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where's the .357 speed loader?

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I can confirm its in the game.  I came across one sitting in a house on a shelf, but for the life of me I can't remeber thetype of house I saw it in.

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I've found two so far and they were both in the fire stations on the shelves near the stairs.

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I've found them most often in non-military buildings. Think they are fairly common, last night I found 2 in one session, 1 in a regular house, the other in the restaurant/cafe. Now if I could only find a 357 :lol:


Thats on a hardcore server, dunno if it makes a difference with the lootspawns or not.



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can't find it anywhere, been through 2 airports, 1 mil tent camp, and 6 towns.

well try specific buildings to like fire departments, garages, the two floor houses with pianos, schools on the top of the third floor. ALL of these have chance to drop speed loaders and other augments.

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Fire station is best bet. Found 2 there so far. Anywhere else and the loot table includes so much civilian junk that its super duper rare to spawn.

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Not sure but I've come across a couple, I think in larger towns with the medium to large sized buildings

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