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I'm starting to get KoSers

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At the begining it pissed me off but now i can really understand SOME of you guys, i mean, you cant rob nobody, they just log off, so if you like to rolepaly  'bandit' or just interact with someone, you can't. Tou want something from someone you kill him take what you can and move on.


Couple days i posted in someone elses thread and said that people bleeding shouldn't be able to log off, and if they wanted to they should be treated as unconscious (you leave your character dies), but... Now i think it would be better something like a timer to be able to log off, like one minute of defenseless sitting or something like that, but you can cancel it at any moment by getting of the sitting position (F3 default).





PS: I think i will never get those that kills fresh spawns for free (no agressive ones, if they come to punch you blow 'em up), or freshspawns killing other freshspawns.

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imo people should not be able to save their char unless in a specified zone or at a object i.e campfires/tents. For a game that boasts about survival there is hardly any survival going on. Its just free-for-all with character saves.


If you log out somewhere random they should clearly state that you are leaving your character exposed to the elements. In a true apocalyptic world there would hardly be any reason to go roaming and set camp randomly when you are trying to survive. People only do that when i.e you get into a plane crash and your looking for help or rescue.

Edited by defk0n_NL

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majority of players will log the second another player gets the drop on them. there are however SOME players who are either; fair / stupid / or just too damn scared to do anything else and will comply when you hold them up.


on the topic of "fixing" combat loggers; id think the best solution would be for players to sit quiet for now and let the devs release what their solution to it is in upcoming patches. THEN post our thoughts on whether we like it or not / different ideas about it.

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For a game that boasts about survival


This game hasn't boasted about anything. Quite the opposite. The creator said "Don't buy it yet."


DayZ today has absolutely nothing to do with what the game is going to be when it actually has planned features. Yes, it's basically a free for all at the moment because there's fuck all else to do.

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This game hasn't boasted about anything. Quite the opposite. The creator said "Don't buy it yet."


Really? Survival was the whole buzzword when dayz became popular. Just look at the offspring that popped up. Rust, WarZ,etc. They are not about survival also? Even  the homepage clearly states "Surivors: xxx,xxx,xxx" and "Buy Now!". Probably is not about survival also.


Fanboys these dayz....

Edited by defk0n_NL
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I mean lets be honest, there is only so much you and your buddies can do at this point before it comes to,


"lets go camp here and kill people"

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imo people should not be able to save their char unless in a specified zone or at a object i.e campfires/tents. For a game that boasts about survival there is hardly any survival going on. Its just free-for-all with character saves.

If you log out somewhere random they should clearly state that you are leaving your character exposed to the elements. In a true apocalyptic world there would hardly be any reason to go roaming and set camp randomly when you are trying to survive. People only do that when i.e you get into a plane crash and your looking for help or rescue.

I'm not sure the Rust route (your character just lays down and "sleeps" when you log off, leaving you utterly defenseless) is the best way to go. If nothing else, this highly discourages those players who only play once in a while, or for short periods.

I am entirely in favor of a log off timer that leaves you exposed for 30 seconds or a minute to counter combat logging, even if in conjunction with some other mechanic, such as logging off next to a camp fire or something similar. It simulates the need you would like of protecting yourself from the elements, without making logging off a death sentence in itself, which is the system currently in place in Rust. Logging in Rust for any extended period of time is essentially a game over. And the amm

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Really? Survival was the whole buzzword when dayz became popular. Just look at the offspring that popped up. Rust, WarZ,etc. They are not about survival also? Even  the homepage clearly states "Surivors: xxx,xxx,xxx". Probably is not about survival also.


The game will be about survival when it's actually a game. Right now it has less than 20% of the planned final features so it's currently not really about anything at all.


Want to know what else "the homepage clearly states?" 


Please be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It’s a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage.


So, yes. Really.


Fanboys these dayz....


Yeah, silly Fanyboys and their ability to read. Totally with you there.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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imo people should not be able to save their char unless in a specified zone or at a object i.e campfires/tents. For a game that boasts about survival there is hardly any survival going on. Its just free-for-all with character saves.

If you log out somewhere random they should clearly state that you are leaving your character exposed to the elements. In a true apocalyptic world there would hardly be any reason to go roaming and set camp randomly when you are trying to survive. People only do that when i.e you get into a plane crash and your looking for help or rescue.

I'm not sure the Rust route (your character just lays down and "sleeps" when you log off, leaving you utterly defenseless) is the best way to go. If nothing else, this highly discourages those players who only play once in a while, or for short periods.

I am entirely in favor of a log off timer that leaves you exposed for 30 seconds or a minute to counter combat logging, even if in conjunction with some other mechanic, such as logging off next to a camp fire or something similar. It simulates the need you would like of protecting yourself from the elements, without making logging off a death sentence in itself, which is the system currently in place in Rust. Logging in Rust for any extended period of time is essentially a game over.

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The game will be about survival when it's actually a game. Right now it has less than 20% of the planned final features so it's currently not really about anything at all.


Want to know what else "the homepage clearly states?" 


Please be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It’s a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage.



You know that this marketing speech for "You cant refund your purchase" If they would not want you to buy it, they would not put it up for sale.

Genre does not equal the finished game. I said its about survival then you said "Its not really about anything at all".


Your self deception is evident, "Dayz is everything i ever wanted because its nothing at all, Lets dream about how awesome dayz is"

Edited by defk0n_NL

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You know that this marketing speech for "You cant refund your purchase"


No, that's not what that is. Why would they need to do that? They're not the ones selling the game; Steam is. It's not up to them whether to offer refunds or not. Steam would be the ones to make that decision. They have no say in it whatsoever.



 If they would not want you to buy it, they would not put it up for sale.


They put it up for sale to make money to fund the continued development of the game. They specifically said "don't buy it unless you understand what an Early Access Alpha is." Part of that understanding is getting that, while the ultimate goal is a game about survival, the current state of the game is unfinished, buggy and mostly about nothing but grabbing loot, goofing around and shooting people.



Genre does not equal the finished game. I said its about survival then you said "Its not really about anything at all".


Right. Because it's not yet.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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No, that's not what that is. Why would they need to do that? They're not the ones selling the game; Steam is. It's not up to them whether to offer refunds or not. Steam would be the ones to make that decision. They have no say in it whatsoever.


Really?! Like are you that naive, its like watching a school girl crush develop over here. But umm yeah, They do have a say in the matter seeing they are actively selling it on the store. https://store.bistudio.com/. If you take that disclaimer on face value then yeah, It makes sense for them to issue a warning against the under development game. Its also a convenient way to  discredit any criticism because its "alpha" and "in development" while still letting you pay the price for it without refunds.


You cant say its about nothing at all, because if you played the mod you know what the game is going to be about and what to expect. That is called goodwill in economic terms. They are capitalizing on the goodwill of the mod. which is fine seeing they are developing a game around that. But you cant then say the "DayZ is not about survival because the game is not finished.


Also wether or not this game was put for sale would not matter for the continuation of production, as much as you like to believe that without your support dayz the game will not be created. This is not a indie game anymore, Its published and developed by Bohemia Interactive Studios.


Way to go derailing a whole thread with your fanboy-ism.

Edited by defk0n_NL

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