Ok, I'm quitting now"......."oh.. bugger, I need to wait 10 minutes"


10 minutes later..


Frank: "Ok, I'm joining!"

Bob: "It's full!"

Frank: "Ok, you join mine".......

And repeat..



It could make it harder sometimes but so far i never had problem with staying/joining on same server with friends even when we were joining them when they were 40/40.

Also for normal players it will be no matter when there will be buliding and stuff since probably built stuff will stay on server were You built that.

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I was looking for similar thread but i could not find one.

If that's the case then I suspect you couldn't find your own arse with both hands. Putting "server hopping" into the search brings back four pages of results. It has been discussed to death already.

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If that's the case then I suspect you couldn't find your own arse with both hands. Putting "server hopping" into the search brings back four pages of results. It has been discussed to death already.


And those are few first hits after typing in server hopping


What was your most annoying death by another player STOP! I'm the Sheriff of Berezino. . . We need t... Night vision needs to be implemented ASAP Your character was unable to be loaded and has been reset... every server is dark Weapon extinction Private,hardcore.... servers when? Two worst things about alpha Dayz at the MOMENT I think every bad action except hacking is justified in t...


those are really connected to my topic. Also thanks god that topics and stuff of guy that pick holes in others stuff is so unique and not obvious :)

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Uh-huh. And what about the seven pages of results when you search for server hopping in just the title of topics? The point is simply that you cannot have searched, or did it with your eyes closed, as there are literally hundreds of topics about the subject.

And now there's one more, discussing a problem that has been thrashed to death already and is a planned fix for the Devs.

Also thanks god that topics and stuff of guy that pick holes in others stuff is so unique and not obvious :)

Again in English please?

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I was looking for similar thread but i could not find one.


I think that good idea would be binding character to the server for like 10 mins after he disconnect. What i mean is that if someone disconnect from the server then for next 10 mins he can only connect to the same server or what ever time. I think this might solve it a bit. Because i dont see reasons to people switch servers etc. When friends come they can always join Your server.


Just idea.


A lot of problems about server hopping would be solved if players did not know what time a server restarts.

They go from one to the next to find loot because they know EXACTLY the restart time.  Say just before noon I'm on a server with 10 people - suddenly at 12:03 another 15 players turn up,  solo or in groups of 3 or 5 or 8..they wipe out the military loot, then leave to loot another server... maybe they can do 5 servers from 12h to 12:25...  And because there are (at the moment) only 3 military areas on the map, this is a whole herd of roving players jumping from one server to the next every 4 hours exactly. A lot of players want to be on line at 0800h, 1200h, 1600h, etc, and many players move from server to server fast as they can. Some servers advertize 2hour restarts... So you can see the problem.


- The 10 minute body rule means guns and equipment are taken out of the game faster than they ever were. If you're killed, you have to get new guns ammo and kit - its not lying around after a PvP battle any more - you, or even your friends, can't recover it -  so you have to go looking for new.


If the servers reset at an "unknown" time, this would spread the effect a lot... Or, it is just as easy to run the server on a 23 hour or 25 hour reset cycle instead of 24, so it resets one hour earlier/later each day, to make it harder to predict across servers (but also, add on a few mins, dont reset on the hour). Alternatively, A slightly randomized reset, so that a server resets every 4h plus or minus 20 mins (for instance) is NOT difficult to script.


Players hop servers, its part of the game.. there are many solo players who do not play at regular times, so they are not in a group - they don't have loyalty to one special server. I play on 3 servers regularly, and in the player list I see players I've known since the early mod (but its hard to meet up with them now). They come and go. Sometimes I go wandering to look at foreign servers, to see what's happening..  I DO this and I don't think its bad.


OK so spread out server resets so they dont all happen at the same time on 100 servers,  randomize slightly, make it more difficult to know when it will happen.


- Also linking a player to 1 server will only encourage ghosting, that IS unfair playing. Moving from one server to another is NOT unfair. In SA, if you're not in a team, you play solo (there are plenty of solo players, good, experienced ones too)..  AND there's no sidechannel now so you don't MEET MANY players... so I guess you can play where you like?


The other people in this thread are right, there has been discussion about server hopping. But I don't think players have talked about so many of the reset times all being the SAME.



Edited by pilgrim

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