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Why is this possible?

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Do not provide links to hack videos.



Do NOT post links to videos about scripts / hacks / cheats or websites that sell any of the above.


You get all the beans, while I was the one pointing it out. I feel cheated. Hold me.

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Yea don't link to any Dayz hacking videos.
Best not to talk about it either.
It could potentially hurt sales.

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Because its almost entirely impossible to create something that cannot be hacked.


Rocket isn't God, he can only do so much.

Also, early alpha.

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Rocket never promised NO HACKERS, as mentioned several times, to expect no hacks in any game is just naive, the problem is the pure scope of hacking that the mod experienced, in the mod, hackers could do absolutely anything, and could do it to EVERYONE ON THE SERVER, because ArmA2 has a lot of the actual decision making code run on the client, once unlocked, a client can have just as much power over the mod as the server does, in fact, most likely more power.


DayZ Standalone, has moved most of the decision making code to the server, and restricted the information that is given to any one client to a small area of the map(instead of the whole map like ArmA2), this hugely limits the type of hacks even possible, and any "open holes" will be patched as time goes on.

That said, there will ALWAYS be hackers, any information you do give the client can be used in some way or another, the biggest and hardest to crush hack is a basic radar, which tells that player what items/zombies/players are nearby, the only way for this to not be possible would be to not send that information to the client....good luck having a "game" at that point, the best they can do is detect it and ban any offenders.

Edited by Atomizer
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Yea don't link to any Dayz hacking videos.

Best not to talk about it either.

It could potentially hurt sales.


Yes, it is important to protect the sales of an ALPHA that went platinum... give me a break.  This is the last reason that the moderators have in mind when making the rules.  I'm not so sure that this single post has the merit or influence to keep even a single possible subscriber from purchasing the product at this point... Anyone who chooses to pay for the privilege of participating in the testing process should know better than to expect a finished product (with or without hacker protection).

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I am truly pissed. Please don't get me false, just because I am not one of these "rocket fanboys", it doesn't mean that I am against this game. Not at all! I love this game and I am worried it is evolving in the wrong direction. It is not really part of the topic but I also don't see the use of the last update. Why do we need a crappy shotgun, bugged spraycans, or more looks for zombies, while they need to fix major issues like: The zombies, loot respawning, desync, performance, sound, hackers etc. 



Boy you don't have a clue do you. The people fixing bugs and the ones adding new content are 2 separate entities. Adding stuff does not mean they are doing it at the cost of fixing bugs.

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Because I simply want people to see that it is possible. I am not advertising anything, i am trying to help the development of the game. Some people with insufferable attitudes might call that bitching. Never mind I won't post anything in this forum anymore, people do not really discuss about it anyway, besides do not give a fuk.  And this quoted guy seems to be only interested in flaming than anything else. Probably never had a real discussion in school. Flamers are just as bad as hackers....

Hmm ok your helping development of the game??? Ah they already know about hackers lol they are doing what they said they would which is not make it impossible but severly limit the amount of it.. All the anti hacks in the world wont stop hackers ( real ones) the guys who get caught are using someone elses hacks and the anti hack catches those guys sooner or later cause just like virus protection a hack has to be made before it can be countered.


You think hacking is just a problem in dayz ?? pretty much every competitive multiplay online game suffers from hackers the more popular the game the more people try to hack it, Why dont you ask EA there solution to hacking there a huge publisher with money to burn they muct have stopped it in there games right... WRONG games like battlefield are filled with hackers they come in waves get new hack buy it use it then the anti hack figure it out it gets stopped some people get banned then the next one comes.


The problem i can see here is your trying to discuss a subject you know little to nothing about or your just trolling lol its a sad fact of life i wish it could be changed but it is what it is they will do all they can to limit it but it will never go away while the game is being played large scale around the world.


So helping the development your just another example of a how a little bit of info ( and not knowing the whole picture) is a dangerous thing...

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While I got shot in the middle of the night, I did a research about hacking in the dayz standalone.It is actually possible to do so. (see the link below)

So my question is. How is this possible?


Rocket promised us, that everything will generate on server base and this should make hacking impossible. The fact that hacking is possible makes this simple a lie (rocket is very often a little imprecise with his statements). 


I don't want to hear the excuse "This is still in Alpha" because this time it doesn't justify the appearance of hackers at all. Even before the standalone came out he promised us a game without hackers and this the least, the player community can expect.


I am truly pissed. Please don't get me false, just because I am not one of these "rocket fanboys", it doesn't mean that I am against this game. Not at all! I love this game and I am worried it is evolving in the wrong direction. It is not really part of the topic but I also don't see the use of the last update. Why do we need a crappy shotgun, bugged spraycans, or more looks for zombies, while they need to fix major issues like: The zombies, loot respawning, desync, performance, sound, hackers etc. 


I know things are not always right in an alpha, but the hacker issue should have been fixed already. I love testing this game and I really want to help the development. But now as a player, I simply feel tricked. I can live with any bugs or issues, but not hackers! I am truly worried that Bohemia Interactive is not interested in DayZ anymore, because they already got their money out of this project and now they just add stuff in order to create continuing attention for the game.


[removed link of the vid myself]


added another video: (sorry that it is german)



Okay you got shot in the night, so what. How do you know it was a hacker, and what makes you think that any change to dayZ will prevent ESP hacks to work.

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SIGH, not a hack at all. I snipe from sniper hill into the city of elektro on night servers all the time.  heres a tip, brightness up, gamma up, HDR lighting very low, then go to quality, and turn it all to very high.  it makes the moonlight actually take effect, and you can see shapes. granted, if you are against a building, it may be hard to see you, but out in a field, on the road, skylining yourself, you are quite an easy target.

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SIGH, not a hack at all. I snipe from sniper hill into the city of elektro on night servers all the time.  heres a tip, brightness up, gamma up, HDR lighting very low, then go to quality, and turn it all to very high.  it makes the moonlight actually take effect, and you can see shapes. granted, if you are against a building, it may be hard to see you, but out in a field, on the road, skylining yourself, you are quite an easy target.

see it was just as likely to have been a gama exploiter who killed takes far less skill or money to exploit the game mechanics.....

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