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The players of DayZ Ruin the game

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sorry, i am just getting really bored with what the Alpha allows me to do as of now. Once there are reasons for me to stay off the coast and play less savagely you should have more fun.

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Most fun I've had so far is fist fighting on the coast for nothing but lulz and pride.  You can draw quite a crowd with more than enough willing participants to keep you entertained for an hour or two.  Being fully geared is only part of the fun.  You'll be surprised how friendly people can be when you don't have a weapon screaming 'ohhh shiney' and a backpack full of survival for other players to take from you.

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However Being a complete Pathetic scrub and killing people who have No weapons at all Like always Happened in the MOD Will eventually piss the player off enough to just stop playing the game.


Yup! I mean, you know. Either that or they will learn to play and survive for more than 20 minutes at a time.


Either way, I don't care. I play the game for me, not you.

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oh and their blood, but have to be a little more crafty first.

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good, because i was clearly making fun of your "blame the game" mentality xD


I don't really understand why. He's clearly right. Dean has said the exact same thing (and I think he would know). The game doesn't have enough features right now to keep people occupied, so they resort to mass slaughter to keep themselves busy. What's to argue with? It's obviously true.

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The problem here is everyone seems to want to make this a farm sim where we all just go around surviving very dully on a massive map with nothing much to do, PvP atm is the best thing about the game and i care not for "being a hero" when i shoot someone after hours of tooling up its because its the first person i've seen in ages and its finally something to do so i dont care if your looted or not i will be blasting, why? Because its fun. Thats why.

Farm sim = Not fun
Combat sim with added survival = Very fun

Anyway all this crying about not being enough hero's is definitely a vocal minority, i have yet to find anyone who hasnt KoS unless they cant.

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There are way to many Players out there that are way to use to how DayZ was as a mod that they Continue to Ruin the game.  I have been SOS 30 times now when All i have is well A bag of rice.  They made this game More Interactive with more things to deal with such as colds and eventually camping and cooking food.  They added Handcuffs So instead of Killing players they use them and steel their Things Like a bandit  Is defined as  But yet players Wanna be A--Hats and Kill on sight Because OH That Bag of Rise is such a treat to me. If they want the food they can simply go up and ASK if then they do not or try to run away then Kill them or  wound them so U can take it and run.  Sadly with how the MOD was People play this like its Still Arma 2  or they play it like it is COD.

         Why I am writing this is to really rant right now because I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times by Players that are Stupid as all hell And because of that I uninstalled the game and will be working on getting a Refund because I can see this game being the same Trash that the mod was Because of the players.  Yes I enjoy PVP in games like this but I can not stand Getting killed by some guy When I have Nothing worth killing me over because 99% of the time I have no guns if anything a Shovel But OH WOW Whats a shovel going to do VS a player 100 feet away from me with a gun..........The game is full of this and Well because players/ People in general and really more so other gamer's are just complete Skilless pathetic Scrubs. They cant 1v1 someone so everyone kills others with nothing and somehow that makes them feel like they are pro. 


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 



So...what you're saying is..you -DON'T- like the DayZ community, seems like an odd place to be if you don't. I tend to hate loud noises, i better fucking move to New York.

Edited by Bash Arkin

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1: Avoid big cities... ok, done that, now what? Should I live in the forest and go only to those boring hamlets where there is not even a zombie around?

2: Totally agree with this point. It was always my tactic too, always worked when freshly spawned

3: When you see players... observe them... only to see them log out after a minute or two

4: Scout and observe? Yeah done that, only to find a server hopper spawn behind you and bang bang bang

5: Makes sense

6: Avoid this, avoid that... Where is a poor fresh spawn supposed to get some decent gear? In Mogilevka? At a certain point you must go to the military areas.


I know the purpose of the game is to stay alive (technically) but it is also to have fun. If it is boring and is no fun... what game is it?


1. Avoid big cities mainly refers to the cities at the coast (i.e. Electro, Cherno, Berezino, although Berezino is not that much of a hotspot at the moment)


3. That is not the point. You have to ask yourself, what you want to do next time you meet a player? Will you simply kill them for their gear if it is any good, do you try to take a risk and try to communicate with them etc? There are many choices, you make your own story. Not everyone logs out in fact I have seen so few people log out (even in the middle of a firefight) that I am surprised.


4. Just because you scouted some place in advance and it was clear it doesn't mean it is safe. Someone else could already be on their way over there. So you have to keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Also if a server hopper spawns close to you, you will hear him spawn in and have the upper hand.


6. This is purely out of choice and to help you get going until you are "better at the game" or confident and equipped enough to commit yourself into a firefight if needed. Or you could just charge in unequipped and hope you will survive, but that is the risk YOU take. It is nobody's choice but yours and you can't blame someone else if you get shot in the back while doing this. At the moment the only weapon you cannot get anywhere but at high grade military spawns is the M4. Every other weapon is obtainable at various buildings in regular cities/industrial areas.

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Well OP if you have been shot 30 times you need to consider that you are a lot of the problem.  You must be running around like a headless chicken. 


If you don't get seen you don't get shot!

Edited by MadTommy

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Not to derail the thread, even though this is the eleventy-teenth post complaining about KOS...


Just wanted to point out that you don't have to necessarily go to the military bases and airfields to get decent firearms and ammo.


Since the latest update, weapon spawn rates are way down at those locations anyways.


Check hospitals.  I have found both the M4 and the Mosin in hospitals, several times since the last update.


In general, check big buildings - not the 4 (5?) story apartment complexes,  but any unique-looking structure in town.


*cough shipwreck cough*


Rifles, pistols, and ammo for both are actively spawning at these locations since the last update.



Sorry for interrupting your KOS discussion. Carry on.

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Being friendly is hard in this game and you should be aware of it by now.

Ie. I was helping new spawns yesterday, giving them food and drink, medical supplies and weapons.

All of them instanly threw their hands in the air shouting don't shoot - like they just waited for me to kill them. Others ran away shouting "Stay away I don't trust you!"

It lasted almost 10 minutes until a guy who I gave a gun shot me with it.

Of course I knew someone would betray me, that's just how the game is - you can't trust people.

Edited by Teho

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Game The community is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 


There I fixed it for you, because I see you have problems keeping them apart.

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...i have yet to find anyone who hasnt KoS unless they cant.

Your search is over.

Seen quite a few people even though I am a creature of the woodland, watched them through my scoped mosin but never so much as fired a shot at another player.


This weekend, on a server with just one other player, somehow our paths crossed at NEAF. I gave him my M4, 2x60 clips plus some loose rounds because he was looking for a weapon and I already had a mosin and magnum. No one got hurt and we went on our merry way.


If you want to KOS or if you believe that KOS is the only way to play this alpha then that's fine, each to their own.

Personally I'll play PS2 if I want to kos, there's a lot more action to be had in that game.

When it becomes harder to survive in DayZ maybe I'll change my tune... but I hope not.

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I just started seriously playing the game and there is something erriely apparent that encourages this type of behavior, the KOS mentality i mean. The exclusion of a 3rd active force working against all. See pretty much it's devided up into who "jerks" and those who aren't. The zombies aren't really much a threat, yet that is where it makes it an issue for players to actively be out there to harm each other because "Who else?". I'm not a designer or going to pretend to know the answer. The problem I do understand is the lack of a 3rd force that would make players work together or the use a situation to gain advantage to perhaps turn the tide or an opening for escape. Think about it, the threat of zombie infestation is pretty managable despite the suriviving humans murdering each other in masses, seeming never creating new hosts for zombies to arise. Now I'm not suggesting there be different types like Left 4 Dead type game but they rarely are an issue if not nothing more than a mere annoyance with one magically clipping through a wall. Until there is a 3rd or more active forces to encourage players to work together in some way (not just like getting sick), players will continue to make their own fun; which in this case is trolling the shit out of each other. I'm with a lot of other players, it is frustrating and it should be addressed but that doesn't mean that the solution is that you shouldn't head out to different areas of an already HUGE map.

Edited by Mabans

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There are way to many Players out there that are way to use to how DayZ was as a mod that they Continue to Ruin the game.  I have been SOS 30 times now when All i have is well A bag of rice.  They made this game More Interactive with more things to deal with such as colds and eventually camping and cooking food.  They added Handcuffs So instead of Killing players they use them and steel their Things Like a bandit  Is defined as  But yet players Wanna be A--Hats and Kill on sight Because OH That Bag of Rise is such a treat to me. If they want the food they can simply go up and ASK if then they do not or try to run away then Kill them or  wound them so U can take it and run.  Sadly with how the MOD was People play this like its Still Arma 2  or they play it like it is COD.

         Why I am writing this is to really rant right now because I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times by Players that are Stupid as all hell And because of that I uninstalled the game and will be working on getting a Refund because I can see this game being the same Trash that the mod was Because of the players.  Yes I enjoy PVP in games like this but I can not stand Getting killed by some guy When I have Nothing worth killing me over because 99% of the time I have no guns if anything a Shovel But OH WOW Whats a shovel going to do VS a player 100 feet away from me with a gun..........The game is full of this and Well because players/ People in general and really more so other gamer's are just complete Skilless pathetic Scrubs. They cant 1v1 someone so everyone kills others with nothing and somehow that makes them feel like they are pro. 


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 

You're a terrible gamer, lol.

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Your search is over.

Seen quite a few people even though I am a creature of the woodland, watched them through my scoped mosin but never so much as fired a shot at another player.


This weekend, on a server with just one other player, somehow our paths crossed at NEAF. I gave him my M4, 2x60 clips plus some loose rounds because he was looking for a weapon and I already had a mosin and magnum. No one got hurt and we went on our merry way.


If you want to KOS or if you believe that KOS is the only way to play this alpha then that's fine, each to their own.

Personally I'll play PS2 if I want to kos, there's a lot more action to be had in that game.

When it becomes harder to survive in DayZ maybe I'll change my tune... but I hope not.

Give a stranger gun and ammo for the gun. ...Brilliant

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Give a stranger gun and ammo for the gun. ...Brilliant

LoL - a stranger is just a friend you don't know yet!


Had the drop on him. Could have killed them without a sound but wanted to give the game a bit more meaning (for me anyways).

Just wanted to see how it would play out. Guess I got lucky, but I'd do it again.

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There are way to many Players out there that are way to use to how DayZ was as a mod that they Continue to Ruin the game.  I have been SOS 30 times now when All i have is well A bag of rice.  They made this game More Interactive with more things to deal with such as colds and eventually camping and cooking food.  They added Handcuffs So instead of Killing players they use them and steel their Things Like a bandit  Is defined as  But yet players Wanna be A--Hats and Kill on sight Because OH That Bag of Rise is such a treat to me. If they want the food they can simply go up and ASK if then they do not or try to run away then Kill them or  wound them so U can take it and run.  Sadly with how the MOD was People play this like its Still Arma 2  or they play it like it is COD.

         Why I am writing this is to really rant right now because I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times by Players that are Stupid as all hell And because of that I uninstalled the game and will be working on getting a Refund because I can see this game being the same Trash that the mod was Because of the players.  Yes I enjoy PVP in games like this but I can not stand Getting killed by some guy When I have Nothing worth killing me over because 99% of the time I have no guns if anything a Shovel But OH WOW Whats a shovel going to do VS a player 100 feet away from me with a gun..........The game is full of this and Well because players/ People in general and really more so other gamer's are just complete Skilless pathetic Scrubs. They cant 1v1 someone so everyone kills others with nothing and somehow that makes them feel like they are pro. 


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 



EH – I can just about understand what you are saying and give you the benefit of the doubt as its evident English is not your first language!

Coming from an expert I have no problem with PvP as I always win the encounter.

As for your comment ´skill-less game´ it requires utter and complete skill to play this – most gamers don’t have it, that’s why you are frustrated  and should go back to the skill-less COD.

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Dying is part of the game and hence so is frustration, it is called the anti-game for a reason. I personally have played the SA since 1 week after Alpha release and so far have only been KOS'ed 2 maybe 3 times. All other deaths were either from firefights that I started or hold ups where I refused to co-operate.

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Coming from an expert I have no problem with PvP as I always win the encounter.


Challenge accepted. Also shouldn't your nickname be cockyitch?  ;)

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1: Avoid big cities... ok, done that, now what? Should I live in the forest and go only to those boring hamlets where there is not even a zombie around?

2: Totally agree with this point. It was always my tactic too, always worked when freshly spawned

3: When you see players... observe them... only to see them log out after a minute or two

4: Scout and observe? Yeah done that, only to find a server hopper spawn behind you and bang bang bang

5: Makes sense

6: Avoid this, avoid that... Where is a poor fresh spawn supposed to get some decent gear? In Mogilevka? At a certain point you must go to the military areas.


I know the purpose of the game is to stay alive (technically) but it is also to have fun. If it is boring and is no fun... what game is it?

If you really hate PVP and KoS so much, why do you even need "decent gear". You don't need an M4 to survive. You need food, water and something to kill zombies with. It's very easy to stay alive in this game, if you actively try to avoid other players.

You must understand that military bases are KoS areas. Because its the logical thing to do. Every unknown at a military camp is a potential heavily armed enemy. And they might even take the loot you need. So better shoot them before they shoot you, or loot the barracks you were heading for.

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Seriously why is everyone bitching about KoS like its going to be like this forever? We're like a year away from beta guys...you do remember this right? I'm telling you, the high amount and frequency of KoSing is a rough phase right now until the zombie system gets a steroid injection.

Not to mention the whole KoSing element some of you complain about was an ADVERTISED ELEMENT OF THE GAME. Seriously, this isnt your grandma's "rooty tooty point n shooty" game. This is a very harsh environment survival game. If you cant handle the way it is right now, either adapt, or just accept the fact the alpha is a rough place right now until it is...ob i dont know...FINISHED?


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Op, when they release the bandit/hero mark on people you will know who is friendly and who is a bandit just by the way they look.

until then its a big death match zone since there is nothing to punish you for killing another player.


Also the reason people dont really use hand cufs on people is because at first sight of trouble people hit escape and quit the server. If the quitting wont end it will be impossible to arrest anyone ever.  

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